NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • HTTP Response Code
  • Helpers
  • Me
  • Admin
  • Category
  • Custom Field Master
  • DevOps
  • Form
  • Menu Card
  • Notification Log
  • Notification Template
  • Notification Template Tag
  • Notification Template Type
  • Organization
  • Permission
  • Rbac
  • Select Field Data
  • Settings Data
  • User Category
  • Ui Filter
  • User Permission
  • Models
  • Account Manager Organization(AMO)
  • Spreadsheet
  • Answer
  • Answer Code Submission
  • Assessment
  • Assessment Candidate
  • Assessment Candidate File
  • Assessment Category
  • Assessment Collaborator
  • Assessment Section
  • Assessment Section Candidate
  • Calendar
  • Candidate
  • Candidate Calendar
  • Candidate Education
  • Candidate Experience
  • Candidate File Attachment
  • Candidate Image
  • Category
  • Code Language
  • Custom Field Master
  • Display Picture
  • Evaluation
  • Evaluation Comment
  • Evaluation Rating
  • Event
  • Event Assessment
  • Event Candidate
  • Event User
  • External Assessment
  • Evaluation Invitation
  • File
  • File Type
  • File Upload
  • Form
  • Form Instance
  • Form Instance File
  • Live Attendee
  • Live Attendee Flash
  • Live Session
  • Menu Card
  • Menu Card Assessment
  • Notification Log
  • Notification Template
  • Notification Template Tag
  • Notification Template Type
  • Panel
  • Panel Candidate
  • Parameter
  • Pearson Assessment
  • Question
  • Question Skill
  • Section
  • Section Combined
  • Section Parameter
  • Section Question
  • Section Skill
  • Select Field Data
  • Select Field Type
  • Settings Allowed Value
  • Skill
  • Status Reason
  • User
  • User Calendar
  • Permission
  • Actions
  • Add Panel
  • Change Status
  • Create Assessment
  • Evaluate
  • Event Candidate Invite
  • Event Candidate Notify
  • Event Panel Notify
  • Extend Date
  • Invite
  • Live Cancel
  • Live Change Panel
  • Live Reminder
  • Live Schedule
  • Live Reschedule
  • Re Invite
  • Remind Candidate
  • Remind Panel
  • Section Workflow
  • Simulation Cancel
  • Simulation Reminder
  • Simulation Reschedule
  • Simulation Schedule
  • Mobile
  • Answer Recording (Mobile)
  • Answer (Mobile)
  • Answer File(Mobile)
  • Assessment Section (Mobile)
  • Assessment Section Candidate (Mobile)
  • Form Submission (Mobile)
  • File Upload
  • Form (Mobile)
  • Live Attendee (Mobile)
  • Live Session (Mobile)
  • Public Assessment Section (Mobile)
  • Question (Mobile)
  • Register (Mobile)
  • Select Field Data (Mobile)
  • Answer (Mobile)
  • Introduction

    The Talview API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP codes and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. We support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your secret credentials in any public website's client-side code). JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.

    There are some conventions followed throughout the API


    All Talview's API are versioned. The current API version is 4 . When we make backward-incompatible changes to API a new major version is released the new version is accessible at seperate endpoints. The previous version will continue to be accessible for existing customers and Talview will support your migration path to the new version


    All top-level API resources have support for bulk fetches via "list" API methods. For instance you can list candidates, list assessments, and list questions These list API methods share a common structure, taking at least these two parameters pageSize and page The following pagination information is included in all list requests using the HTTP headers

    Expanding Objects

    Many objects contain the ID of a related object in their response properties. For example, a Assessment may have an associated Status ID. Those objects can be expanded inline with the expand request parameter. Objects that can be expanded are noted in this documentation. This parameter is available on all API requests, and applies to the response of that request only.

    You can nest expand requests with the dot property. For example, requesting candidate.status on an invitation will expand the candidate property into a full Candidate object, and will then expand the status property on that candidate into a full status object.

    You can expand multiple objects at once by identifying multiple items in the expand array.


    Authenticate your account when using the API by including your secret API credentials in the request.
    Your API credentials carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your secret API credentials in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

    All API requests are authenticated using OAuth2 Protocol. There are many supported grant types in the OAuth2 specification. Talview API v4 supports two grant_types.

    Resource Owner Password Credentials

    A sample request

        POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
        Content-Type: application/json
            "grant_type": "password",
            "client_id": "YOUR CLIENT ID",
            "client_secret": "YOUR CLIENT SECRET",
            "username": "USERNAME",
            "password": "PASSWORD"

    Access Token sample output

          "access_token": "64d496c5ccd6e912746b827711d5102e67524dde",
          "expires_in": 86400,
          "token_type": "Bearer",
          "scope": null,
          "refresh_token": "1c816754927a03e231bc20828dd00c3e9c6f21f9"

    To acquire access token password grant type has to be used. Token can be refreshed using the refresh_token grant type by sending refresh token request. The request can have the parameters

    Field Type Description
    refresh_token (optional) String Refresh Token
    client_id String Client ID of the application
    client_secret String Client Secret of the application
    username String Username of the application
    password String Password of the application
    grant_type String Allowed values: refresh_token, password

    JSON Web Token (JWT)

    A sample http request for JWT

        POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
        Content-Type: application/json

    If the request is successful you will recieve a response in this format

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
           "token_type": "bearer",
           "scope": null

    The service provider application makes a two step/ two legged OAuth (2LO) handshake call to the API on behalf of the Service Account and the users are not directly part of this process unlike the Three legged user authentication mechanisms used in other API calls.

    Usually the service account is used to modify the service providers own data ( such as assessments etc.) rather than directly interact with user data. Once you Obtain the service provider client ID and private key from your Talview point of contact your application needs to execute this sequence of steps in order to make a request to Talview API

    1. Create a JSON Web Token (JWT) including a header, claim and a signature,
    2. Request for a Bearer Authorization token from Talview OAuth2 API authorization server
    3. Handle the response from Talview API server
    4. If the request is successful, then use the token to obtain access to resources on Talview API
    5. When the token expires, your application can make another JWT and requests another access token.

    The rest of this section describes the specifics of creating a JWT, signing the JWT, forming the access token request, and handling the response.

    Creating a JWT

    A JWT is composed of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. The header and payload are JSON objects. These JSON objects are serialized to UTF-8 bytes, then encoded using the Base64url encoding. This provides resilience against encoding changes due to repeated encoding operations. The header, payload, and signature are concatenated together with a period (.) character.

    A JWT is composed as: {Base64url encoded header}.{Base64url encoded payload}.{Base64url encoded signature}

    The base string for the signature is :

    {Base64url encoded header}.{Base64url encoded payload}

    Forming the JWT header

    The header consists of two fields that indicate the signing algorithm and the format of the assertion. Both fields are mandatory, and each field has only one value. As additional algorithms and formats are introduced, this header will change accordingly. Service accounts rely on the RSA SHA-256 algorithm and the JWT token format. As a result, the JSON representation of the header is :


    The Base64url representation of this is :


    Forming the JWT payload

    The JWT payload contains information about the JWT, including the permissions being requested (scopes), the target of the token, the issuer, the time the token was issued, and the lifetime of the token. Most of the fields are mandatory. Like the JWT header, the JWT claim set is a JSON object and is used in the calculation of the signature.

    Required claims : The required claims are as below, they may appear in any order in the claim set.

    Name Description
    iss The email address of the service account
    scope A space-delimited list of the permissions that the application requests
    aud A descriptor of the intended target of the assertion. When making an access token request this value is always
    exp The expiration time of the assertion, specified as seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (UNIX epoch time). This value has a maximum of 24 hour after the issued time.
    iat The time the assertion was issued, specified as seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (UNIX epoch time)

    Like the JWT header, the JWT payload should be serialized to UTF-8 and Base64url-safe encoded.

    A example of a JWT payload

            "iss":" ",  
            "scope": "section evaluation invitation",  
            "aud":" ", 
            "exp": 1451937316,
            "iat": 1451937316

    Computing the signature

    The JWT header and payload is signed using the JSON web signature JWS. The input for the signature is the byte array of the content:

    {Base64url encoded header}.{Base64url encoded claim set}

    The signing algorithm in the JWT header must be used when computing the signature. Talview currently supports the RSA method using SHA-256 hashing algorithm. This is expressed as RS256 in the alg field in the JWT header. Sign the UTF-8 representation of the input using SHA256withRSA (also known as RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN with the SHA-256 hash function) with the private key obtained from your account manager. The output will be a byte array. The signature must then be Base64url encoded. The header, payload, and signature are concatenated together with a period (.) character. The result is the JWT. It should be {Base64url encoded header}. {Base64url encoded claim set}. {Base64url encoded signature}

    An example of a JWT before Base64url encoding:

            "iss":" ",  
            "scope": "section evaluation invitation",  
            "aud":" token ", 
            "exp": 1451937316,
            "iat": 1451937316
        [signature bytes]

    Making the access token request

    After generating the signed JWT, your application can use it to request an access token. This access token request is an HTTPS POST request, and the body is URL encoded. The request needs to be made to the token url: These parameters are required in the HTTPS POST request:

    Name Description
    grant_type Use the string (URL-encoded as necessary): urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
    assertion The JWT, including signature.

    Access tokens usually expire in 1 hour and can be reused as many times as required until the time they expire. On expiry a fresh JWT token needs to be generated and a fresh access token needs to be generated.

    The 2 stepped authentication, is the standard the Oauth 2.0 JWT token generation and authorization mechanism, there are existing libraries in your language/framework of choice which has already implemented this authorization mechanism for you, refer to your language / framework documentation for configuring the same.

    HTTP Response Code

    A request with error

        GET /some-end-point
        Accept: application/json
        Content-Type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer TOKEN

    If the response has error, it will be in the following format with error suppression off

        HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
        Content-Type: application/json
            "name": "Bad Request",
            "message": "Error message",
            "code": 0,
            'status': 400

    With error suppression the same request will be

        GET /some-end-point?suppress_error_code=true
        Accept: application/json
        Content-Type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer TOKEN

    the response will be

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Content-Type: application/json
          "success": false,
          "data": {
            "name": "Bad Request",
            "message": "Error message",
            "code": 0,
            "status": 400

    Talview uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted etc), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with our servers (these are rare). The following error codes are used in the application

    HTTP Code Description
    200 OK. Everything worked as expected.
    201 A resource was successfully created in response to a POST request. The Location header contains the URL pointing to the newly created resource.
    204 The request was handled successfully and the response contains no body content (like a DELETE request)
    304 The resource was not modified. You can use the cached version.
    400 Bad request. This could be caused by various actions by the user, such as providing invalid JSON data in the request body, providing invalid action parameters, etc.
    401 Authentication failed.
    403 The authenticated user is not allowed to access the specified API endpoint.
    404 The requested resource does not exist.
    405 Method not allowed. Please check the Allow header for the allowed HTTP methods.
    415 Unsupported media type. The requested content type or version number is invalid.
    422 Data validation failed (in response to a POST request, for example). Please check the response body for detailed error messages.
    429 Too many requests. The request was rejected due to rate limiting.
    500 Internal server error. This could be caused by internal program errors.

    Supressing Error Codes

    HTTP Code Suppression

    If the client does not support HTTP error codes the suppress_response_code parameter can be used to suppress error code in HTTP response.

    Suppress error response codes using the suppress_error_code parameter


    Collection of helpers API endpoints

    Profile Image Placeholder

    This end point generates image for a given text. Currently only FiraMono-Bold monospace font is supported

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Comments
    text String Yes The text to be generated as image
    fillColor String No Hex Code for foreground text color
    bgColor String No Hex Code for background color
    x Integer No Starting point of the text on x axis max: 1024
    y Integer No Starting point of the text on y axis max: 1024
    height Integer No Image height max: 1024
    width Integer No Image width max: 1024
    fSize Integer No Font Size of the text


    Will generate

    List All Settings

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Timezone",
        "description": "Timezone",
        "constrained": true,
        "data_type": null,
        "min_value": null,
        "max_value": null
        "id": 16,
        "name": "template-261",
        "description": null,
        "constrained": true,
        "data_type": null,
        "min_value": null,
        "max_value": null

    End point for listing all types of allowed setting types such as timezone , user preference , colors, optional configurations. Some settings are constrained, i.e. can take be set to preset values, rest are unconstrained and can be set between min and max values

    Get A Setting

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Timezone",
        "description": "Timezone",
        "constrained": true,
        "data_type": null,
        "min_value": null,
        "max_value": null

    Endpoint for getting a single setting

    List All setting allowed values

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample Response

        "id": 143,
        "settings_id": 1,
        "item_value": "Pacific/Midway",
        "caption": "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa",
        "created_at": "2015-05-12 18:24:32+00",
        "updated_at": null
        "id": 144,
        "settings_id": 1,
        "item_value": "America/Adak",
        "caption": "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii-Aleutian",
        "created_at": "2015-05-12 18:24:32+00",
        "updated_at": null

    End point for listing all allowed values for a setting. This end point is applicable only for settings of type constrained. If the settings is not constrained the response will be an empty array

    Get a setting allowed value

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample Response

        "id": 143,
        "settings_id": 1,
        "item_value": "Pacific/Midway",
        "caption": "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa",
        "created_at": "2015-05-12 18:24:32+00",
        "updated_at": null

    Endpoint for getting a single setting allowed value for a given setting. Note the endpoint is nested within the settings end point


    Collection of actions for configuration and settings for the authenticated user i.e. self

    The ME Object

        "id": 41,
        "external_id": "vikas",
        "username": "",
        "name": "vikas2",
        "location": "India",
        "is_common_login": true,
        "email": "",
        "roles": [
          "Account Manager",
          "Content Manager",
          "Hiring Manager",
          "Master Hiring Manager",
          "Master Recruiter",
        "organization_id": 2,
        "phone": null,
        "current_role": "Account Manager",
        "status": 10,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": "2020-12-06 16:34:12+00",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "logged_in_at": "2020-12-06 16:34:12+00",
        "logged_in_from": "",
        "gravatarLink": "",
        "appState": null,
        "profilePicUrl": null,
        "defaultLocale": "en-US",
        "countryCode": null,
        "password_reset_token": "",
        "isPrivacyAccepted": true,
        "isTermsAccepted": true,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/user/me"
          "permissions": {
            "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
          "settings_data": {
            "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
          "index": {
            "href": "/user"
          "metrics": {
            "href": "/user/metrics/41"
          "categories": {
            "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
          "busyCalendar": {
            "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1607272473"
          "liveCalendar": {
            "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1607272473"
          "availability": {
            "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1607272473"
          "userProfilePic": {
            "href": "/user/display-picture"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id string The external id of the user
    username string The name of the user
    name string The profile name of the user
    location string The location of the user
    is_common_login boolen if true, common login for the user is allowed
    email string The email of the user
    roles array The roles of the user
    organization_id integer The organization_id of the user
    phone numeric The phone number of the user
    current_role string The current role of the user
    status integer The status of the user
    logged_in_at datetime The time when the user last logged in
    logged_in_from string The IP address from which the user logged in
    gravatarLink string The user profile gravatar link
    appState json The appState object set to the user
    profilePicUrl string The url of the user profile picture
    defaultLocale string The default locale of the user
    countryCode string The country code of the user
    password_reset_token string The user password reset token
    isPrivacyAccepted boolean Whether the user has accepted the talview privacy policy(true) or not(false)
    isTermsAccepted boolean Whether the user has accepted the talview terms and conditions(true) or not(false)

    List of user status

    status status_id
    NEW 10
    ACTIVE 20


    This endpoint retrieves info about me

    Get state of current user

      GET /user/me HTTP/1.1
      Authorization: Bearer token

    the response object will look like

        "id": 41,
        "external_id": "vikas",
        "username": "",
        "name": "vikas2",
        "location": "India",
        "is_common_login": true,
        "email": "",
        "roles": [
          "Account Manager",
          "Content Manager",
          "Hiring Manager",
          "Master Hiring Manager",
          "Master Recruiter",
        "organization_id": 2,
        "phone": null,
        "current_role": "Account Manager",
        "status": 10,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": "2020-12-06 16:34:12+00",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "logged_in_at": "2020-12-06 16:34:12+00",
        "logged_in_from": "",
        "gravatarLink": "",
        "appState": null,
        "profilePicUrl": null,
        "defaultLocale": "en-US",
        "countryCode": null,
        "password_reset_token": "",
        "isPrivacyAccepted": true,
        "isTermsAccepted": true,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/user/me"
          "permissions": {
            "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
          "settings_data": {
            "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
          "index": {
            "href": "/user"
          "metrics": {
            "href": "/user/metrics/41"
          "categories": {
            "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
          "busyCalendar": {
            "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1607272473"
          "liveCalendar": {
            "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1607272473"
          "availability": {
            "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1607272473"
          "userProfilePic": {
            "href": "/user/display-picture"

    HTTP Request


    This request does not support query parameters

    Update Me

    This end point updates the authenticated user

    PUT /user/me HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response

      "id": 41,
      "external_id": "vikas",
      "username": "",
      "name": "vikas2",
      "location": "India",
      "is_common_login": true,
      "email": "",
      "roles": [
        "Account Manager",
        "Content Manager",
        "Hiring Manager",
        "Master Hiring Manager",
        "Master Recruiter",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "phone": null,
      "current_role": "Account Manager",
      "status": 10,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2020-12-06T12:45:46+00:00",
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "logged_in_at": "2020-12-06 12:45:31+00",
      "logged_in_from": "",
      "gravatarLink": "",
      "appState": null,
      "profilePicUrl": null,
      "defaultLocale": "en-US",
      "countryCode": null,
      "isPrivacyAccepted": true,
      "isTermsAccepted": true,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/user/me"
        "permissions": {
          "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
        "settings_data": {
          "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
        "index": {
          "href": "/user"
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/user/metrics/41"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
        "busyCalendar": {
          "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1607258746"
        "liveCalendar": {
          "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1607258746"
        "availability": {
          "href": "/user/me/calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1607258746"
        "userProfilePic": {
          "href": "/user/display-picture"

    The update me request can have these body parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Comments Default Value
    external_id String NO the external id of the user NO
    status Integer NO the status of the user 20
    phone String NO the phone number of the user NO
    location String NO the location of user NO
    current_role String NO the current role of the user NO
    cf JSON String NO custom field object for the user NO
    name String NO the user profile name NO
    appState JSON String NO the appState to set for the user NO
    roles String NO the roles of the user. The list of allowed roles defined below NO
    is_common_login Boolean NO enable/disable common login true
    isSingleSignOn Boolean NO enable/disable SSO sign on false
    username Email NO the name of the user, must be unique NO
    email Email No the email of the user, must be unique NO
    countryCode String NO the country code of the user NO
    isPrivacyAccepted Boolean NO whether the user has accepted talview privacy policy false
    isTermsAccepted Boolean NO whether the user has accepted talview terms and conditions false

    List of allowed roles

    Master Recruiter

    Update Password

    POST /user/me/update-password HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response


    The update password request requires these body parameters. All parameters are mandatory

    Parameter Type Mandatory Comments
    current_password String Yes the current password of the user
    new_password String Yes the updated password
    new_passowrd_repeat String Yes the updated password repeated

    Validation Errors

    Field Type
    current_password Invalid current password
    new_password This is a weak password, Please set stronger password for your account
    new_password Your new password is same as the old password. Please use another password
    new_password new_password_repeat does not match new_password

    Password Strength

        POST /user/me/password-strength HTTP/1.1
        Authorization: Bearer token
        Content-Type: application/json
            "password": "eight wide field"

    Sample response

        "score": 4

    The strength of potential new password is validated. The strength is calculates taking into account attributes such as name, email current password . The password strength request requires these body parameters. All parameters are mandatory

    Parameter Type Mandatory Comments
    password String Yes password for which strength needs to be validated

    There are no custom validation errors for this request

    Get 2 Factor Token

        GET /user/me/generate-otp-uri HTTP/1.1
        Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response

            "qr-code": "",
            "secret": "I5BECQZTLBFE2USXKVETCRBWJE"

    The two factor registration token request for enabling two factor authentication for the user. The qr code image url generates a totp request which can be read by apps supporting TOTP protocol such as Google Authenticator. There are no parameters supported for this request

    List Settings Data

    GET /user/me/settings_data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response

            "id": 46,
            "settings_id": 2,
            "settings_allowed_value_id": 131,
            "value": "39",
            "unconstrained_value": null,
            "created_at": "2015-04-27 12:54:48+05:30",
            "updated_at": null

    Endpoint for all settings for the user currently applied. Settings applied is cascaded. User settings inherit Organization which in turn inherit application settings. Settings can be expanded or interacted with directly at (Settings) [#]

    Get a single setting datum

    GET /user/me/settings_data/46 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Sample response

            "id": 46,
            "settings_id": 2,
            "settings_allowed_value_id": 131,
            "value": "39",
            "unconstrained_value": null,
            "created_at": "2015-04-27 12:54:48+05:30",
            "updated_at": null

    Endpoint for specific settings by id



    The category endpoint lists the categories that belongs to an organization.

    The Category Object

      "id": 12,
      "external_id": "421",
      "name": "anony",
      "type": 3,
      "created_at": "2019-12-02 12:29:59+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-03 05:29:52+00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": true,
      "organization_id": 2
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the Category
    type integer The type of the Category. Find the list of types below.
    is_deleted boolean if true the category is deleted
    organization_id integer the organization id to whom the category belongs
    external_id text the external id of the Category
    Key Value

    List all Category

    GET admin/organization/2/category HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 12,
        "external_id": "421",
        "name": "anony",
        "type": 3,
        "created_at": "2019-12-02 12:29:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-03 05:29:52+00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "organization_id": 2
        "id": 12,
        "external_id": "421",
        "name": "anony",
        "type": 3,
        "created_at": "2019-12-02 12:29:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-03 05:29:52+00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "organization_id": 2

    This endpoint returns all the details of categories.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text false Filter records based on Category name
    type integer false Filter records based on type of the Category
    is_deleted boolean false if passed true, returns the deleted categories
    oid integer true the organization id for whom the category belongs
    s text false filters by text in name

    Retrieve a Category

    GET admin/organization/<oid>/category/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 12,
        "external_id": "421",
        "name": "anony",
        "type": 3,
        "created_at": "2019-12-02 12:29:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-03 05:29:52+00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "organization_id": 2

    This endpoint retrieves a category based on the id passed

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Category

    POST admin/organization/<oid>/category HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "name": "category-test"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 12,
        "external_id": "421",
        "name": "anony",
        "type": 3,
        "created_at": "2019-12-02 12:29:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-03 05:29:52+00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "organization_id": 2

    This endpoint creates a new category..

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text true The name of the category
    type integer false The type of the category

    Update an Category

    PUT admin/organization/<oid>/category/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT request

     "name": "test-category",
     "type": 1

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 12,
        "external_id": "421",
        "name": "anony",
        "type": 3,
        "created_at": "2019-12-02 12:29:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-03 05:29:52+00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "organization_id": 2

    Updates the category with the requested parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Delete a Category

    DELETE /admin/organization/<oid>/category/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer toke

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing Category.

    HTTP Request


    Custom Field Master

    An organization's custom fields.

    The Custom Field Master Object

        "id": 487,
        "type": 2,
        "sort_order": null,
        "data_type": null,
        "is_report": null,
        "label": "today",
        "key": "today test",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-23 11:06:38+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "updated_by": 30023,
        "created_at": "2019-10-23 11:04:18+05:30",
        "is_hidden": false,
        "is_deleted": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    type smallint Describes whether candidate or assessment type
    sort_order smallint The sort order value for custom field master
    is_report boolean Whether the report is available
    label text The label for the custom field
    key varchar Key for the upstream system
    is_hidden boolean type if true, the custom field master is hiddeni
    is_deleted boolean If true, the customer field master is deleted

    List all Custom Field Master

    GET /admin/organization/<oid>/custom-field-master HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 487,
        "type": 2,
        "sort_order": null,
        "data_type": null,
        "is_report": null,
        "label": "today",
        "key": "today test",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-23 11:06:38+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "updated_by": 30023,
        "created_at": "2019-10-23 11:04:18+05:30",
        "is_hidden": false,
        "is_deleted": false

    Returns all the details of custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the custom field master
    id integer false Filter based on id
    ids array of id false filters by the ids provided
    type smallint false Filter based on type
    label varchar false Filter based on label
    key varchar false Filter based on key
    is_deleted boolean false if true, deleted custom field masters will be retrieved

    Retrieve a Custom Field Master

    GET /models/custom-field-master/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 487,
        "type": 2,
        "sort_order": null,
        "data_type": null,
        "is_report": null,
        "label": "today",
        "key": "today test",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-23 11:06:38+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "updated_by": 30023,
        "created_at": "2019-10-23 11:04:18+05:30",
        "is_hidden": false,
        "is_deleted": false

    Retrieve a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the custom filed master
    id integer true Filter based on id

    Create a Custom Field Master

    POST /admin/organization/<oid>/custom-field-master HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Body :

        "id": 487,
        "type": 2,
        "sort_order": null,
        "data_type": null,
        "is_report": null,
        "label": "today",
        "key": "today test",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-23 11:06:38+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "updated_by": 30023,
        "created_at": "2019-10-23 11:04:18+05:30",
        "is_hidden": false,
        "is_deleted": false

    The above command returns : 201 Created

    Adds a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type isOptional Description
    type integer false The type of the custom field master. The allowed types are mentioned below
    label text false The label of the custom field
    key text false Key for the upstream system
    sort_order smallint false The sort order value for custom field master
    is_report boolean true Whether the report is available


    Key Value

    Update a Custom Field Master

    PUT /organization/<oid>/custom-field-master/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns :

        "id": 487,
        "type": 2,
        "sort_order": null,
        "data_type": null,
        "is_report": null,
        "label": "today",
        "key": "today test",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-23 11:06:38+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "updated_by": 30023,
        "created_at": "2019-10-23 11:04:18+05:30",
        "is_hidden": false,
        "is_deleted": false

    Updates a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type is Optional Description
    oid integer false the organization ifd of the custom field master
    id integer false The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type isOptional Description
    type integer true Describes whether candidate or assessment type
    label text true The label of the custom field
    key text true Key for the upstream system
    sort_order smallint true The sort order value for custom field master
    is_hidden boolean true if true, the custom field master is hiddeni
    is_deleted boolean true If true, the customer field master is deleted

    Delete a Custom Field Master

    DELETE /admin/organization/<oid>/custom-field-masterin/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns : 204 No Content

    Delete a custom field master.

    HTTP Request



    The DevOps endpoint contains the following actions :
    1. TbiGenerate - to generate Tbi report for assessment candidates
    2. Process Async - to convert asynchronous videos manually
    3. ProcessSpt - to generate speech to text for assessment candidates

    The TbiGenerate action

    POST /admin/dev-ops/tbi-generate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:


    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "response": "TBI report is getting processed"

    This endpoint generates the TBI report for a candidate who has completed the assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    assessment_candidate_id integer false The id of the invite(assessment_candidate)
    role text true Configuration name for Tbi report generation
    text Boolean true If true, the report will be generated for the assessment candidates for whom the answer has text(converted by spt service)

    The ProcessSpt action

    POST /admin/dev-ops/process-spt HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    This endpoint processes the answers of an assessment candidate and converts the speech in the answer to text.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    assessmentCandidates array Integer false
    force boolean true The flag to run spt

    Process Async

    The endpoint is used to convert asynchronous videos manually.

    POST /admin/dev-ops/process-async HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "candidate_id": 5545420

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "response": "Conversion in progress"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameter

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    candidate_id integer true candidate id for which the answer videos needs to be converted


    The Form endpoint is used to perform CRUD on form.

    The Form Object

      "id": 6,
      "name": "form3",
      "structure": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Assessment form",
          "fields": {
            "1": {
              "id": "cf_fn_name",
              "name": "fname",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "First Name",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "2": {
              "id": "cf_ln_name",
              "name": "lname",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Last Name",
              "autocomplete": "on"
          "expandable": false
      "url": "custom-url",
      "type": 1,
      "status": null,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "fieldKeys": [],
      "is_public": null,
      "article_id": null,
      "custom_url": "custom-url",
      "position_id": null,
      "organization_id": "3",
      "is_editable": null,
      "created_at": "2019-12-16T12:15:50+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-16T12:15:50+00:00",
      "is_deleted": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the Form
    structure jsonb The structure of the Form in Json format
    url text The url of for the Form
    type smallint The type of Form. Example: Evaluation Form, Feedback From etc. The Form Type are listed below
    status smallint The status of the Form
    start_date timestamptz The date and time from when the Form is active
    end_date timestamptz The date and time from when the Form is deactivate
    fieldKeys jsonb It describes the required field in the form and is in Json format
    is_public boolean States whether the form is public or not
    custom_url text The url for the custom Forms
    organization_id integer The id of the Organization
    is_editable boolean States whether the Form is editable or
    article_id integer the article_id of thr form
    position_id integer the position_id of the form
    is_deleted boolean if true, the model is deleted

    List of Form Types:

    Form Types Key Description
    Web 1 Web Form
    Evaluation 2 Evaluation Form
    Assessment Candidate 3 Assessment Candidate Form
    Feedback 4 Feedback Form
    Requisition 5 Requisition Form
    Assessment Feedback 6 Assessment Feedback Form
    Fitment 7 Fitment Form
    Background Check Submission 8 Background Check Submission Form
    Candidate Verification 9 Candidate Verification Form
    On Boarding 10 On Boarding Form
    Offer Prepare 11 Offer Prepare Form
    Offer Candidate 12 Offer Candidate Form
    Offer Make 13 Offer Make Form
    Background Check Info Request 14 Background Check Info Request Form
    On Boarding User 15 On Boarding User Form
    On Boarding Candidate 16 On Boarding Candidate Form
    Candidate Data 17 Candidate Data Form
    Custom Assessment Section Candidate 18 Custom Assessment Section Candidate Form
    Event Registration 19 Form to register an event

    List all Forms

    GET admin/organization/2/form HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6,
        "name": "form3",
        "structure": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Assessment form",
            "fields": {
                "1": {
                "id": "cf_fn_name",
                "name": "fname",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "First Name",
                "autocomplete": "on"
                "2": {
                "id": "cf_ln_name",
                "name": "lname",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "Last Name",
                "autocomplete": "on"
            "expandable": false
        "url": "custom-url",
        "type": 1,
        "status": null,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "fieldKeys": [],
        "is_public": null,
        "article_id": null,
        "custom_url": "custom-url",
        "position_id": null,
        "organization_id": "3",
        "is_editable": null,
        "created_at": "2019-12-16T12:15:50+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-16T12:15:50+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint returns the details of all forms

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the form
    id integer false filters record by the id passed
    ids array of ids false filter records by multiple ids
    name text false The name of the Form
    type smallint false The type of Form. Example: Evaluation Form, Feedback From etc. The Form Type are listed below
    article_id integer false The id of the CMS [Article]
    is_deleted boolean false if passed true, deleted models will be retrieved

    Create a Form

    POST admin/organization/2/form HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "type": 1,
        "structure": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Assessment form",
                "fields": {
                    "1": {
                        "id": "cf_fn_name",
                        "name": "fname",
                        "type": "text",
                        "label": "First Name",
                        "autocomplete": "on"
                    "2": {
                        "id": "cf_ln_name",
                        "name": "lname",
                        "type": "text",
                        "label": "Last Name",
                        "autocomplete": "on"
                "expandable": false
        "name": "form3",
        "fieldKeys": [
            "First Name",
            "Last Name",
        "custom_url": "custom-url"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:
    Please refer to sample response above

    This endpoint creates a form.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the form

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text true The name of the Form
    type smallint true The type of Form. Example: Evaluation Form, Feedback From etc. The Form Type are listed above
    structure array ofobjects false structure of the form
    url text false the url to the form
    status integer false the status f the form
    is_public boolean false describes if the form public
    custom_url text false the custom url to the form
    is_editable boolean false if the form editable

    Update a Form

    PUT admin/organization/2/form/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "name": "form4"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6,
        "name": "form3",
        "structure": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Assessment form",
            "fields": {
                "1": {
                "id": "cf_fn_name",
                "name": "fname",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "First Name",
                "autocomplete": "on"
                "2": {
                "id": "cf_ln_name",
                "name": "lname",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "Last Name",
                "autocomplete": "on"
            "expandable": false

    This endpoint updates a specific form.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the form
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the form
    name text true The name of the Form
    type smallint true The type of Form. Example: Evaluation Form, Feedback From etc. The Form Type are listed above
    structure array of objects false structure of the form
    url text false the url to the form
    status integer false the status of the form
    is_public boolean false describes if the form public
    custom_url text false the custom url to the form
    is_editable boolean false if the form editable

    Delete a Form

    DELETE admin/organization/<oid>/form/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes a specific form.

    HTTP Request


    Menu Card

    The endpoint is used to do CRUD on Menu Card. Menu Cards are job carts where assessments can be added and shared publicly.

    The Menu Card Object

      "id": 1,
      "is_private": null,
      "name": "test-menu-card",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "description": "menu-card-description",
      "starts_at": null,
      "code": 64399250,
      "ends_at": null,
      "organization_id": "2",
      "created_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false,
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_private boolean Status whether Menu Card is private or not
    name string The name of the Menu Card
    imageUrl string The url for the Organization logo
    description string The description of the Menu Card
    starts_at timestamptz The date and time from when the Menu Card Assessment is active
    code integer Random Code generated from the backend
    ends_at timestamptz The date and time when the Menu Card expires
    organization_id integer The id of the Organization for whom the Menu Card belongs to
    created_by integer The id of User who created the Menu Card
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the Menu Card
    is_deleted boolean If true, menu card is deleted

    List Menu Card

    GET admin/organization/2/menu-card HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1,
      "is_private": null,
      "name": "test-menu-card",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "description": "menu-card-description",
      "starts_at": null,
      "code": 64399250,
      "ends_at": null,
      "organization_id": "2",
      "created_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false,

    This endpoint returns all the details of the menu cards.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    oid integer false The organization of the Menu Card
    id integer true Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer true Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    code intger true Filter records by given code
    is_deleted boolean true if passed true, filters deleted records
    s text true filters by text in name and code

    Retrieve a Menu Card

    GET admin/organization/2/menu-card/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1,
      "is_private": null,
      "name": "test-menu-card",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "description": "menu-card-description",
      "starts_at": null,
      "code": 64399250,
      "ends_at": null,
      "organization_id": "2",
      "created_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false,

    This endpoint retrieves a Menu Card based on the id passed

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true The organization of the Menu Card
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Menu Card

    POST admin/organization/2/menu-card HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "name": "test-menu-card",
        "description": "menu-card-description"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1,
      "is_private": null,
      "name": "test-menu-card",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "description": "menu-card-description",
      "starts_at": null,
      "code": 64399250,
      "ends_at": null,
      "organization_id": "2",
      "created_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-11-28T00:56:29+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false,

    This endpoint creates a new Menu Card..

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text true The name of the Menu Card
    is_private boolean false Status whether Menu Card is private or not
    description string false The description of the Menu Card
    starts_at timestamptz false The date and time from when the Menu Card Assessment is active
    ends_at timestamptz false The date and time when the Menu Card expires

    Update an Menu Card

    PUT admin/organization/2/menu-card/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT request


    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1,
      "is_private": true,
      "name": "test-menu-card",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "description": "menu-card-description",
      "starts_at": "2019-11-28 00:56:30+00",
      "code": "64399250",
      "ends_at": "2019-11-28 00:56:30+00",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "created_at": "2019-11-28 00:56:29+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-11-28T01:17:41+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false,

    Updates the Menu Card with the requested parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Delete a Menu Card

    DELETE /admin/organization/2/menu-card/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer toke

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing Menu Card.

    HTTP Request


    Notification Log

    The Notification Log endpoint gives the details of the notifications that have been sent to a candidate/recruiter/panel. By default the logged in user can view all the notifications sent for the past 1 hour irrespective of the organization. Organization specific notification logs can be viewed using query filters.

    The Notification Log object

        "id": 2889368,
        "to_address": "",
        "cc_address": null,
        "assessment_id": 727354,
        "bcc_address": null,
        "content": "<p>Dear,\n</p>....................................",
        "subject": "Activate your Talview account\n",
        "created_at": "2019-10-18 16:25:24+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "sent_by": null,
        "notification_template_type_id": 108,
        "updated_at": "2019-10-18 16:25:24+05:30",
        "status": "enqueued",
        "scheduled_at": "2019-10-18 16:30:50+05:30",
        "sent_at": "2019-10-18 16:30:50+05:30",
        "read_at": null,
        "from_address": "Cognizant <>",
        "type_id": 108,
        "organization_id": 496,
        "candidate_id": null,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "_links": {
           "assessment": {
               "href": "/models/assessment/view"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    to_address email the address to whom the email will be sent
    cc_address email CC address
    assessment_id integer the id of the assessment
    bcc_address email BCC address
    content text The content of notification template
    subject text The subject of the notification template
    created_at timestamptz The time when the notification was created
    created_by integer The id of the user who created the notificarion
    sent_by integer The id of the user who has sent the notification
    notification_template_type_id integer The id of the notification template type
    updated_at timestamptz The time when the notification template type was updated
    status integer The status of the notification
    scheduled_at timestamptz The time when the assessment was scheduled
    sent_at timestamptz The time when the the notification was sent
    read_at timestamptz The time when the notification was read by the receiver
    from_address email The email address of the sender
    type_id integer The type id
    organization_id Integer The identifier of the organization
    candidate_id Integer The identifier of the candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id Integer The identifier of the assessment section candidate
    assessment_candidate_id Integer true
    assessment_id integer true

    List all Notification Log

    GET /admin/notification-log HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2889368,
        "to_address": "",
        "cc_address": null,
        "assessment_id": 727354,
        "bcc_address": null,
        "content": "<p>Dear,\n</p>....................................",
        "subject": "Activate your Talview account\n",
        "created_at": "2019-10-18 16:25:24+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "sent_by": null,
        "notification_template_type_id": 108,
        "updated_at": "2019-10-18 16:25:24+05:30",
        "status": "enqueued",
        "scheduled_at": "2019-10-18 16:30:50+05:30",
        "sent_at": "2019-10-18 16:30:50+05:30",
        "read_at": null,
        "from_address": "Cognizant <>",
        "type_id": 108,
        "organization_id": 496,
        "candidate_id": null,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "_links": {
           "assessment": {
               "href": "/models/assessment/view"

    This endpoint returns all the details of notification logs for all the organizations.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    type_id integer true Filter records based on id
    status Text true Filter records based on status of the notification
    organization_id Integer true Filter records based on the organization_id
    from date true Will display records greater than or equal to the given date
    to date true Will display records lesser than or equal to the given date
    assessment_id Integer true Filter records based on the assessment_id
    s text true Filter records based on to_address, subject, content, from_address
    pageSize Integer true Displays records according to the page size given
    candidate_id Integer true Filter records based on the candidate id
    assessment_section_candidate_id Integer true Filter records based on the assessment section candidate id
    assessment_candidate_id Integer true Filter records based on the assessment candidate id
    label text true Filter based on the label of notification template type

    View one Notification Log

    GET /admin/notification-log/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2889368,
        "to_address": "",
        "cc_address": null,
        "assessment_id": 727354,
        "bcc_address": null,
        "content": "<p>Dear,\n</p>....................................",
        "subject": "Activate your Talview account\n",
        "created_at": "2019-10-18 16:25:24+05:30",
        "created_by": 30023,
        "sent_by": null,
        "notification_template_type_id": 108,
        "updated_at": "2019-10-18 16:25:24+05:30",
        "status": "enqueued",
        "scheduled_at": "2019-10-18 16:30:50+05:30",
        "sent_at": "2019-10-18 16:30:50+05:30",
        "read_at": null,
        "from_address": "Cognizant <>",
        "type_id": 108,
        "organization_id": 496,
        "candidate_id": null,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "_links": {
           "assessment": {
               "href": "/models/assessment/view"

    This endpoint returns the details of notification log for a particular id.

    HTTP Request


    Re-Send Notification

    PATCH /admin/notification-log/<id>/resend HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    data : {

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 4,
      "to_address": "",
      "cc_address": null,
      "assessment_id": 2,
      "bcc_address": null,
      "content": "<p>Dear xllri elece,\n</p><p>You have been invited to attend an interview for the position of All Sections. Last date to complete the assessment is Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 12:00:00 AM India Standard Time.\n</p><p>\n</p><p>In case this is the first time you are attending an assessment from Talview you can refer to the <a href=\"\">Candidate Guide</a>. You can also attend a <strong>Practice Assessment</strong> by downloading the mobile app from <a href=\"\">Play Store (Android)</a>/<a href=\";mt=8\">Apple iTunes</a> and use the Demo Interview option. Please refer to the notes at the end of the mail for more details.\n</p><p>Once you are ready to take your official assessment please enter the verification code below in the app using Enter Code option in the home page.\n</p><p>Your verification code is <strong>318751043 </strong>\n</p><p>You can also scan <strong><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" /></strong>\n</p><p>\n</p><p>Alternatively if you want to attend the assessment from your laptop or desktop computer or if your assessment is not supported on mobile click 'Attend' link below and enter the code above. Please note that you can use this link only once.\n</p><p><a href=\"\">Attend</a>\n</p><p>Kindly call +91-80-6741-4716 or raise the support ticket using  <a href=\"\">Raise Support Ticket</a> in case of any assistance with your assessment at the time of taking the assessment itself.\n</p><p><strong>Important Notes:</strong><br />\n</p><ol>\n\t<li>You must have an active Internet connection with a minimum speed of 256 Kbps and front camera to attend the assessment from smartphone or webcam, a microphone and speakers / headphones in order to attend the assessment from laptop or desktop.</li>\n\t<li>If you are attending the assessment from laptop or desktop computer, please use a good quality microphone ; inbuilt mic in laptop can be used but do not use mobile phone mic.</li>\n\t<li>Ensure that you complete it in advance to avoid last minutes technical snags.</li>\n\t<li>If you do not have a Android Smartphone to do the practice assessment you can click <a href=\"\">here</a> to complete it from your laptop or desktop computer.</li>\n\t<li>The mobile applications only support Asynchronous or Automated Video Interviews and Video Proctored Objective Test. If you get a \"Not Supported\" message on entering the verification code in the mobile application or you have been specifically instructed by the prospective employer that the assessment is to write an essay or a code test, you need to use a laptop or desktop computer for the same.</li>\n\t<li>The list of supported browsers are Google Chrome (Latest Version) (49+), Mozilla Firefox (Latest Version) (21+), Internet Explorer (11+) and Microsoft Edge.</li>\n</ol><p>Best of Luck &amp; Regards, company 1 -Public Ltd.\n</p><p>*************************************************************************************\n</p><p><small>This is a system generated message. Please do not reply to this email.</small>\n</p>",
      "subject": "company 1 -Public Ltd. is inviting you to attend an assessment.",
      "created_at": "2020-07-21 13:31:40+00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "sent_by": 41,
      "notification_template_type_id": 210,
      "updated_at": "2020-07-21 13:31:40+00",
      "status": "enqueued",
      "scheduled_at": "2020-07-21 13:31:39+00",
      "sent_at": "2020-07-21 13:31:41+00",
      "read_at": null,
      "from_address": "\"company 1 -Public Ltd.\" <>",
      "type_id": 210,
      "organization_id": 2,
      "candidate_id": 139,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 100099,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 100,
      "_links": {
        "assessment": {
          "href": "/models/assessment/2"

    This endpoint re-send the email notification if the status is failed or enqueued and if the email has sent in the last 4 hours

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    id integer false notification log id

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    organization_id integer flase organization_id of notification log

    Notification Template

    The endpoint lists the Notification Templates that are used to notify consumers of the application.

    The Notification Template Object

        "id": 16,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 802,
        "content": "<!doctype html>\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n\t\t<title>Reset your Password</title>\n\t\t<style media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t/* -------------------------------------\n\t\tCONFIGURE YOUR</body>\n",
        "subject": "Reset your Password\n",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": null,
        "assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "is_deleted": false,
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    from_address text from the address the notification will get triggered
    type_id integer The type of the notification template type
    is_deleted boolean if true the notification template is deleted
    content text the content of the notification template
    subject text the subject of the notification template
    category_id integer the category of the notification
    organization_id integer the organization id to whom the notification template belongs
    assessment_id integer notification template for an specific assessment

    List all Notification Template

    GET admin/organization/2/notification-template HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 16,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 802,
        "content": "<!doctype html>\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n\t\t<title>Reset your Password</title>\n\t\t<style media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t/* -------------------------------------\n\t\tCONFIGURE YOUR</body>\n",
        "subject": "Reset your Password\n",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": null,
        "assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "is_deleted": false,

    This endpoint returns a lists of notification templates.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type_id integer false filters records based on type of the notification template
    id integer false filters records based on Id
    ids Array of ids false filters records based on multiple ids
    is_deleted boolean false if passed true, returns the deleted Notification Templates
    oid integer true the organization id of the notification template
    assessment_id integer false filters based on assessment id
    subject text false filters by passed text in subject
    content text false filters by passed text in content
    from_address text false filters by the from_address passed as query param

    Retrieve a Notification Template

    GET admin/organization/2/notification-template/16 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 16,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 802,
        "content": "<!doctype html>\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n\t\t<title>Reset your Password</title>\n\t\t<style media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t/* -------------------------------------\n\t\tCONFIGURE YOUR</body>\n",
        "subject": "Reset your Password\n",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": null,
        "assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "is_deleted": false,

    This endpoint retrieves a notification template based on the id passed

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id
    oid integer true the organization id of the notification template

    Create a notification template

    POST admin/organization/<oid>/notification-template HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "content":"<!doctype html>\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n\t\t<title>Reset your Password</title>\n\t\t<style media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t/* -------------------------------------\n\t\tCONFIGURE YOUR</body>\n"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 16,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 200,
        "content": "<!doctype html>\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n\t\t<title>Reset your Password</title>\n\t\t<style media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t/* -------------------------------------\n\t\tCONFIGURE YOUR</body>\n",
        "subject": "test-subject",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": null,
        "assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "is_deleted": false,

    This endpoint creates a new notification template..

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type_id integer true The type of the notification template
    subject text true The subject of the notification template
    content text true The content of the notification template

    Update a notification template

    PUT admin/organization/<oid>/notification-template/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT request

     "subject": "notification template subject"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 16,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 200,
        "content": "<!doctype html>\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n\t\t<title>Reset your Password</title>\n\t\t<style media=\"all\" type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t/* -------------------------------------\n\t\tCONFIGURE YOUR</body>\n",
        "subject": "notification template subject",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": null,
        "assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "is_deleted": false,

    Updates the notification template with the requested parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object
    oid integer true the organization id of the

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    subject text false The subject of the notification template
    content text false The content of the notification template

    Delete a notification-template

    DELETE /admin/organization/<oid>/notification-template/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing notification template.

    HTTP Request


    Notification Template Tag

    The Notification Template Tag endpoint lists the notification template tags available which can be used in Notification Templates as variable.

    The Notification Template Tag Object

        "id": 827,
        "tag": "{%assessment-name}",
        "description": null,
        "type_id": 220,
        "created_at": "2019-11-28 09:59:56+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-11-28T10:28:05+00:00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    tag text The tag. Example: {%assessment-name}
    description text The description of the Tag
    type_id integer The Id of the Notification Template Type
    is_deleted boolean If true, the notification tag is deleted

    List all Notification Template Tag

    GET /admin/notification-template-tag HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 827,
        "tag": "test-tag",
        "description": null,
        "type_id": 220,
        "created_at": "2019-11-28 09:59:56+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-11-28T10:28:05+00:00",
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41,
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint returns all the details of the notification template tags.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false filters records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false filters records based on the Ids of the objects
    tag text false filters records based on Tag name.
    description text false filters records based on the description of the Tag
    type_id integer false filters records based on the Id of the Notification Template Type
    s text false filters records by text in tag and description
    is_deleted boolean false If passed true, only deleted tags will be retrieved

    Notification Template Type

    The Notification Template Type endpoint gives the details of all the Notification Template available.

    The Notification Template Type Object

        "id": 315,
        "label": "Remind",
        "description": "Event Panel Attend Remind",
        "type_id": 315,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    label text The label of the notification template type
    description text description of the notification template type
    type_id integer The type id of the notification template type

    List all Notification Template Type

    GET admin/notification-template-type HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 315,
        "label": "Remind",
        "description": "Event Panel Attend Remind",
        "type_id": 315,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41
        "id": 314,
        "label": "Cancel",
        "description": "Event Panel Register Cancel",
        "type_id": 314,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 41,
        "updated_by": 41

    This endpoint lists all notification template type.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type_id integer false Filters records based on type_id
    id integer false Filter records based on id
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on multiple ids
    description text false filters by description text
    s text false filters by text in description and label
    category integer false fileters by category of the notification template type. Category 1 defines type "EMAIL" and 2 defines "SMS"

    Retrieve a Notification Template Type

    GET admin/notification-template-type/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 315,
      "label": "Remind",
      "description": "Event Panel Attend Remind",
      "type_id": 315,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41

    This endpoint retrieves a notification template type based on the id passed

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id


    It stores the details of the organization.

    The Organization Object

        "id": 3,
        "name": "company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.",
        "external_id": null,
        "domain": null,
        "address1": null,
        "address2": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "country": null,
        "pincode": null,
        "phone": null,
        "isInterview": true,
        "isLive": true,
        "isObjective": true,
        "isEssay": true,
        "isCode": true,
        "isEvaluation": false,
        "promo": null,
        "isTyping": false,
        "isSimulation": false,
        "logo": "",
        "advancedProctorV3Enabled": true,
        "isUploadPreForm": null,
        "defaultFont": "Roboto, sans-serif",
        "isPearsonEnabled": false,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": null,
        "senderEmailEnabled": "no",
        "mailDateTimeFormat": "full",
        "isPublicAttachment": true,
        "updated_at": null,
        "theme": "default",
        "hideCandidateInfoPanel": false,
        "termsLink": "",
        "hasAssessmentCreate": true,
        "logoutUrl": "/login",
        "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "isAdhocLive": true,
        "isIconEvaluation": true,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "isMobileAssessment": true,
        "isBpmEnabled": true,
        "isBfiEnabled": true,
        "live_bulk_schedule_enabled": false,
        "bulk_schedule_url": null,
        "chatbot_enabled": true,
        "watermark_enabled": false,
        "isPartnerAssessment": false,
        "hasSmsNotify": true,
        "isWhatsapp": false,
        "cssSkin": null,
        "isBubbleEvaluation": false,
        "proviewToken": "U23A5311",
        "formUrl": "",
        "meetDomain": "",
        "recruitDomain": "",
        "postAssessmentUrl": null,
        "description": null,
        "brandingURL": null,
        "customThankyouPage": null,
        "is_deleted": false,
        "isTbiEnabled": false,
        "isAddFormEnabled": "1",
        "isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled": null,
        "fromAddress": "\"company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.\" <>",
        "proviewUrl": "",
        "emailServiceType": "mailgun",
        "calendarService": null,
        "azureTenantID": null,
        "customPublicPage": null,
        "hasResumeMatch": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object.
    name string The name of the organization.
    external_id string The external id of an organization.
    domain string The domain name of an organization.
    address1 string The address1 of an organization.
    address2 string The address2 of an organization.
    city string The city of an organization.
    state string The state of an organization.
    country string The country of an organization.
    pincode string The pincode of an organization.
    phone string The phone of an organization.
    isInterview boolean Flag to enable/disable Interview for an organization.
    isLive boolean Flag to enable/disable Live Interview for an organization.
    isObjective boolean Flag to enable/disable Objective Test for an organization.
    isEssay boolean Flag to enable/disable Essay Test for an organization.
    isCode boolean Flag to enable/disable Codding test for an organization.
    isEvaluation boolean Flag to enable/disable Evaluation for an organization.
    promo text The promo of an organization.
    isTyping boolean Flag to enable/disable Typing Test for an organization.
    isSimulation boolean Flag to enable/disable simulation for an organization.
    advancedProctorV3Enabled boolean Flag to enable/disable advance v3 proctor for an organization.
    isUploadPreForm boolean Flag to enable/disable isUploadPreForm for an organization.
    defaultFont string The default font in an organization.
    isPearsonEnabled boolean pearson service enabled/disabled for an organization.
    created_by integer The id of the user who created an organization.
    updated_by integer The id of the user who updated an organization.
    senderEmailEnabled boolean Flag to enable/disable sender email for an organization.
    mailDateTimeFormat text The date-time format for email notifications.
    isPublicAttachment boolean Flag to set attachment public/private for an organization.
    updated_at timestamptz The time of updation of the an organization.
    theme text theme of an organization.
    hideCandidateInfoPanel boolean hideCandidateInfoPanel enabled for an organization.
    termsLink text Link of terms of an organization.
    hasAssessmentCreate boolean hasAssessmentCreate enabled for an organization.
    logoutUrl text The logoutUrl of an organization.
    timeZone timestamptz The timezone of an organization.
    isAdhocLive boolean Flag to enable/disable adhoc live for an organization.
    isIconEvaluation boolean isIconEvaluation enabled for an organization.
    created_at timestamptz The time of creation of the an organization.
    isMobileAssessment boolean Flag to enable/disable mobile assessment for an organization.
    isBpmEnabled boolean is behavioral profile match is enabled/disable for an organization.
    isBfiEnabled boolean is behavioral fitment index is enabled/disable for an organization.
    live_bulk_schedule_enabled boolean flag to enable or disable bulk schedule feature for an organization.
    bulk_schedule_url string The url to the bulk schedule of an organization.
    chatbot_enabled boolean Flag to enable/disable chatbot for an organization.
    watermark_enabled boolean Flag to enable or disable water mark feature for an organization.
    isPartnerAssessment boolean Flag to enable/disable partner assessment for an organization.
    hasSmsNotify boolean Flag to enable/disable sms service for an organization.
    isWhatsapp boolean Flag to enable/disable Whatsapp service for an organization.
    cssSkin string The url of CSS Skin Configuration of an organization.
    isBubbleEvaluation boolean Flag to enable/disable Bubbling up evaluation for an organization.
    proviewToken string The Proview Token Configuration of an organization.
    formUrl text The url of the form of an organization.
    meetDomain text The domain name of meet url of an organization.
    recruitDomain text The domain name for recruit application url of an organization.
    postAssessmentUrl text url of the post assessment page of an organization.
    description text The description of the an organization.
    brandingURL text The branding url of an organization.
    customThankyouPage text Thank you page of an organization.
    is_deleted boolean delete enabled/disabled for an organization.
    isTbiEnabled boolean isTbiEnabled enabled for an organization.
    isAddFormEnabled boolean add form configuration enabled/disabled for an organization.
    isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled boolean isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled enabled for an organization.
    fromAddress text The fromAddress of the an organization.
    proviewUrl text The proviewUrl of the an organization.
    emailServiceType text The type of email service configuration of the an organization
    calendarService text calendarService for an organization.
    azureTenantID text azureTenantID for an organization.
    customPublicPage text customPublicPage of an organization.
    hasResumeMatch boolean ResumeMatch feature enabled for an organization.

    Retrieve an Organization

    GET admin/organization/3 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3,
      "name": "company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.",
      "external_id": null,
      "domain": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "country": null,
      "pincode": null,
      "phone": null,
      "isInterview": true,
      "isLive": true,
      "isObjective": true,
      "isEssay": true,
      "isCode": true,
      "isEvaluation": false,
      "promo": null,
      "isTyping": false,
      "isSimulation": false,
      "logo": "",
      "advancedProctorV3Enabled": true,
      "isUploadPreForm": null,
      "defaultFont": "Roboto, sans-serif",
      "isPearsonEnabled": false,
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": null,
      "senderEmailEnabled": "no",
      "mailDateTimeFormat": "full",
      "isPublicAttachment": true,
      "updated_at": null,
      "theme": "default",
      "hideCandidateInfoPanel": false,
      "termsLink": "",
      "hasAssessmentCreate": true,
      "logoutUrl": "/login",
      "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "isAdhocLive": true,
      "isIconEvaluation": true,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "isMobileAssessment": true,
      "isBpmEnabled": true,
      "isBfiEnabled": true,
      "live_bulk_schedule_enabled": false,
      "bulk_schedule_url": null,
      "chatbot_enabled": true,
      "watermark_enabled": false,
      "isPartnerAssessment": false,
      "formUrl": "",
      "meetDomain": "",
      "recruitDomain": "",
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "description": null,
      "brandingURL": null,
      "customThankyouPage": null,
      "is_deleted": false,
      "isTbiEnabled": false,
      "isAddFormEnabled": "1",
      "isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled": null,
      "fromAddress": "\"company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.\" <>",
      "proviewUrl": "",
      "emailServiceType": "mailgun",
      "calendarService": null,
      "azureTenantID": null,
      "customPublicPage": null,
      "hasResumeMatch": false

    Retrieves the details of an existing organization.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer Filter records based on id

    Create an Organization

    POST admin/organization HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "name": "company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.",

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3,
      "name": "company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.",
      "external_id": null,
      "domain": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "country": null,
      "pincode": null,
      "phone": null,
      "isInterview": true,
      "isLive": true,
      "isObjective": true,
      "isEssay": true,
      "isCode": true,
      "isEvaluation": false,
      "promo": null,
      "isTyping": false,
      "isSimulation": false,
      "logo": "",
      "advancedProctorV3Enabled": true,
      "isUploadPreForm": null,
      "defaultFont": "Roboto, sans-serif",
      "isPearsonEnabled": false,
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": null,
      "senderEmailEnabled": "no",
      "mailDateTimeFormat": "full",
      "isPublicAttachment": true,
      "updated_at": null,
      "theme": "default",
      "hideCandidateInfoPanel": false,
      "termsLink": "",
      "hasAssessmentCreate": true,
      "logoutUrl": "/login",
      "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "isAdhocLive": true,
      "isIconEvaluation": true,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "isMobileAssessment": true,
      "isBpmEnabled": true,
      "isBfiEnabled": true,
      "live_bulk_schedule_enabled": false,
      "bulk_schedule_url": null,
      "chatbot_enabled": true,
      "watermark_enabled": false,
      "isPartnerAssessment": false,
      "formUrl": "",
      "meetDomain": "",
      "recruitDomain": "",
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "description": null,
      "brandingURL": null,
      "customThankyouPage": null,
      "is_deleted": false,
      "isTbiEnabled": false,
      "isAddFormEnabled": "1",
      "isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled": null,
      "fromAddress": "\"company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.\" <>",
      "proviewUrl": "",
      "emailServiceType": "mailgun",
      "calendarService": null,
      "azureTenantID": null,
      "customPublicPage": null,
      "hasResumeMatch": false

    Creates a new organization.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    name string false The name of the organization.
    external_id string true The external id of an organization.
    domain string true The domain name of an organization.
    address1 string true The address1 of an organization.
    address2 string true The address2 of an organization.
    city string true The city of an organization.
    state string true The state of an organization.
    country string true The country of an organization.
    pincode string true The pincode of an organization.
    phone string true The phone of an organization.
    isInterview boolean true Flag to enable/disable Interview for an organization.
    isLive boolean true Flag to enable/disable Live Interview for an organization.
    isObjective boolean true Flag to enable/disable Objective Test for an organization.
    isEssay boolean true Flag to enable/disable Essay Test for an organization.
    isCode boolean true Flag to enable/disable Codding test for an organization.
    isEvaluation boolean true Flag to enable/disable Evaluation for an organization.
    promo text true The promo of an organization.
    isTyping boolean true Flag to enable/disable Typing Test for an organization.
    isSimulation boolean true Flag to enable/disable simulation for an organization.
    advancedProctorV3Enabled boolean true Flag to enable/disable advance v3 proctor for an organization.
    isUploadPreForm boolean true Flag to enable/disable isUploadPreForm for an organization.
    defaultFont string true The default font in an organization.
    isPearsonEnabled boolean true pearson service enabled/disabled for an organization.
    created_by integer true The id of the user who created an organization.
    updated_by integer true The id of the user who updated an organization.
    senderEmailEnabled boolean true Flag to enable/disable sender email for an organization.
    mailDateTimeFormat text true The date-time format for email notifications.
    isPublicAttachment boolean true Flag to set attachment public/private for an organization.
    updated_at timestamptz true The time of updation of the an organization.
    theme text true theme of an organization.
    hideCandidateInfoPanel boolean true hideCandidateInfoPanel enabled for an organization.
    termsLink text true Link of terms of an organization.
    hasAssessmentCreate boolean true hasAssessmentCreate enabled for an organization.
    logoutUrl text true The logoutUrl of an organization.
    timeZone timestamptz true The timezone of an organization.
    isAdhocLive boolean true Flag to enable/disable adhoc live for an organization.
    isIconEvaluation boolean true isIconEvaluation enabled for an organization.
    created_at timestamptz true The time of creation of the an organization.
    isMobileAssessment boolean true Flag to enable/disable mobile assessment for an organization.
    isBpmEnabled boolean true is behavioral profile match is enabled/disable for an organization.
    isBfiEnabled boolean true is behavioral fitment index is enabled/disable for an organization.
    live_bulk_schedule_enabled boolean true flag to enable or disable bulk schedule feature for an organization.
    bulk_schedule_url string true The url to the bulk schedule of an organization.
    chatbot_enabled boolean true Flag to enable/disable chatbot for an organization .
    watermark_enabled boolean true Flag to enable or disable water mark feature for an organization.
    isPartnerAssessment boolean true Flag to enable/disable partner assessment for an organization.
    formUrl text true The url of the form of an organization.
    meetDomain text true The domain name of meet url of an organization.
    recruitDomain text true The domain name for recruit application url of an organization.
    postAssessmentUrl text true url of the post assessment page of an organization.
    description text true The description of the an organization.
    brandingURL text true The branding url of an organization.
    customThankyouPage text true Thank you page of an organization.
    is_deleted boolean true delete enabled/disabled for an organization.
    isTbiEnabled boolean true isTbiEnabled enabled for an organization.
    isAddFormEnabled boolean true add form configuration enabled/disabled for an organization.
    isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled boolean true isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled enabled for an organization.
    fromAddress text true The fromAddress of the an organization.
    proviewUrl text true The proviewUrl of the an organization.
    emailServiceType text true The type of email service configuration of the an organization.
    calendarService text true calendarService for an organization.
    azureTenantID text true azureTenantID for an organization.
    customPublicPage text true customPublicPage of an organization.
    hasResumeMatch boolean true ResumeMatch feature enabled for an organization.

    Update an Organization

    This endpoint Update an organization.

    PUT admin/organization/3 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "name": "company 3 -Pvt. Ltd.",

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3,
      "name": "company 3 -Pvt. Ltd.",
      "external_id": null,
      "domain": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "country": null,
      "pincode": null,
      "phone": null,
      "isInterview": true,
      "isLive": true,
      "isObjective": true,
      "isEssay": true,
      "isCode": true,
      "isEvaluation": false,
      "promo": null,
      "isTyping": false,
      "isSimulation": false,
      "logo": "",
      "advancedProctorV3Enabled": true,
      "isUploadPreForm": null,
      "defaultFont": "Roboto, sans-serif",
      "isPearsonEnabled": false,
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": null,
      "senderEmailEnabled": "no",
      "mailDateTimeFormat": "full",
      "isPublicAttachment": true,
      "updated_at": null,
      "theme": "default",
      "hideCandidateInfoPanel": false,
      "termsLink": "",
      "hasAssessmentCreate": true,
      "logoutUrl": "/login",
      "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "isAdhocLive": true,
      "isIconEvaluation": true,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "isMobileAssessment": true,
      "isBpmEnabled": true,
      "isBfiEnabled": true,
      "live_bulk_schedule_enabled": false,
      "bulk_schedule_url": null,
      "chatbot_enabled": true,
      "watermark_enabled": false,
      "isPartnerAssessment": false,
      "hasSmsNotify": true,
      "isWhatsapp": false,
      "cssSkin": null,
      "isBubbleEvaluation": false,
      "proviewToken": "U23A5311",
      "formUrl": "",
      "meetDomain": "",
      "recruitDomain": "",
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "description": null,
      "brandingURL": null,
      "customThankyouPage": null,
      "is_deleted": false,
      "isTbiEnabled": false,
      "isAddFormEnabled": "1",
      "isTbiMidwayCheckEnabled": null,
      "fromAddress": "\"company 2 -Pvt. Ltd.\" <>",
      "proviewUrl": "",
      "emailServiceType": "mailgun",
      "calendarService": null,
      "azureTenantID": null,
      "customPublicPage": null,
      "hasResumeMatch": false

    HTTP Request


    URl Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    id integer false The unique identifier of the object


    The Permission endpoint gives the list of the master auth items.

    List all permissions

    GET /admin/permission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The Response


    HTTP Request



    The Rbac endpoint gives the details of all the permissions available for a user/organization. The permission to be added should be present in auth_item table.

    The RBAC Object

        "id": 1516457,
        "type": 2,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "item_name": "panel.assign",
        "created_at": null
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the profile object
    type integer The type of the permission granted
    user_id integer The id of the user
    organization_id integer The id of the organization
    item_name text The label of the permission granted. (Based on the name described in auth_item)
    created_at timestamp The timestamp of when the permission was granted

    List of Item Types:

    Type Value

    List all Permissions

    GET /admin/organization/<oid>/rbac HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1516457,
        "type": 2,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "item_name": "panel.assign",
        "created_at": null

    Returns all the permissions granted for the user/organization.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type integer false Filter records based on the type of the permission
    item_name text false Filter records based on the name of the permission
    user_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the user.
    organization_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the organization

    Create a Permission

    POST /admin/organization/<oid>/rbac HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1516457,
        "type": 2,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "item_name": "panel.assign",
        "created_at": null

    This endpoint checks for the item_name in the auth_item, if present it is assigned either in user or organization level. If the item_name is not present in the auth_item it is first created and then assigned to the user/organization.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type integer true The type of the permission
    item_name text true The name of the permission
    user_id integer true The id of the user
    organization_id integer true The id of the organization

    Update an Permission

    PUT /admin/organization/<oid>/rbac HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1516457,
        "type": 2,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "item_name": "panel.assign",
        "created_at": null

    Updates the permissions of user/organization.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    item_name text true The name of the permission
    user_id integer false The id of the user.
    organization_id integer false The id of the organization

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type integer false The type of the permission
    item_name text true The name of the permission
    user_id integer false The id of the user.
    organization_id integer false The id of the organization

    Delete a permission

    DELETE /admin/organization/<oid>/rbac HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing permission for a user/organization.

    HTTP Request


    Select Field Data

    This endpoint is used to perform CRUD on select field data.

    The Select Field Data Object

      "id": 8,
      "key": "1",
      "value": "10",
      "parent_value": 22,
      "parent_id": null,
      "select_field_type_id": 1,
      "sort_order": 1,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "updated_at": "2019-12-16T08:49:23+00:00",
      "created_at": "2019-12-16T08:49:23+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    key text The Key value of the Select Field Data
    value text The value of the Select Field Data
    parent_value text The parent value of the Select Field Data. Child select field data is associated with parent select field data. If we select the parent value then the child Select Field Data will be triggered
    parent_id integer The Id of the parent Select Field Data
    select_field_type_id integer The id of the Select Field Type
    sort_order integer The sequence order of the Select Field Data
    is_deleted boolean if true, the model is deleted

    List all Select Field Data

    GET admin/organization/2/select-field-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 8,
            "key": "1",
            "value": "10",
            "parent_value": 22,
            "parent_id": null,
            "select_field_type_id": 1,
            "sort_order": 1,
            "updated_by": 41,
            "updated_at": "2019-12-16T08:49:23+00:00",
            "created_at": "2019-12-16T08:49:23+00:00",
            "created_by": 41,
            "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint lists all the existing select field data.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the model
    id integer false filters records by the id passed
    ids array of ids false filters records by multiple ids
    key text false filters records by the key passed
    value text false filters records by the value passed(like search)
    parent_value text false filters records by the parent_value passed
    parent_id integer false filters records by the parent_id passed
    select_field_type_id integer false filter records bySelect Field Type id
    is_deleted boolean false if passed true, only deleted models will be retrieved
    value_exact text false filters records by the value passede(exact search)

    Create Select Field Data

    POST admin/organization/<oid>/select-field-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "key": "1",
        "value": "10",
        "parent_value": 22,
        "parent_id": null,
        "select_field_type_id": 1,
        "sort_order": 1

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 8,
      "key": "1",
      "value": "10",
      "parent_value": 22,
      "parent_id": null,
      "select_field_type_id": 1,
      "sort_order": 1,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "updated_at": "2019-12-16T08:49:23+00:00",
      "created_at": "2019-12-16T08:49:23+00:00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint creates a new select field data.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    select_field_type_id integer true The id of the Select Field Type
    key text true The Key value of the Select Field Data
    value text true The value of the Select Field Data
    parent_value text false The parent value of the Select Field Data
    parent_id integer false The Id of the parent Select Field Data
    data integer false the data of select field data
    sort_order integer false The sort_order is helpful in sorting. When multiples models are retrived, the models are sorted based on the sor order

    Update Select Field Data

    PUT admin/organization/2/select-field-data/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON PUT request

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1,
      "key": "1",
      "value": "2",
      "parent_value": null,
      "parent_id": null,
      "select_field_type_id": 2,
      "sort_order": null,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "updated_at": "2019-12-16T11:07:44+00:00",
      "created_at": "2019-12-16 08:34:40+00",
      "created_by": 41,
      "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint updates an existing select field data.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    select_field_type_id integer true The id of the Select Field Type
    key text true The Key value of the Select Field Data
    value text true The value of the Select Field Data
    parent_value text false The parent value of the Select Field Data
    parent_id integer false The Id of the parent Select Field Data
    data integer false the data of select field data
    is_deleted boolean false if passed true then recovers a deleted model

    Delete Select Field Data

    DELETE admin/organization/<oid>/select-field-data/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code: 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes an existing select field data.

    HTTP Request


    Settings Data

    The endpoint is used to perform CRUD on Settings Data.

    The Settings Data Object

        "id": 68,
        "settings_id": 15,
        "settings_allowed_value_id": 190,
        "value": "AssessmentCandidate",
        "unconstrained_value": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "is_deleted": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    settings_id integer the settings id of the settins data
    settings_allowed_value_id integer the settings allowed value id of settings data
    value text the value of settings data
    unconstrained_value integer the unconstrained value of settings data
    is_deleted boolean if true, the model is deleted

    List all Settings Data

    GET admin/organization/2/settings-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 68,
        "settings_id": 15,
        "settings_allowed_value_id": 190,
        "value": "AssessmentCandidate",
        "unconstrained_value": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint returns all the existing settings data. By default, the endpoint returns all the non-deleted models.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer false the id of the user category
    ids array of ids false filters by multiplel ids
    is_deleted boolean false filters by is_deleted, if passed true, deleted models will be returned
    settings_id integer false filters by settings id

    Retrieve an Settings Data

    GET admin/organization/2/settings-data/68 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 68,
        "settings_id": 15,
        "settings_allowed_value_id": 190,
        "value": "AssessmentCandidate",
        "unconstrained_value": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint retrieves a single settings data based on the id passed in the URL

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer true filters record based on the id passed

    Create an Settings Data

    POST admin/organization/2/settings-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:


    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 68,
        "settings_id": 15,
        "settings_allowed_value_id": 190,
        "value": "AssessmentCandidate",
        "unconstrained_value": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint creates a new settings data.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory
    settings_id integer true
    settings_allowed_value_id text true
    unconstrained_value json false
    user_id integer false

    Update an Settings Data

    PUT admin/organization/2/settings-data/68 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT request

        "settings_allowed_value_id": 150

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 68,
        "settings_id": 15,
        "settings_allowed_value_id": 150,
        "value": "AssessmentCandidate",
        "unconstrained_value": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "is_deleted": false

    The endpoint updates the settings data for the id which is passed in the URL.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory
    settings_id integer false
    settings_allowed_value_id text false
    is_deleted boolean false

    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer true filters record based on the id passed

    Delete an Settings Data

    DELETE admin/organization/2/settings-data/68 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer toke

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing settings data.

    HTTP Request


    User Category

    The endpoint is used to perform CRUD on User Category.

    The User Category Object

      "id": 1,
      "user_id": "41",
      "category_id": 1,
      "created_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
      "is_deleted": false
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    user_id integer The user id to whom a category is added
    category_id integer The is of the Category. Category id can be found in Category
    is_deleted boolean if true, the user category is deleted

    List all User Category

    GET admin/organization/2/user/41/category HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "user_id": "41",
        "category_id": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false
        "id": 2,
        "user_id": "41",
        "category_id": 2,
        "created_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint returns all the existing non-deleted user categories.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer false the id of the user category
    ids array of ids false filters by multiplel ids
    user_id integer true filters user category by an user_id
    category_id integer false filters user category by a category id
    s text false filters by text in Category name

    Retrieve an User Category

    GET admin/organization/2/user/41/category/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "user_id": "41",
        "category_id": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint retrieves a single user category based on the id passed in the URL

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    user_id integer true the user id of the user category
    id integer true filters record based on the id passed

    Create an User Category

    POST admin/organization/2/user/41/category HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:


    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "user_id": "41",
        "category_id": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false

    This endpoint creates a new user category..

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    user_id integer true the user id of the user category

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    category_id integer false the category id of the user category

    Update an User Category

    PUT admin/organization/2/user/41/category/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT request

        "category_id" : 2

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "user_id": "41",
        "category_id": 2,
        "created_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-16T05:57:07+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false

    The endpoint updates the user category for the id which is passed in the URL.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    category_id integer false the category id of the user category
    is_deleted boolean false if passd true then recovers a deleted user category

    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    user_id integer true the user id of the user category
    id integer true filters record based on the id passed

    Delete an User Category

    DELETE /admin/organization/2/user/41/category/1 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer toke

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing user category.

    HTTP Request


    Ui Filter

    The endpoint is used to perform CRUD on Ui Filter.

    The Ui Filter Object

      "id": 154,
      "object_type": "a",
      "filter": {
        "type": "text"
      "created_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
      "is_deleted": false,
      "organization_id": "2",
      "version": "1.1"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    object_type integer the object type of the object type. Allowed objet_types are mentioned below
    organization_id integer the organization of the ui_filter
    is_deleted boolean if true, the model is deleted
    version text the version of the ui filter
    filter json the filter object of ui filter

    List of object type:

    object type referes to object
    a assessment
    ac assessment candidate
    c candidate
    pc panel candidate
    r-ls recruit live sesssion
    p-ls panel live session

    List all Ui Filters

    GET admin/organization/2/filter HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 154,
        "object_type": "a",
        "filter": {
            "type": "text"
        "created_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "organization_id": "2",
        "version": "1.1"

    This endpoint returns all the existing global filters as well as the filter that belongs to the organization passed in the request. By default, the endpoint returns all the non-deleted models.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer false the id of the user category
    ids array of ids false filters by multiplel ids
    is_deleted boolean false filters by is_deleted, if passed true, deleted models will be returned
    object_type integer false filters by object type
    version text false filters by the version of the model

    Retrieve an Ui Filter

    GET admin/organization/2/filter/154 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 154,
        "object_type": "a",
        "filter": {
            "type": "text"
        "created_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "organization_id": "2",
        "version": "1.1"

    This endpoint retrieves a single ui column based on the id passed in the URL

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer true filters record based on the id passed

    Create an Ui Filter

    POST admin/organization/2/filter HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "object_type": "a",
        "filter": {
            "type": "text"
        "version": 1.1

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 154,
        "object_type": "a",
        "filter": {
            "type": "text"
        "created_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "organization_id": "2",
        "version": "1.1"

    This endpoint creates a new Ui Filter.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    object_type integer true filters user object type
    version text false filters by the version of the model
    filter json true the filter object of ui filter

    Update an Ui Filter

    PUT admin/organization/2/filter/154 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT request

        "version" : "1.2"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 154,
        "object_type": "a",
        "filter": {
            "type": "text"
        "created_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-07T07:47:09+00:00",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "organization_id": "2",
        "version": "1.2"

    The endpoint updates the Ui Filter for the id which is passed in the URL.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory
    object_type integer false
    version text false
    filter json false
    is_deleted boolean false

    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    id integer true filters record based on the id passed

    Delete an Ui Filter

    DELETE admin/organization/2/filter/154 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer toke

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing ui filter.

    HTTP Request


    User Permission

    The Permission endpoint gives the details of the permissions/access given to a user.

    The User Permission Object

        "id": 136,
        "type": 2,
        "user_id": 41,
        "organization_id": 4,
        "item_name": "event.create",
        "created_at": 1556236219
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    item_name text The name of the auth_item
    organization_id boolean The id of the organization
    type integer The type of permission given
    user_id integer The id of the user
    created_at timestamp The timestamp when the permission was created
    updated_at timestamp The timestamp when the permission was updated
    Id Type

    List all User Permission

    GET admin/organization/2/user/41/permission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The Response

            "created_at": 1556236219,
            "id": 435367,
            "item_name": "event.create",
            "organization_id": 488,
            "type": 2,
            "updated_at": 1556236219,
            "user_id": null

    This endpoint returns all the permissions given to an user.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    type integer true Filter records based on the type of the object
    item_name text true Filter records based on the item name
    uid integer false Filter records by an user id
    oid integer false Filters records by organization id

    View an User Permission

    GET /admin/organization/2/user/41/permission/435367 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The Response

            "created_at": 1556236219,
            "id": 435367,
            "item_name": "event.create",
            "organization_id": 2,
            "type": 2,
            "updated_at": 1556236219,
            "user_id": 41

    This endpoint return an user permission.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The Id of the auth assignment model
    uid integer false The id of the user object
    oid integer false The id of the organization object

    Create an User Permission

    POST admin/organization/2/user/41/permission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "item_name": "event.create",

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "created_at": 1556236219,
        "id": 435367,
        "item_name": "event.create",
        "organization_id": 2,
        "type": 2,
        "updated_at": 1556236219,
        "user_id": 41

    This endpoint creates a new User Permission. Please find the item_name from permission master list.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    oid integer true the organization id of the user category
    uid integer true the user id of the user category

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    item_name text true the name of the auth_item

    Delete an User Permission

    DELETE admin/organization/2/user/41/permission/72 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer toke

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing user permission.

    HTTP Request



    Account Manager Organization(AMO)

    Account Manager Organizations(AMO) are the special users who will have access to their designated organizations in the admin application. AMO is an user who maintains an organization. when an organization is created the user who created the organization will be considered as the Account Manager of the organization. Later the Account Manager can add the other users as account managers. An Account Manager can create, delete and update other Account Managers, but not allowed to delete himself/herself.

    The AMO Object

        "id": 712,
        "is_deleted": false,
        "role": "Account Manager",
        "user_id": 307856,
        "organization_id": 733,
        "category_id": null,
        "added_by": 1678569,
        "added_at": "2019-10-02 17:03:11+05:30",
        "deleted_by": null,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-02 17:03:10+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-02 17:03:10+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1678569
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_deleted boolean true for deleted AMO and false for the AMOs which are not deleted
    role text The role of the AMO. Example: Admin, Superadmin, Account Manager
    user_id integer The user id of the AMO
    organization_id integer The organization id of the AMO
    category_id integer The category id of the AMO
    added_by integer The user id who added this AMO
    added_at timestamptz The time when the AMO is added
    deleted_by integer The user id who deleted the AMO
    deleted_at timestamptz The time when the AMO was deleted
    created_at timestamptz The time when the AMO was created
    updated_at timestamptz The time when the AMO was updated
    updated_by integer The user id who update the AMO recently

    List all AMOs

    GET /admin/organization/<organization_id>/amo HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 712,
        "is_deleted": false,
        "role": "Account Manager",
        "user_id": 307856,
        "organization_id": 733,
        "category_id": null,
        "added_by": 1678569,
        "added_at": "2019-10-02 17:03:11+05:30",
        "deleted_by": null,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-02 17:03:10+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-02 17:03:10+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1678569
        "id": 711,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "role": "Account Manager",
        "user_id": 167859,
        "organization_id": 733,
        "category_id": null,
        "added_by": 16XXX69,
        "added_at": null,
        "deleted_by": null,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-02 17:01:40+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-04 19:45:55+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1678569

    This end point returns all the details of AMOs

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve an AMO

    GET /admin/organization/<organization_id>/amo/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 711,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "role": "Account Manager",
        "user_id": 167859,
        "organization_id": 733,
        "category_id": null,
        "added_by": 1678569,
        "added_at": null,
        "deleted_by": null,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-02 17:01:40+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-04 19:45:55+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1678569

    Retrieves the details of an existing AMO.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an AMO

    POST /admin/organization/<organization_id>/amo HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:


    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 711,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "role": "Account Manager",
        "user_id": 477859,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "category_id": 1,
        "added_by": 167869,
        "added_at": null,
        "deleted_by": null,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-02 17:01:40+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-04 19:45:55+05:30",
        "updated_by": 167869

    This end point Creates a new AMO.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    user_id text true The user id who will be added as an AMO to an organization
    category_id text false The category id of the AMO

    Update an AMO

    This endpoint Updates an AMO.

    PUT /admin/organization/<organization_id>/amo/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:


    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 711,
        "is_deleted": true,
        "role": "Account Manager",
        "user_id": 477859,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "category_id": 1,
        "added_by": 167869,
        "added_at": null,
        "deleted_by": null,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-02 17:01:40+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-04 19:45:55+05:30",
        "updated_by": 167869

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Delete an AMO

    DELETE /admin/organization/<organization_id>/amo/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This end point Deletes an AMO.

    HTTP Request



    The Spreadsheet endpoint is used for uploading a csv to get the rows as objects.

    The Spreadsheet Object

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    file file The file to be uploaded
    file_type_id integer THe type of the file

    Bulk import

    POST /spreadsheet HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    file file true The file
    file_type_id integer false The type of the file


    The Answer endpoint provides all the answers submitted by each candidate for the section of the assessment(Assessment Section) that the candidate was invited to.

    The Answer Object

        "id": 8,
        "status": 6,
        "question_id": 141,
        "answered_at": "2012-06-06 16:14:46+05:30",
        "choice": null,
        "text": null,
        "typingSpeed": 0,
        "plainTxtContent": "(not set)",
        "score": null,
        "typingAccuracy": "",
        "typingCompletion": "",
        "assessment_section_id": 6574,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 4,
        "started_at": "2015-05-05 15:25:21+05:30",
        "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-08-29 07:52:39+05:30",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 12605,
        "_links": {
          "question": {
            "href": "/models/question?id=141"
          "thumbnails": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=8&file_type_id=15"
          "videos": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=8&file_type_id%5B0%5D=4&file_type_id%5B1%5D=5"
          "attachments": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=8&file_type_id%5B0%5D=25"
          "vmRecordings": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=8&file_type_id%5B0%5D=37"
          "vmAttachment": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=8&file_type_id%5B0%5D=38"
          "answerCodeSubmissions": {
            "href": "/models/answer-code-submission?answer_id=8&type=2"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    status smallint The status of the Answer. Example: Created, Completed. The answer status are described in the enumerator list below.
    question_id integer The id of the Question
    answered_at timestamptz The time when the question was answered
    choice integer Selected option for MCQ and MCA in the form of integer. Example: 3(indicate choice 3). In case of MCA if more then one choices are checked then the choices are concatenated and sent. Example: If 1 and 3 are selected, it is taken as 13.
    typingSpeed integer The number of words typed per minute
    plainTxtContent text The Answer in the plain text format
    score integer The score obtained by the candidate in MCQ and MCA type question
    typingAccuracy integer The rate of typing accuracy
    typingCompletion integer The typing speed rate
    assessment_section_id integer The id of the Assessment Section
    assessment_candidate_id integer The id of Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer The id of Assessment Section Candidate

    List of Answer Status:

    Status Key Description
    Created 1000 The answer is created for assessment
    Completed 3000 The candidate had selected an answer

    List all Answer

    Returns all answers selected by the candidates for each section of the assessment.

    GET /models/answer HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 10,
        "status": 6,
        "question_id": 143,
        "answered_at": "2012-06-06 16:16:01+05:30",
        "choice": null,
        "text": null,
        "typingSpeed": 0,
        "plainTxtContent": "(not set)",
        "score": null,
        "typingAccuracy": "",
        "typingCompletion": "",
        "assessment_section_id": 6574,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 4,
        "started_at": "2015-05-05 15:25:21+05:30",
        "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-08-29 07:52:40+05:30",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 12605,
        "_links": {
          "question": {
            "href": "/models/question?id=143"
          "thumbnails": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id=15"
          "videos": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=4&file_type_id%5B1%5D=5"
          "attachments": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=25"
          "vmRecordings": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=37"
          "vmAttachment": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=38"
          "answerCodeSubmissions": {
            "href": "/models/answer-code-submission?answer_id=10&type=2"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    question_id integer false Filter record based on the Id of the Question
    assessment_candidate_id integer false Filter record based on the Id of Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer false Filter record based on the Id of Assessment Section Candidate
    assessment_section_id integer false Filter record based on the Id of Assessment Section

    Retrieve an Answer

    Retrieve an answer based on the id mentioned in the URL.

    GET /models/answer/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 10,
        "status": 6,
        "question_id": 143,
        "answered_at": "2012-06-06 16:16:01+05:30",
        "choice": null,
        "text": null,
        "typingSpeed": 0,
        "plainTxtContent": "(not set)",
        "score": null,
        "typingAccuracy": "",
        "typingCompletion": "",
        "assessment_section_id": 6574,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 4,
        "started_at": "2015-05-05 15:25:21+05:30",
        "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-08-29 07:52:40+05:30",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 12605,
        "_links": {
          "question": {
            "href": "/models/question?id=143"
          "thumbnails": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id=15"
          "videos": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=4&file_type_id%5B1%5D=5"
          "attachments": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=25"
          "vmRecordings": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=37"
          "vmAttachment": {
            "href": "/models/file?answer_id=10&file_type_id%5B0%5D=38"
          "answerCodeSubmissions": {
            "href": "/models/answer-code-submission?answer_id=10&type=2"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Answer Code Submission

    The Answer Code Submission endpoint gives the details of all the Answer Code submitted by the Candidate against Coding type Assessment.

    The Answer Code Submission Object

        "id": 897,
        "answer_id": 4441883,
        "source": "/*\n#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main()\n{\n  cout << \"Hello World!\" << endl;\n  return 0;\n}\n*/\n//Write your code here",
        "score": null,
        "status": 0,
        "input": null,
        "memory": 0,
        "language": "1",
        "language_id": "1",
        "compiler": null,
        "cmpinfo": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n",
        "stderr": null,
        "time": 0,
        "output": null,
        "result": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
        "id": 699,
        "answer_id": 2608879,
        "source": "/* IMPORTANT: Multiple classes and nested static classes are supported */\n\n/*\n* uncomment this if you want to read input.\nimport;\nimport;\n*/\nclass TestClass {\n  public static void main(String args[] ) throws Exception {\n  /*\n    * Read input from stdin and provide input before running\n    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;\n    String line = br.readLine();\n    int N = Integer.parseInt(line);\n    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {\n      System.out.println(\"hello world\");\n    }\n  */\n    System.out.println(\"Hello World!\");\n  }\n}\n//Write your code here",
        "score": null,
        "status": 0,
        "input": null,
        "memory": 2841600,
        "language": "10",
        "language_id": "10",
        "compiler": null,
        "cmpinfo": null,
        "stderr": null,
        "time": 0,
        "output": "Hello World!\n",
        "result": null
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    answer_id integer The id of the Answer
    source text The score obtained in the Answer Code Submission
    score integer The score code submitted by the Candidate
    status integer The status of the answer code submitted for compilation. Example: Waiting, execution etc. The status are listed in the table below
    input text The test cases of code assessment
    memory integer The average memory consumed by the code
    language text The language used for coding
    compiler text The compiler used for compiling
    cmpinfo text The information of the compiler
    stderr text The standard error of the submitted code
    time timestamptz The time required for the compilation of the code
    output text The output form the code
    result text The result of the code assessment

    Status of Compilation:

    Status Key Description
    waiting 0 Submission is waiting in the queue
    compilation 1,2 Program is being compiled (for compiled languages)
    execution 3 Program is being executed
    compilation error 11 The program could not be executed due to a compilation error
    runtime error 12 An error occurred while the program was running (e.g. division by zero)
    time limit exceeded 13 The program exceeded the time limit
    success 15 The program was executed correctly
    memory limit exceeded 17 The program exceeded the memory limit
    illegal system call 19 The program tried to call illegal system function
    internal error 20 An unexpected error occurred on the Sphere Engine side try making the submission again and if this occurs again, please contact us

    List all Answer Code Submission

    Returns all the answer code submission submitted by the candidates for the code section in an assessment.

    GET /models/answer-codesubmission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 897,
        "answer_id": 4441883,
        "source": "/*\n#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main()\n{\n  cout << \"Hello World!\" << endl;\n  return 0;\n}\n*/\n//Write your code here",
        "score": null,
        "status": 0,
        "input": null,
        "memory": 0,
        "language": "1",
        "language_id": "1",
        "compiler": null,
        "cmpinfo": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n",
        "stderr": null,
        "time": 0,
        "output": null,
        "result": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    answer_id integer false Filter record based on the Id of the Answer
    source text false Filter record based on the source code of the coding assessment
    input text false Filter record based on the test cases of code assessment
    language text false Filter record based on the language used for coding
    output text false Filter record based on the output form the code

    Retrieve an Answer Code Submission

    Retrieve an answer code submitted by the candidates for the code section in an assessment based on the id mentioned in the URL.

    GET /models/answer-codesubmission/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 897,
        "answer_id": 4441883,
        "source": "/*\n#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main()\n{\n  cout << \"Hello World!\" << endl;\n  return 0;\n}\n*/\n//Write your code here",
        "score": null,
        "status": 0,
        "input": null,
        "memory": 0,
        "language": "1",
        "language_id": "1",
        "compiler": null,
        "cmpinfo": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n",
        "stderr": null,
        "time": 0,
        "output": null,
        "result": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filters records based on Id


    The Assessment endpoint is used to view, update and delete an assessment created through Create Assessment action. Each Assessment must have at least one Sections associated with it and each Assessment can have one or more candidates invited to it.

    The Assessment Object

          "id": 861338,
          "external_id": null,
          "title": "qwertyui",
          "status_id": null,
          "description": "<span class=\"not-set\">(not set)</span>",
          "organization_id": 488,
          "position_id": null,
          "cf": [
          "first_assessment_section_id": null,
          "formUrl": "https://abc/pqr/xys/index.html",
          "reportUrl": "https://abc/pqr/xys/861338.xls",
          "hasLive": false,
          "created_at": "2019-03-13 14:54:35+00",
          "updated_at": "2019-03-13 14:54:35+00",
          "customFields": [],
          "start_date": null,
          "end_date": null,
          "owned_by": 30876,
          "_links": {
            "metrics": {
              "href": "/reports/assessment-time/861338"
            "notificationLog": {
              "href": "/models/notification-log?assessment_id=861338"
            "templates": {
              "href": "/models/notification-template?assessment_id=861338"
            "menuCardAssessments": {
              "href": "/models/menu-card-assessment?assessment_id=861338"
            "all": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338"
            "categories": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-category?assessment_id=861338"
            "assessmentSummary": {
              "href": "/assessment/861338"
            "publicSection": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=10&section_type_id%5B7%5D=17"
            "assessmentSections": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=15&section_type_id%5B7%5D=7&section_type_id%5B8%5D=16&section_type_id%5B9%5D=10&section_type_id%5B10%5D=13&section_type_id%5B11%5D=14&section_type_id%5B12%5D=18&section_type_id%5B13%5D=9&section_type_id%5B14%5D=17&section_type_id%5B15%5D=22"
            "evaluateSections": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338&section_type_id%5B0%5D=4&section_type_id%5B1%5D=5&section_type_id%5B2%5D=10&section_type_id%5B3%5D=13&section_type_id%5B4%5D=15&section_type_id%5B5%5D=14&section_type_id%5B6%5D=18&section_type_id%5B7%5D=20&section_type_id%5B8%5D=19&section_type_id%5B9%5D=17&section_type_id%5B10%5D=21&section_type_id%5B11%5D=22&section_type_id%5B12%5D=7"
            "allSections": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338"
            "added": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=10"
            "invited": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=20"
            "attended": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=50"
            "rejected": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=90"
            "evaluated": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=60"
            "selected": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=70"
            "hold": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=80"
            "inProgress": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=30"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of an object
    external_id string The reference Id for an object
    title string The title of an Assessment
    status_id integer The Status Id of the Assessment. Example: Draft, Close. The available Status for Assessment are mentioned in the enumerator list below
    description string The description of the Assessment
    organization_id integer The Id of the organization to which an Assessment belongs to
    position_id integer The Id of the position for which an Assessment is created
    cf Object The Custom Field object
    first_assessment_section_id integer The Id of the first Assessment Section
    addedCount integer The count of the Candidate added for an Assessment
    invitedCount integer The count of Candidates invited for an Assessment
    hasLargeForm boolean If true, The Assessment has a form for a large screen
    inProgressCount integer The count of Candidate whose Assessment is in progress
    attendedCount integer The count of Candidates who have attended and completed an assessment
    assessedCount integer The count of Candidates whose Assessment has been evaluated
    selectedCount integer The count of Candidates who have been selected for the position for which an Assessment was created
    hasLive boolean Flag to check whether an Assessment has a live session
    holdCount integer The count of candidates who are neither rejected nor selected in an assessment and are kept in hold
    rejectedCount integer The count of candidates who have been rejected after an Assessment
    customFields Array of Object The Details of all the available Custom Fields
    start_date integer The date and time from when the Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date integer The last date and time to attend an Assessment
    owned_by integer The Id of the user who own the assessment. The user here is the Recruiter who created the Assessment

    List of Assessment Status:

    Status Key Description
    Draft 1 When no candidate is assigned to an assessment
    Closed 2 The assessment is closed
    Open 3 The assessment is open for candidate
    Filled 4 The requirement of positions is filled

    List all Assessment

    This endpoint returns all existing Assessments.

    GET /models/assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 861338,
        "external_id": null,
        "title": "qwertyui",
        "status_id": null,
        "description": "<span class=\"not-set\">(not set)</span>",
        "organization_id": 488,
        "position_id": null,
        "cf": [
        "first_assessment_section_id": null,
        "formUrl": "",
        "reportUrl": "",
        "hasLive": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 14:54:35+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 14:54:35+00",
        "customFields": [],
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "owned_by": 30876,
        "_links": {
          "metrics": {
            "href": "/reports/assessment-time/861338"
          "notificationLog": {
            "href": "/models/notification-log?assessment_id=861338"
          "templates": {
            "href": "/models/notification-template?assessment_id=861338"
          "menuCardAssessments": {
            "href": "/models/menu-card-assessment?assessment_id=861338"
          "all": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338"
          "categories": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-category?assessment_id=861338"
          "assessmentSummary": {
            "href": "/assessment/861338"
          "publicSection": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=10&section_type_id%5B7%5D=17"
          "assessmentSections": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=15&section_type_id%5B7%5D=7&section_type_id%5B8%5D=16&section_type_id%5B9%5D=10&section_type_id%5B10%5D=13&section_type_id%5B11%5D=14&section_type_id%5B12%5D=18&section_type_id%5B13%5D=9&section_type_id%5B14%5D=17&section_type_id%5B15%5D=22"
          "evaluateSections": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338&section_type_id%5B0%5D=4&section_type_id%5B1%5D=5&section_type_id%5B2%5D=10&section_type_id%5B3%5D=13&section_type_id%5B4%5D=15&section_type_id%5B5%5D=14&section_type_id%5B6%5D=18&section_type_id%5B7%5D=20&section_type_id%5B8%5D=19&section_type_id%5B9%5D=17&section_type_id%5B10%5D=21&section_type_id%5B11%5D=22&section_type_id%5B12%5D=7"
          "allSections": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=861338"
          "added": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=10"
          "invited": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=20"
          "attended": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=50"
          "rejected": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=90"
          "evaluated": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=60"
          "selected": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=70"
          "hold": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=80"
          "inProgress": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=861338&status_sort_key=30"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    external_id string false Filter records based on External Id
    title string true Filter records based on title of an Assessment
    start_date integer false Filter records based on start date of an Assessment
    end_date integer false Filter records based on end date of an Assessment
    cf Object false The Custom Field for an Assessment
    status Object false The status of the form
    owned_by integer false The Id of the owner who created an Assessment

    Retrieve an Assessment

    Retrieve an assessment based on the assessment id mentioned in the URL.

    GET /models/assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 860765,
        "external_id": "1322019",
        "title": "MCQ + Interview + Essay ",
        "status_id": null,
        "description": "<span class=\"not-set\">(not set)</span>",
        "organization_id": 488,
        "position_id": null,
        "cf": [
        "first_assessment_section_id": 6922566,
        "formUrl": "",
        "reportUrl": "",
        "hasLive": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:40:05+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 11:07:19+00",
        "customFields": [],
        "start_date": "2019-03-13 11:08:15+00",
        "end_date": "2019-03-23 11:07:15+00",
        "owned_by": 30876,
        "_links": {
          "metrics": {
            "href": "/reports/assessment-time/860765"
          "notificationLog": {
            "href": "/models/notification-log?assessment_id=860765"
          "templates": {
            "href": "/models/notification-template?assessment_id=860765"
          "menuCardAssessments": {
            "href": "/models/menu-card-assessment?assessment_id=860765"
          "all" {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765"
          "categories": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-category?assessment_id=860765"
          "assessmentSummary": {
            "href": "/assessment/860765"
          "publicSection": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=860765&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=10&section_type_id%5B7%5D=17"
          "assessmentSections": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=860765&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=15&section_type_id%5B7%5D=7&section_type_id%5B8%5D=16&section_type_id%5B9%5D=10&section_type_id%5B10%5D=13&section_type_id%5B11%5D=14&section_type_id%5B12%5D=18&section_type_id%5B13%5D=9&section_type_id%5B14%5D=17&section_type_id%5B15%5D=22"
          "evaluateSections": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=860765&section_type_id%5B0%5D=4&section_type_id%5B1%5D=5&section_type_id%5B2%5D=10&section_type_id%5B3%5D=13&section_type_id%5B4%5D=15&section_type_id%5B5%5D=14&section_type_id%5B6%5D=18&section_type_id%5B7%5D=20&section_type_id%5B8%5D=19&section_type_id%5B9%5D=17&section_type_id%5B10%5D=21&section_type_id%5B11%5D=22&section_type_id%5B12%5D=7"
          "allSections": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=860765"
          "added": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=10"
          "invited": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=20"
          "attended": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=50"
          "rejected": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=90"
          "evaluated": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=60"
          "selected": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=70"
          "hold": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=80"
          "inProgress": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=860765&status_sort_key=30"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an Assessment

    This end point is used to create a new Assessment.

    POST /models/assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "title": "Pearson Testing",
        "status_id": null,
        "description": "<p>sdfgsdfg</p>",
        "start_date": "2019-04-12 06:53:00+00",
        "end_date": "2019-04-15 06:53:00+00",
        "owned_by": 30876

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 887754,
      "external_id": null,
      "title": "Pearson Testing",
      "status_id": null,
      "description": "<p>sdfgsdfg</p>",
      "organization_id": 488,
      "position_id": null,
      "cf": [
      "publicLinkUrl": null,
      "first_assessment_section_id": null,
      "formUrl": "",
      "reportUrl": "",
      "hasLive": false,
      "created_at": "2019-04-11T09:04:25+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-11T09:04:25+00:00",
      "customFields": [],
      "start_date": "2019-04-12 06:53:00+00",
      "end_date": "2019-04-15 06:53:00+00",
      "owned_by": 30876,
      "_links": {
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/reports/assessment-time/887754"
        "notificationLog": {
          "href": "/models/notification-log?assessment_id=887754"
        "templates": {
          "href": "/models/notification-template?assessment_id=887754"
        "menuCardAssessments": {
          "href": "/models/menu-card-assessment?assessment_id=887754"
        "all": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-category?assessment_id=887754"
        "assessmentSummary": {
          "href": "/assessment/887754"
        "publicSection": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=887754&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=15&section_type_id%5B3%5D=20&section_type_id%5B4%5D=4&section_type_id%5B5%5D=5&section_type_id%5B6%5D=6&section_type_id%5B7%5D=10&section_type_id%5B8%5D=17"
        "assessmentSections": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=887754&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=15&section_type_id%5B7%5D=7&section_type_id%5B8%5D=16&section_type_id%5B9%5D=10&section_type_id%5B10%5D=13&section_type_id%5B11%5D=14&section_type_id%5B12%5D=18&section_type_id%5B13%5D=9&section_type_id%5B14%5D=17&section_type_id%5B15%5D=22"
        "evaluateSections": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=887754&section_type_id%5B0%5D=4&section_type_id%5B1%5D=5&section_type_id%5B2%5D=10&section_type_id%5B3%5D=13&section_type_id%5B4%5D=15&section_type_id%5B5%5D=14&section_type_id%5B6%5D=18&section_type_id%5B7%5D=20&section_type_id%5B8%5D=19&section_type_id%5B9%5D=17&section_type_id%5B10%5D=21&section_type_id%5B11%5D=22&section_type_id%5B12%5D=7"
        "allSections": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=887754"
        "added": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=10"
        "invited": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=20"
        "attended": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=50"
        "rejected": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=90"
        "evaluated": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=60"
        "selected": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=70"
        "hold": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=80"
        "inProgress": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=887754&status_sort_key=30"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    title string true The title of the Assessment
    description string true The description of the Assessment
    start_date integer false The date from when the Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date integer false The last date and time to attend the Assessment
    owned_by integer false Filter records based on the Id of the owner who created an Assessment
    status text false The status of the Assessment

    Update an Assessment

    Updates the details of an assessment based on the assessment id mentioned in the URL.

    PUT /models/assessment/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON PUT Request:

        "title": "Pearson Testing",
        "status_id": null,
        "description": "<p>sdfgsdfg</p>",
        "start_date": "2019-04-12 06:53:00+00",
        "end_date": "2019-04-16 06:53:00+00",
        "owned_by": 30876

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 734419,
      "external_id": "56",
      "title": "Duplicate question testing ",
      "status_id": null,
      "description": "<span class=\"not-set\">(not set)</span>",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "position_id": null,
      "cf": [
      "first_assessment_section_id": null,
      "addedCount": null,
      "invitedCount": 0,
      "hasLargeForm": false,
      "inProgressCount": 0,
      "attendedCount": 0,
      "assessedCount": 0,
      "selectedCount": 0,
      "formUrl": "",
      "reportUrl": "/reports/excel/assessment/734419.xls",
      "hasLive": false,
      "holdCount": 0,
      "rejectedCount": 0,
      "created_at": "2019-02-13 13:58:24+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2019-02-19T09:39:09+00:00",
      "customFields": [],
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "owned_by": 270471,
      "_links": {
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/reports/assessment-time/734419"
        "notificationLog": {
          "href": "/models/notification-log?assessment_id=734419"
        "templates": {
          "href": "/models/notification-template?assessment_id=734419"
        "menuCardAssessments": {
          "href": "/models/menu-card-assessment?assessment_id=734419"
        "all": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419"
        "assessmentSummary": {
          "href": "/assessment/734419"
        "publicSection": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=734419&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=10&section_type_id%5B7%5D=17"
        "assessmentSections": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=734419&section_type_id%5B0%5D=21&section_type_id%5B1%5D=19&section_type_id%5B2%5D=20&section_type_id%5B3%5D=4&section_type_id%5B4%5D=5&section_type_id%5B5%5D=6&section_type_id%5B6%5D=15&section_type_id%5B7%5D=7&section_type_id%5B8%5D=16&section_type_id%5B9%5D=10&section_type_id%5B10%5D=13&section_type_id%5B11%5D=14&section_type_id%5B12%5D=18&section_type_id%5B13%5D=9&section_type_id%5B14%5D=17&section_type_id%5B15%5D=22"
        "evaluateSections": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=734419&section_type_id%5B0%5D=4&section_type_id%5B1%5D=5&section_type_id%5B2%5D=10&section_type_id%5B3%5D=13&section_type_id%5B4%5D=15&section_type_id%5B5%5D=14&section_type_id%5B6%5D=18&section_type_id%5B7%5D=20&section_type_id%5B8%5D=19&section_type_id%5B9%5D=17&section_type_id%5B10%5D=21&section_type_id%5B11%5D=22&section_type_id%5B12%5D=7"
        "allSections": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section?assessment_id=734419"
        "added": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=10"
        "invited": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=20"
        "attended": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=50"
        "rejected": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=90"
        "evaluated": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=60"
        "selected": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=70"
        "hold": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=80"
        "inProgress": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?assessment_id=734419&status_sort_key=30"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    title string true The title of the Assessment
    description string true The description of the Assessment
    description text false The description of the assessment
    start_date integer false The date from when the Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date integer false The last date and time to attend the assessment
    owned_by integer false Filter records based on the Id of the owner who created an Assessment

    Delete an Assessment

    DELETE /models/assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns a status code : 204 No Content

    Deletes the details of an assessment based on the assessment id mentioned in the URL.

    HTTP Request


    Assessment Candidate

    The Assessment Candidate endpoint provides all the Assessment status details of a Candidate who have been invited to any of the Assessment. A candidate can be invited to one or more Assessments.

    The Assessment Candidate Object

        "id": 1556661,
        "assessment_id": 682126,
        "candidate_id": 5720911,
        "status_id": 2,
        "invited_by": 30876,
        "proviewRating": null,
        "invited_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "attended_at": null,
        "evaluated_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "_links": {
          "assessmentSectionCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/682126"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5720911"
          "files": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "tbiReport": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1556661&file_type_id=40"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    assessment_id integer The id of an Assessment
    candidate_id integer The id of the Candidate who is invited for an Assessment
    status_id smallint The status of an Assessment Candidate. Example: Invited, Hold. The available Status for Assessment Candidate are mentioned in the enumerator list below
    invited_by integer The Id of the User who invited the Assessment
    proviewRating integer Indicate whether the candidate has cheated during the Assessment by switching to other Tab,going offline etc. High means No cheating, Low means cheating
    invited_at timestamptz The date and time when the candidate was invited to an Assessment
    attended_at timestamptz The date and time when the candidate attended an Assessment
    evaluated_at timestamptz The date and time when the Assessment was evaluated by the Evaluator

    List of Assessment Candidate Status:

    Status Key Description
    Invited 10 The candidate has been invited for the Assessment
    Mailed 20 The Candidate has been sent invitation/reminder email for the Assessment
    Attending 30 The Candidate is attending the Assessment
    Completed 50 The Candidate has completed the Assessment
    Assessed 60 The Assessment of the Candidate has been Evaluated
    Selected 70 The Candidate has been Selected
    Hold 80 The Candidate is kept in hold
    Rejected 90 The Candidate has been Rejected
    Suspended 100 The Candidate has been Suspended

    List all Assessment Candidate

    Returns all the candidates who have been assigned to an Assessment.

    GET /models/assessment-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 346328,
        "assessment_id": 89313,
        "candidate_id": 1841093,
        "status_id": 2,
        "invited_by": 65996,
        "invited_at": "2018-04-16 12:47:42+00",
        "attended_at": null,
        "evaluated_at": null,
        "created_at": "2018-04-16 12:47:41+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-04-16 12:47:41+00",
        "_links": {
            "assessmentSectionCandidates": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_candidate_id=346328"
            "assessment": {
                "href": "/models/assessment/89313"
            "candidate": {
                "href": "/models/candidate/1841093"
            "files": {
                "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=346328"
            "tbiReport": {
                "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=346328&file_type_id=40"
        "id": 346327,
        "assessment_id": 14427,
        "candidate_id": 5755874,
        "status_id": 3,
        "invited_by": 23617,
        "proviewRating": null,
        "invited_at": "2019-01-19 14:49:51+05:30",
        "attended_at": null,
        "evaluated_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-01-19 14:49:51+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-19 14:52:45+05:30",
        "_links": {
          "assessmentSectionCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_candidate_id=1590541"
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_candidate_id=1590541"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/14427"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5755874"
          "files": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1590541"
          "tbiReport": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1590541&file_type_id=40"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_id integer false Filters records based on Assessment Id
    candidate_id integer false Filter records based on Candidate Id
    s text false Filter records by any of the following field of Candidate - first_name, last_name, email, external_id
    status_id integer false Filter records based on Status Id
    panel_id integer false Filter records based on Panel Id. Panels are assigned for the Assessment Section
    isPendingInvite integer false Filter records based on pending invites
    isUnassigned integer false Filter records based on Assessment for which Panel is not assigned
    isPendingEval integer false Filter records based on Assessment whose evaluation is pending
    isRecentEval integer false Filter records based on recent evaluated Assessment

    Retrieve an Assessment Candidate

    Retrieves the details of all the candidates who are being invited for an Assessment based on the Id provided in the URl.

    GET /models/assessment-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1556661,
        "assessment_id": 682126,
        "candidate_id": 5720911,
        "status_id": 2,
        "invited_by": 30876,
        "proviewRating": null,
        "invited_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "attended_at": null,
        "evaluated_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "_links": {
          "assessmentSectionCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/682126"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5720911"
          "files": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "tbiReport": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1556661&file_type_id=40"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Update an Assessment Candidate

    Update an Assessment Candidate based on the id provided.

    PUT /models/assessment-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1556661,
        "assessment_id": 682126,
        "candidate_id": 5720911,
        "status_id": 2,
        "invited_by": 30876,
        "proviewRating": null,
        "invited_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "attended_at": null,
        "evaluated_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:48:59+00",
        "_links": {
          "assessmentSectionCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/682126"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5720911"
          "files": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1556661"
          "tbiReport": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_candidate_id=1556661&file_type_id=40"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_id integer false The id of an Assessment
    candidate_id integer false The id of the Candidate who is invited for an Assessment
    status_id integer false The id of the Assessment Status. The Assessment status are mentioned in the Assessment Model
    proviewRating integer false Indicate whether the candidate has cheated during the Assessment by switching to other Tab,going offline etc. High means No cheating, Low means cheating
    attended_at timestamptz false The date and time when the candidate attended an Assessment
    evaluated_at timestamptz false The date and time when the Assessment was evaluated by the Evaluator

    Delete an Assessment Candidate

    Deletes an Assessment Candidate based on the id provided.

    DELETE /models/assessment-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns status code : 204 No Content

    HTTP Request


    Assessment Candidate File

    The Assessment Candidate File endpoint gives the details of uploaded file related to a Candidate invited for the Assessment(Assessment Candidate).
    Example: Resume.

    The Assessment Candidate File Object

     "id": 2984863,
     "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
     "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
     "file_id": 4805609
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    assessment_candidate_id integer The Id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer The Id of the Assessment Section Candidate
    file_id integer The Id of the File attached

    List all Assessment Candidate File

    This end point returns all the files of the candidates assigned to an assessment.

    GET /models/assessment-candidate-file HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 2984863,
            "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
            "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
            "file_id": 4805609
            "id": 2984864,
            "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
            "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
            "file_id": 4805610
            "id": 2984865,
            "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
            "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
            "file_id": 4805611

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_candidate_id integer false Filter based on assessment_candidate_id
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer false Filter based on assessment_section_candidate_id
    file_id integer false Filter records based on File Id

    Retrieve an Assessment Candidate File

    Retrieve a file based on the assessment id mentioned in the URL.

    GET /models/assessment-candidate-file/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 2984863,
       "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
       "file_id": 4805609

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter based on Id

    Create a new Assessment Candidate File

    Creates a file for the candidate assigned with an assessment.

    POST /models/assessment-candidate-file HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 4065678,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
        "file_id": 4805609

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    file_id integer true The Id of the File attached
    assessment_candidate_id integer true The Id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer true The Id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    Update an Assessment Candidate File

    PUT /models/assessment-candidate-file/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 4065678,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 142789,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 131162,
        "file_id": 4805609

    This endpoint updates an existing Assessment Candidate file.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Deletes an Assessment Candidate File

    Deletes the details of candidate file based on the id mentioned in the URL.

    DELETE /models/assessment-candidate-file/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns status code: 204 No Content

    HTTP Request


    Assessment Category

    The Assessment Category endpoint gives all the details of the Categorised Assesment.

    The Assessment Category Object

       "id": 1,
       "assessment_id": 3127,
       "category_id": 9,
       "created_by": null,
       "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
       "updated_by": null,
       "updated_at": null
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    assessment_id integer The Id of the Assesment
    category_id integer The Id of the Category

    List all Assessment Category

    Returns all the details of the Assessment Category.

    GET /models/assessment-category HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 1,
       "assessment_id": 3127,
       "category_id": 9,
       "created_by": null,
       "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
       "updated_by": null,
       "updated_at": null
       "id": 2,
       "assessment_id": 3129,
       "category_id": 9,
       "created_by": null,
       "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
       "updated_by": null,
       "updated_at": null

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the object
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment
    category_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Category

    Retrieve an Assessment Category

    Retrieve an assessment category based on the id mentioned in the URL.

    GET /models/assessment-category/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 1,
       "assessment_id": 3127,
       "category_id": 9,
       "created_by": null,
       "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
       "updated_by": null,
       "updated_at": null

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an Assessment Category

    POST /models/assessment-category/ HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 1,
       "assessment_id": 3127,
       "category_id": 9,
       "created_by": null,
       "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
       "updated_by": null,
       "updated_at": null

    This end point Creates a new Assessment Category.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_id integer true The Id of the Assessment
    category_id integer true The Id of the Category

    Updates an Assessment Category

    This endpoint Updates an Assessment Category.

    PUT /models/assessment-category/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 1,
       "assessment_id": 3127,
       "category_id": 9,
       "created_by": null,
       "created_at": "2016-04-19 11:39:01+05:30",
       "updated_by": null,
       "updated_at": null

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    arameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_id integer false The Id of the Assessment
    category_id integer false The Id of the Category

    Delete an Assessment Category

    DELETE /models/assessment-category/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This end point Deletes an Assessment Category

    HTTP Request


    Assessment Collaborator

    The Assessment Collaborator end point gives the details of all the User who are associated with some Assessment. Collaborators have limited access to the Application and work collaboratively with the core User.

    The Assessment Collaborator Object

        "id": 1,
        "role": 1,
        "assessment_id": 21807,
        "user_id": 30848,
        "created_by": 30848,
        "created_at": "2017-11-21 02:08:28+00",
        "updated_by": 30848,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-21 02:08:28+00"
    Parameter Type Description
    id bigint The unique identifier of the object
    role smallint The role of the User as collaborator
    assessment_id integer The id of the Assessment
    user_id integer The id of the User

    List all Assessment Collaborator

    GET /models/assessment-collaborator HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 10951601,
        "role": 1,
        "assessment_id": 708720,
        "user_id": 169297,
        "created_by": 31117,
        "created_at": "2019-02-08 04:32:00+00",
        "updated_by": 31117,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-08 04:32:00+00"
        "id": 10951611,
        "role": 1,
        "assessment_id": 708720,
        "user_id": 169320,
        "created_by": 31117,
        "created_at": "2019-02-08 04:49:55+00",
        "updated_by": 31117,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-08 04:49:55+00"

    Returns all the assessment collaborators.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    role integer true Filter records based on role
    assessment_id integer true Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment
    user_id integer true Filter records based on the Id of the User

    Retrieve an Assessment Collaborator

    GET /models/assessment-collaborator/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 10951601,
        "role": 1,
        "assessment_id": 708720,
        "user_id": 169297,
        "created_by": 31117,
        "created_at": "2019-02-08 04:32:00+00",
        "updated_by": 31117,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-08 04:32:00+00"

    Retrieve an assessment collaborators.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an Assessment Collaborator

    POST /models/assessment-collaborator HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "role": 1,
        "assessment_id": 21807,
        "user_id": 30848,
        "created_by": 30848,
        "created_at": "2017-11-21 02:08:28+00",
        "updated_by": 30848,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-21 02:08:28+00"

    This end point adds an assessment collaborator.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    role smallint true The role of the User as collaborator
    assessment_id integer true The id of the Assessment
    user_id integer true The id of the User

    Updates an Assessment Collaborator

    PUT /models/assessment-collaborator/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "role": 1,
        "assessment_id": 21807,
        "user_id": 30848,
        "created_by": 30848,
        "created_at": "2017-11-21 02:08:28+00",
        "updated_by": 30848,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-21 02:08:28+00"

    Updates an assessment collaborator.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    role smallint false The role of the User as collaborator

    Delete an Assessment Collaborator

    DELETE /models/assessment-collaborator HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns status code : 204 No Content

    Deletes an assessment collaborator.

    HTTP Request


    Assessment Section

    The Assessment Section endpoint provides all the details of the Sections attached to an Assessment. An Assessment can have more then one section attached to it.

    The Assessment Section Object

        "id": 128203,
        "is_public": false,
        "is_proctor": true,
        "is_review": false,
        "isSkipAllowed": true,
        "is_visible": true,
        "is_retake": false,
        "isRetake": false,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "isPlaylist": true, 
        "section_id": 1,
        "assessment_id": 21318,
        "publicLinkUrl": null,
        "max_section_time": null,
        "max_question_time": null,
        "questionDisplayTime": 11,
        "intro": null,
        "isObjectiveScoreBreakup": true,
        "conclusion": null,
        "reportUrl": null,
        "cut_off": null,
        "positive_mark": "4.00",
        "negative_mark": "1.00",
        "evaluation_start_date": null,
        "evaluation_end_date": null,
        "proview_type" : "ai_proctor",
        "created_at": "2017-11-03 15:46:17+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 09:04:06+00",
        "_links": {
          "unassigned": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_section_id=128203&unassigned=1"
          "parameters": {
            "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=1"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/21318"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_public boolean If true, the Assessment is public. Public Assessment is open and can be attempted by any candidate by registering themself, and in case of private Assessment only invited Candidate can attempt the Assessment
    is_proctor boolean Whether the proctor is available for a particular Assessment Section
    is_review boolean If true, the review of all the question of that section will be displayed at last
    isSkipAllowed boolean If true,skipping of question is allowed
    is_retake boolean Whether the question in the section can be retaken
    isRetake boolean Whether the question in the section can be retaken
    start_date timestamptz The date and time from when the Assessment Section is active and can be attended
    end_date timestamptz The last date and time to attend an Assessment
    isPlaylist boolean If true, list of all questions will be displayed all the time during assessment
    section_id integer The Id of the Section
    assessment_id integer The id of the Assessment
    publicLinkUrl string Link for the candidate to register themselves for an Assessment Section
    max_section_time interval second Maximum time to attempt the Assessment Section
    max_question_time interval second Maximum time to attempt the questions of the Section.
    questionDisplayTime interval second Time duration for displaying the question
    intro text Introduction of the Assessment Section
    isObjectiveScoreBreakup boolean Whether the objective score can be broke up
    conclusion text Conclusion message of the Assessment Section
    reportUrl string The url for getting section level report of the Assessment Section
    cut_off integer Cut off mark for the assessment section
    positive_mark integer Positive mark for each question of Assessment Section
    negative_mark integer Negative mark for each question of Assessment Section
    evaluation_start_date timestamptz The date and time when the evaluation of the Assessment Section is started
    evaluation_end_date timestamptz The date and time when the evaluation of the Assessment Section is ended
    proview_type string The type of proview session. The allowrd session types are listed below

    Type of allowed proview sesstion types

    Session Type Description
    ai_proctor AI Proctoring Session. In this, the proctored session is evaluated automatically
    live_proctor Live Proctoring Session. In this, the proctored session is evaluated live by panel/proctor
    candidate_auth Candidate Authentication. This is proctoring solution for Live and Asyc interview types
    record_and_review Record and Review. In this, the proview recordings are reviewed by the proctor.

    List all Assessment Section

    GET /models/assessment-section HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

          "id": 128203,
          "is_public": false,
          "is_proctor": true,
          "is_review": false,
          "isSkipAllowed": true,
          "is_visible": true,
          "is_retake": false,
          "isRetake": false,
          "start_date": null,
          "end_date": null,
          "isPlaylist": true,
          "section_id": 1,
          "assessment_id": 21318,
          "publicLinkUrl": null,
          "max_section_time": null,
          "max_question_time": null,
          "questionDisplayTime": 11,
          "intro": null,
          "isObjectiveScoreBreakup": true,
          "conclusion": null,
          "reportUrl": null,
          "cut_off": null,
          "positive_mark": "4.00",
          "negative_mark": "1.00",
          "evaluation_start_date": null,
          "evaluation_end_date": null,
          "proview_type" : "ai_proctor",
          "created_at": "2017-11-03 15:46:17+00",
          "updated_at": "2019-03-12 09:04:06+00",
          "_links": {
            "unassigned": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_section_id=128203&unassigned=1"
            "parameters": {
              "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=1"
            "assessment": {
              "href": "/models/assessment/21318"

    Returns all the Assessment Section

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of Assessment
    section_type_id integer false Filter records based on Section Type

    Retrieve an Assessment Section

    GET /models/assessment-section/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 128203,
        "is_public": false,
        "is_proctor": true,
        "is_review": false,
        "isSkipAllowed": true,
        "is_visible": true,
        "is_retake": false,
        "isRetake": false,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "isPlaylist": true,
        "section_id": 1,
        "assessment_id": 21318,
        "publicLinkUrl": null,
        "max_section_time": null,
        "max_question_time": null,
        "questionDisplayTime": 11,
        "intro": null,
        "isObjectiveScoreBreakup": true,
        "conclusion": null,
        "reportUrl": null,
        "cut_off": null,
        "positive_mark": "4.00",
        "negative_mark": "1.00",
        "evaluation_start_date": null,
        "evaluation_end_date": null,
        "created_at": "2017-11-03 15:46:17+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 09:04:06+00",
        "proview_type" : "ai_proctor",
        "_links": {
          "unassigned": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_section_id=128203&unassigned=1"
          "parameters": {
            "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=1"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/21318"

    Retrieve an Assessment Section.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an Assessment Section

    POST /models/assessment-section HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 842829,
      "is_public": false,
      "is_proctor": true,
      "is_retake": false,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "section_id": 1,
      "assessment_id": 103545,
      "max_section_time": null,
      "max_question_time": null,
      "questionDisplayTime": 3,
      "intro": null,
      "isObjectiveScoreBreakup": true,
      "conclusion": null,
      "cut_off": null,
      "positive_mark": "4.00",
      "negative_mark": "1.00",
      "evaluation_start_date": null,
      "evaluation_end_date": null,
      "proview_type" : "ai_proctor",
      "created_at": "2018-04-07 08:52:05+00",
      "updated_at": "2018-04-07 08:52:05+00",
      "_links": {
          "parameters": {
              "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=1"
          "assessment": {
              "href": "/models/assessment/103545"

    This endpoint creates an Assessment Section.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    is_review boolean true If true, the review of all the question of that section will be displayed at last
    isSkipAllowed boolean true If true,skipping of question is allowed
    isRetake boolean true Whether the question in the section can be retaken
    isPlaylist boolean true If true, list of all questions will be displayed all the time during assessment
    section_id integer true The Id of the Section
    assessment_id integer true The id of the Assessment
    section_type_id integer true The Id of the Section type
    max_section_time interval second true, when Section type is Objective, Essay, Simulation, Code Maximum time to attempt the Assessment Section
    max_question_time interval second true, When Section type is interview Maximum time to attempt the questions of the Section
    questionDisplayTime interval second true Time duration for displaying the question
    intro text true Introduction of the Assessment Section
    conclusion text true Conclusion message of the Assessment Section
    cut_off integer true, when Section type id Objective Cut off mark for the assessment section
    positive_mark integer true, when Section type id Objective Positive mark for each question of Assessment Section
    negative_mark integer true, when Section type id Objective Negative mark for each question of Assessment Section
    evaluation_end_date timestamptz true The date and time when the evaluation of the Assessment Section is ended
    proview_type string false The type of proview session

    Update an Assessment Section

    PUT /models/assessment-section/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 128203,
        "is_public": false,
        "is_proctor": true,
        "is_review": false,
        "isSkipAllowed": true,
        "is_visible": true,
        "is_retake": false,
        "isRetake": false,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "isPlaylist": true,
        "section_id": 1,
        "assessment_id": 21318,
        "publicLinkUrl": null,
        "max_section_time": null,
        "max_question_time": null,
        "questionDisplayTime": 11,
        "intro": null,
        "isObjectiveScoreBreakup": true,
        "conclusion": null,
        "reportUrl": null,
        "cut_off": null,
        "positive_mark": "4.00",
        "negative_mark": "1.00",
        "evaluation_start_date": null,
        "evaluation_end_date": null,
        "proview_type" : "ai_proctor",
        "created_at": "2017-11-03 15:46:17+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 09:04:06+00",
        "_links": {
          "unassigned": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_section_id=128203&unassigned=1"
          "parameters": {
            "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=1"
          "assessment": {
            "href": "/models/assessment/21318"

    This endpoint updates an Assessment Section.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    is_review boolean false If true, the review of all the question of that section will be displayed at last
    isSkipAllowed boolean false If true,skipping of question is allowed
    isRetake boolean false Whether the question in the section can be retaken
    isPlaylist boolean false If true, list of all questions will be displayed all the time during assessment
    section_id integer false The Id of the Section
    max_section_time interval second false Maximum time to attempt the Assessment Section
    max_question_time interval second false Maximum time to attempt the questions of the Section
    questionDisplayTime interval second false Time duration for displaying the question
    intro text false Introduction of the Assessment Section
    conclusion text false Conclusion message of the Assessment Section
    cut_off integer false Cut off mark for the assessment section
    positive_mark integer true Positive mark for each question of Assessment Section
    negative_mark integer true Negative mark for each question of Assessment Section
    evaluation_end_date timestamptz true The date and time when the evaluation of the Assessment Section is ended
    proview_type string false The type of proview session

    Delete an Assessment Section

    DELETE /models/assessment-section/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns a status code: 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes an assessment section.

    HTTP Request


    Assessment Section Candidate

    The Assessment Section Candidate endpoint provides the details of the Assessment Section mapped to a Candidate.

    The Assessment Section Candidate Object

      "id": 2091612,
      "external_id": null,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 1936000,
      "timeElapsed": 30,
      "isComplete": true,
      "section_id": 3513028,
      "assessment_id": 859988,
      "assessment_section_id": 6915639,
      "c": "UosxGRZ9zVWcksoxG7VtbCFuTEx1dgm5kHWxshvGLogxNTUyNDU3ODk5MjA5MTYxMg__",
      "preTemplate": "",
      "verification_code": "328633399",
      "start_date": null,
      "externalComplete": false,
      "end_date": "2019-03-22 11:41:55+00",
      "isRegistered": true,
      "intro": null,
      "conclusion": null,
      "hasBooked": false,
      "duration": "2 - 3 minutes",
      "started_at": null,
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "reportUrl": null,
      "status_id": 14,
      "completed_at": "2019-03-12 12:00:44+00",
      "status_reason_id": null,
      "status": {
        "id": 14,
        "sort_key": 60,
        "label": "Evaluated",
        "type": 20,
        "created_at": "2016-04-19 06:09:01+00",
        "updated_at": null
      "created_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:04+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-13 06:17:26+00",
      "evaluated_at": null,
      "score": "0.00",
      "invited_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:05+00",
      "created_by": 234078,
      "proctorLog": null,
      "updated_by": 234078,
      "positiveScore": 0,
      "negativeScore": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?id=2091612"
        "answers": {
          "href": "/models/answer?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "formInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "preFormInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type%5B0%5D=3&type%5B1%5D=17&type%5B2%5D=18"
        "evaluationFormInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type=2"
        "evaluations": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "selfEvaluations": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&self=1"
        "panelCandidates": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "status": {
          "href": "/status?id=14"
        "index": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
        "reports": {
          "href": "/models/file?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&file_type_id%5B0%5D=31&file_type_id%5B1%5D=40"
        "liveSessions": {
          "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "liveSessionsWithRecording": {
          "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&expand=recordings"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id string The reference Id for the object
    assessment_candidate_id integer The Id of the Candidate Associated with an Assessment(Assessment Candidate)
    timeElapsed timestamptz The remainig time of the Assessment Section
    isComplete boolean If true, the Assessment Section is attempted by the Candidate and is complete
    section_id integer The Id of the Section
    assessment_id integer The Id of the Assessment
    assessment_section_id integer The Id of the Assessment section
    c string The hash value for the Id
    preTemplate string Template for customising verification page
    verification_code integer The Verification Code for the Assessment Section that is sent to the candidate to verify the Assessment. The candidate must enter the verification code to attempt the Assessment Section.
    start_date timestamptz The date and time from when the Assessment Section is active for a particular Candidate
    externalComplete boolean Whether the external evaluation is complete
    end_date timestamptz The date and time until when the Assessment Section is active for a particular Candidate
    isRegistered boolean If true, the Candidate has registered for the Assessment Section
    intro text The introduction or the instruction to the candidate before attending the Assessment Section
    conclusion text The Conclusion message to the Candidate after completing the Assessment Section
    duration string Duration of the Assessment Section
    started_at timestamptz The date and time when the candidate started attempting the Assessment Section
    postAssessmentUrl string The Url that is provided after the completion of the Assessment Section. This is Optional
    reportUrl string The Url for the report of the Assessment Section Candidate
    status_id integer The status of the Assessment Candidate. Example: Invited, Selected. The available Status for Assessment Section Candidate are mentioned in the enumerator list below
    completed_at timestamptz The date and time when the candidate completed attempting the Assessment Section
    status_reason_id integer The Id of the Status Reason
    status object The object of the Status
    evaluated_at timestamptz The date and time when the Assessment Section Candidate was evaluated
    score integer The score obtained by a particular candidate for the Assessment Candidate
    invited_at timestamptz The date and time when the Candidate was invited for the Assessment Section
    created_by integer The Id of the User who created the Assessment Section. User may be Master Recruiter or the Recruiter.
    proctorLog integer The proctoLog of the Assessment Section Candidate
    updated_by integer The Id of the User who updated the Assessment Section. User may be Master Recruiter or the Recruiter.
    positiveScore integer The positive score for the Assessment Section
    negativeScore integer The negative score for the Assessment Section

    List of Assessment Section Candidate Status:

    Status Key Description
    Invited 10 The candidate has been invited for the Assessment
    Mailed 20 The Candidate has been sent invitation/reminder email for the Assessment
    Attending 30 The Candidate is attending the Assessment
    Completed 50 The Candidate has completed the Assessment
    Assessed 60 The Assessment of the Candidate has been Evaluated
    Selected 70 The Candidate has been Selected
    Hold 80 The Candidate is kept in hold
    Rejected 90 The Candidate has been Rejected
    Suspended 100 The Candidate has been Suspended

    List all Assessment Section Candidate

    GET /models/assessment-section-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2091612,
        "external_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 1936000,
        "timeElapsed": 30,
        "isComplete": true,
        "section_id": 3513028,
        "assessment_id": 859988,
        "assessment_section_id": 6915639,
        "c": "UosxGRZ9zVWcksoxG7VtbCFuTEx1dgm5kHWxshvGLogxNTUyNDU3ODk5MjA5MTYxMg__",
        "preTemplate": "",
        "verification_code": "328633399",
        "start_date": null,
        "externalComplete": false,
        "end_date": "2019-03-22 11:41:55+00",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "intro": null,
        "conclusion": null,
        "hasBooked": false,
        "duration": "2 - 3 minutes",
        "started_at": null,
        "postAssessmentUrl": null,
        "reportUrl": null,
        "status_id": 14,
        "completed_at": "2019-03-12 12:00:44+00",
        "status_reason_id": null,
        "status": {
          "id": 14,
          "sort_key": 60,
          "label": "Evaluated",
          "type": 20,
          "created_at": "2016-04-19 06:09:01+00",
          "updated_at": null
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:04+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 06:17:26+00",
        "evaluated_at": null,
        "score": "0.00",
        "invited_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:05+00",
        "created_by": 234078,
        "proctorLog": null,
        "updated_by": 234078,
        "positiveScore": 0,
        "negativeScore": 0,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?id=2091612"
          "answers": {
            "href": "/models/answer?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
          "formInstances": {
            "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
          "preFormInstances": {
            "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type%5B0%5D=3&type%5B1%5D=17&type%5B2%5D=18"
          "evaluationFormInstances": {
            "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type=2"
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
          "selfEvaluations": {
            "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&self=1"
          "panelCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/panel-candidate?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
          "status": {
            "href": "/status?id=14"
          "index": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
          "reports": {
            "href": "/models/file?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&file_type_id%5B0%5D=31&file_type_id%5B1%5D=40"
          "liveSessions": {
            "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
          "liveSessionsWithRecording": {
            "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&expand=recordings"

    This end point returns all the Assessment Section Candidate based on the Query Parameter passed.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_section_id integer false Filter records based on Assessment Section Id
    status_id integer false Filter records based on Status Id
    assessment_candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of Assessment(Assessment Candidate)
    section_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Section
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment
    assessment_section_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment section
    started_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the time when the candidate started attempting the Assessment Section
    status_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment Status
    completed_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the date and time of Completion of the Assessment Section
    evaluated_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the date and time of Evaluation of the Assessment Section

    Retrieve a Assessment Section Candidate

    GET /models/assessment-section-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 2091612,
      "external_id": null,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 1936000,
      "timeElapsed": 30,
      "isComplete": true,
      "section_id": 3513028,
      "assessment_id": 859988,
      "assessment_section_id": 6915639,
      "c": "UosxGRZ9zVWcksoxG7VtbCFuTEx1dgm5kHWxshvGLogxNTUyNDU3ODk5MjA5MTYxMg__",
      "preTemplate": "",
      "verification_code": "328633399",
      "start_date": null,
      "externalComplete": false,
      "end_date": "2019-03-22 11:41:55+00",
      "isRegistered": true,
      "intro": null,
      "conclusion": null,
      "hasBooked": false,
      "duration": "2 - 3 minutes",
      "started_at": null,
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "reportUrl": null,
      "status_id": 14,
      "completed_at": "2019-03-12 12:00:44+00",
      "status_reason_id": null,
      "status": {
        "id": 14,
        "sort_key": 60,
        "label": "Evaluated",
        "type": 20,
        "created_at": "2016-04-19 06:09:01+00",
        "updated_at": null
      "created_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:04+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-13 06:17:26+00",
      "evaluated_at": null,
      "score": "0.00",
      "invited_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:05+00",
      "created_by": 234078,
      "proctorLog": null,
      "updated_by": 234078,
      "positiveScore": 0,
      "negativeScore": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?id=2091612"
        "answers": {
          "href": "/models/answer?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "formInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "preFormInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type%5B0%5D=3&type%5B1%5D=17&type%5B2%5D=18"
        "evaluationFormInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type=2"
        "evaluations": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "selfEvaluations": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&self=1"
        "panelCandidates": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "status": {
          "href": "/status?id=14"
        "index": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
        "reports": {
          "href": "/models/file?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&file_type_id%5B0%5D=31&file_type_id%5B1%5D=40"
        "liveSessions": {
          "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "liveSessionsWithRecording": {
          "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&expand=recordings"

    This end point Retrieve the details of an existing assessment section candidate based on the Id passed.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Update a Assessment Section Candidate

    PUT /models/assessment-section-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 2091612,
      "external_id": null,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 1936000,
      "timeElapsed": 30,
      "isComplete": true,
      "section_id": 3513028,
      "assessment_id": 859988,
      "assessment_section_id": 6915639,
      "c": "UosxGRZ9zVWcksoxG7VtbCFuTEx1dgm5kHWxshvGLogxNTUyNDU3ODk5MjA5MTYxMg__",
      "preTemplate": "",
      "verification_code": "328633399",
      "start_date": null,
      "externalComplete": false,
      "end_date": "2019-03-22 11:41:55+00",
      "isRegistered": true,
      "intro": null,
      "conclusion": null,
      "hasBooked": false,
      "duration": "2 - 3 minutes",
      "started_at": null,
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "reportUrl": null,
      "status_id": 14,
      "completed_at": "2019-03-12 12:00:44+00",
      "status_reason_id": null,
      "status": {
        "id": 14,
        "sort_key": 60,
        "label": "Evaluated",
        "type": 20,
        "created_at": "2016-04-19 06:09:01+00",
        "updated_at": null
      "created_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:04+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-13 06:17:26+00",
      "evaluated_at": null,
      "score": "0.00",
      "invited_at": "2019-03-12 11:42:05+00",
      "created_by": 234078,
      "proctorLog": null,
      "updated_by": 234078,
      "positiveScore": 0,
      "negativeScore": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?id=2091612"
        "answers": {
          "href": "/models/answer?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "formInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "preFormInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type%5B0%5D=3&type%5B1%5D=17&type%5B2%5D=18"
        "evaluationFormInstances": {
          "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&type=2"
        "evaluations": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "selfEvaluations": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&self=1"
        "panelCandidates": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "status": {
          "href": "/status?id=14"
        "index": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
        "reports": {
          "href": "/models/file?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&file_type_id%5B0%5D=31&file_type_id%5B1%5D=40"
        "liveSessions": {
          "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612"
        "liveSessionsWithRecording": {
          "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=2091612&expand=recordings"

    This end point Updates the details of an existing Assessment Section for a particular Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    start_date timestamptz false The date and time from when the Assessment Section is active for a particular Candidate
    externalComplete boolean false Whether the external evaluation is complete
    end_date timestamptz false The date and time until when the Assessment Section is active for a particular Candidate
    status_id integer false The status of the Assessment. Click here for the Status
    completed_at timestamptz false The date and time when the candidate completed attempting the Assessment Section
    status_reason_id integer false The Id of the Status Reason
    evaluated_at timestamptz false The date and time when the Assessment Section Candidate was evaluated
    score integer false The score obtained by a particular candidate for the Assessment Candidate


    The Calendar endpoint stores the Calendar details of the logged in user. The User Calendar details can be set using the User Calendar endpoint.

    The Calendar Object

        "id": 3042793,
        "from": "2019-03-13 05:10:00+00",
        "to": "2019-03-13 07:10:00+00",
        "eventType": "live-schedule",
        "isAllDay": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:20+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:20+00",
        "event": "Live Session with Bidu Monu for Essay Parameters Checking ",
        "type": 3,
        "user_id": 45331,
        "_links": {
          "user": {
            "href": "/models/user?id=45331"
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3042793"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    from timestamptz The starting date and time of an event
    to timestamptz The ending date and time of an event
    eventType text The type of the event. Example: Available, Busy.
    The event types are described in the enumerator list below
    isAllDay boolean States whether is all day event
    event string The description of event
    type integer The key to an event type.
    The keys to the event types are mentioned in the enumerator list below
    user_id integer The id of the user associated to an user calendar object

    List of Event Types:

    Event Types Key Description
    Live-Schedule 1 A live session event has been scheduled
    Available 2 The user is available for an event
    Busy 3 The user is busy in an event
    Tentaive 4 The schedule is not certain

    List all Calendar Details

    GET /user/me/calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Array of calendar Deatils for the current logged in user

        "id": 3042793,
        "from": "2019-03-13 05:10:00+00",
        "to": "2019-03-13 07:10:00+00",
        "eventType": "live-schedule",
        "isAllDay": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:20+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:20+00",
        "event": "Live Session with Bidu Monu for Essay Parameters Checking ",
        "type": 3,
        "user_id": 45331,
        "_links": {
          "user": {
            "href": "/models/user?id=45331"
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3042793"
        "id": 3042791,
        "from": "2019-03-13 05:10:00+00",
        "to": "2019-03-13 07:10:00+00",
        "eventType": "live-schedule",
        "isAllDay": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:19+00",
        "event": "Live Session with Bidu Monu for Essay Parameters Checking ",
        "type": 3,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "_links": {
          "user": {
            "href": "/models/user?id=30876"
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3042791"

    This end point returns an array of calendar details

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    from timestamptz false Filter records based on the starting date and time of an event
    to timestamptz false Filter records based on the end date and time of an event
    type integer false Filter records based on an event type.
    The keys are mentioned in the enumerator list above
    user_id integer false Filter records based on the User Id

    Add Calendar Details

    POST /user/me/calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Request Body Sample

        "from": "2018-03-21 19:30:00+00",
        "to": "2018-03-21 20:30:00+00",
        "event": "Available",
        "type": 1

    Response for new calendar event for logged-in user

        "id": 3042791,
        "from": "2019-03-13 05:10:00+00",
        "to": "2019-03-13 07:10:00+00",
        "eventType": "live-schedule",
        "isAllDay": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:19+00",
        "event": "Live Session with Bidu Monu for Essay Parameters Checking ",
        "type": 3,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "_links": {
          "user": {
            "href": "/models/user?id=30876"
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3042791"

    This end point adds a new Calendar details

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    from timestamptz true The time from when an event is scheduled
    to timestamptz true The time when an event ends
    event text true The name of the event
    type integer true The key to an event type.
    The keys to the event types are mentioned in the enumerator list

    Update Calendar Details

    PUT /user/me/calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Response for new calendar event for logged-in user

        "id": 3042791,
        "from": "2019-03-13 05:10:00+00",
        "to": "2019-03-13 07:10:00+00",
        "eventType": "live-schedule",
        "isAllDay": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:19+00",
        "event": "Live Session with Bidu Monu for Essay Parameters Checking ",
        "type": 3,
        "user_id": 30876,
        "_links": {
          "user": {
            "href": "/models/user?id=30876"
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3042791"

    It updates the calendar details based on id

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    from timestamptz false The time from when an event is scheduled
    to timestamptz false The time when an event ends
    type integer false The key to an event type.
    The keys are mentioned in the enumerator list above
    event text false The name of the event

    Delete Calendar Details

    DELETE /user/me/calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns status code : 204 No Content

    This end point deletes the calendar details based on id

    HTTP Request



    The Candidate endpoint gives the details of the Candidate.

    Following are the ways to Create Candidate.
    1) The Candidate can be created by Master Recruiter or the Recruiter. The Candidate can also be created in bulk.
    2) If the Assessment is public, the link for the Assessment is shared publicly and a Candidate must Register himself before attempting the Assessment. Once the candidate register himself, the Candidate is created.

    The Candidate Object

        "id": 6507787,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "amith",
        "middle_name": null,
        "last_name": "patel",
        "phone": "7410852963",
        "external_id": null,
        "assigned_to": null,
        "status_id": 25,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "bio": null,
        "cf": [],
        "organization_id": 488,
        "customFields": [],
        "industry": null,
        "isRegistered": false,
        "icard": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 06:48:16+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 11:59:19+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6507787"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6507787&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6507787"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6507787"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6507787"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    email text The email of the Candidate
    first_name text The first name of the Candidate
    middle_name text The middle name of the Candidate
    last_name text The last name of the Candidate
    phone text The phone number of the Candidate
    assigned_to integer The Id of the Panel who has been assigned for the Candidate
    external_id string The reference Id for the object
    organization_id integer The Id of the organization to which the Candidate is associated.
    isRegistered false Whether the candidate has registered for the Assessment. This is for public Assessment
    cf jsonb Custom field details
    profile_pic string Profile picture of the Candidate
    status_id integer The status of the candidate .. example: Invited , attending.

    List all Candidate

    GET /models/candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6507787,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "amith",
        "middle_name": null,
        "last_name": "patel",
        "phone": "7410852963",
        "external_id": null,
        "assigned_to": null,
        "status_id": 25,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "bio": null,
        "cf": [],
        "organization_id": 488,
        "customFields": [],
        "industry": null,
        "isRegistered": false,
        "icard": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 06:48:16+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 11:59:19+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6507787"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6507787&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6507787"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6507787"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6507787"
        "id": 6506985,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Trdp",
        "middle_name": null,
        "last_name": null,
        "phone": "454545454545",
        "external_id": null,
        "assigned_to": null,
        "status_id": 25,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "bio": null,
        "cf": [],
        "organization_id": 488,
        "customFields": [],
        "industry": null,
        "isRegistered": false,
        "icard": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 05:31:21+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 11:35:31+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6506985"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6506985&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6506985"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6506985"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6506985"

    This end point returns all the details of candidates

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    email email false Filter records based on email
    status_id integer false Filter records based on status Id
    organization_id integer false Filter based on organization Id

    Retrieve a Candidate

    GET /models/candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6506985,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Trdp",
        "middle_name": null,
        "last_name": null,
        "phone": "454545454545",
        "external_id": null,
        "assigned_to": null,
        "status_id": 25,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "bio": null,
        "cf": [],
        "organization_id": 488,
        "customFields": [],
        "industry": null,
        "isRegistered": false,
        "icard": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 05:31:21+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 11:35:31+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6506985"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6506985&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6506985"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6506985"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6506985"

    Retrieves the details of an existing candidate.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Candidate

    POST /models/candidate/ HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6506985,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Trdp",
        "middle_name": null,
        "last_name": null,
        "phone": "454545454545",
        "external_id": null,
        "assigned_to": null,
        "status_id": 25,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "bio": null,
        "cf": [],
        "organization_id": 488,
        "customFields": [],
        "industry": null,
        "isRegistered": false,
        "icard": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 05:31:21+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 11:35:31+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6506985"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6506985&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6506985"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6506985"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6506985"

    This end point Creates a new candidate.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    email text true The email of the candidate
    first_name text false The first name of the Candidate
    middle_name text false The middle name of the Candidate
    last_name text false The last name of the Candidate
    phone text false The phone number of the Candidate

    Updates a Candidate

    This endpoint Updates a Candidate.

    PUT /models/candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6506985,
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Trdp",
        "middle_name": null,
        "last_name": null,
        "phone": "454545454545",
        "external_id": null,
        "assigned_to": null,
        "status_id": 25,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "bio": null,
        "cf": [],
        "organization_id": 488,
        "customFields": [],
        "industry": null,
        "isRegistered": false,
        "icard": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-12 05:31:21+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-12 11:35:31+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6506985"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6506985&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6506985"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6506985"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6506985"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    email text false The email of the candidate
    first_name text false The first name of the Candidate
    middle_name text false The middle name of the Candidate
    last_name text false The last name of the Candidate
    phone text false The phone number of the Candidate
    profile_pic string false Profile picture of the Candidate

    Delete a Candidate

    DELETE /models/candidate/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This end point Deletes a Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    Candidate Calendar

    The Candidate Calender endpoint gives the calendar details associated with a Candidate.

    The Candidate Calendar Object

        "id": 19403,
        "from": "2016-09-29 17:00:00+05:30",
        "candidate_id": 279942,
        "to": "2016-09-29 18:00:00+05:30",
        "event": "Live interview Interview with Talview",
        "type": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "created_by": 270471,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "updated_by": 270471
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    from timestamptz The date and time from when the event starts
    candidate_id integer The Id of the Candidate
    to timestamptz The date and time till when the event is
    event text The details of the event
    type smallint The type of the event

    Retrieve a list of candidate calendar

    GET /models/candidate-calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 19403,
        "from": "2016-09-29 17:00:00+05:30",
        "candidate_id": 279942,
        "to": "2016-09-29 18:00:00+05:30",
        "event": "Live interview Interview with Talview",
        "type": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "created_by": 270471,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "updated_by": 270471
        "id": 19402,
        "from": "2016-09-29 17:00:00+05:30",
        "candidate_id": 279942,
        "to": "2016-09-29 18:00:00+05:30",
        "event": "Live interview Interview with Talview",
        "type": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:24+05:30",
        "created_by": 270471,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:24+05:30",
        "updated_by": 270471

    Retrieves the details of all the existing candidate calendar.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    type integer false Filter records based on the type of event

    Retrieve a candidate calendar

    GET /models/candidate-calendar/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 19403,
        "from": "2016-09-29 17:00:00+05:30",
        "candidate_id": 279942,
        "to": "2016-09-29 18:00:00+05:30",
        "event": "Live interview Interview with Talview",
        "type": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "created_by": 270471,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "updated_by": 270471

    Retrieves the details of an existing candidate calendar.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on the Id of the object

    Create a candidate calendar

    POST /models/candidate-calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 19403,
        "from": "2016-09-29 17:00:00+05:30",
        "candidate_id": 279942,
        "to": "2016-09-29 18:00:00+05:30",
        "event": "Live interview Interview with Talview",
        "type": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "created_by": 270471,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "updated_by": 270471

    Creates a candidate calendar.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    from timestamptz true The date and time from when the event starts
    candidate_id integer true The Id of the Candidate
    to timestamptz true The date and time till when the event is
    type smallint true The type of the event

    Update a candidate calendar

    PUT /models/candidate-calendar/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 19403,
        "from": "2016-09-29 17:00:00+05:30",
        "candidate_id": 279942,
        "to": "2016-09-29 18:00:00+05:30",
        "event": "Live interview Interview with Talview",
        "type": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "created_by": 270471,
        "updated_at": "2019-02-06 14:57:30+05:30",
        "updated_by": 270471

    Updates the details of an existing candidate calendar.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    from timestamptz false The date and time from when the event starts
    candidate_id integer false The Id of the Candidate
    to timestamptz false The date and time till when the event is
    type smallint false The type of the event

    Candidate Education

    The Candidate Education end point gives the details of the Candidate Education.

    The Candidate Education Object

        "id": 31,
        "candidate_id": 644252,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "field_of_study": null,
        "grade": null,
        "degree": null,
        "school": "test",
        "description": null,
        "activities": null,
        "started_at": null,_
        "completed_at": null,
        "created_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    candidate_id integer The Id of the Candidate
    title text The title of the Education. Example: Master In Computer Applications
    type text The type of Education. Example: Regular, Distance.
    field_of_study text The field of study. Example: Specialised in Cloud Technology
    grade text The grade Obtained by the Candidate on the particular degree
    degree text The degree of the candidate. Example: BTech, MCA
    school text The Name of the School
    description text The description of the Education
    activities text The extra curricular activities during education period
    started_at timestamptz The date when the Candidate started the mentioned degree
    completed_at timestamptz The date when the Candidate completed the mentioned degree
    created_by integer The id of who created candidate education
    updated_by integer The id of who updated candidate education

    List all Candidate Education

    GET /models/candidate-education HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 31,
        "candidate_id": 644252,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "field_of_study": null,
        "grade": null,
        "degree": null,
        "school": "test",
        "description": null,
        "activities": null,
        "started_at": null,
        "completed_at": null,
        "created_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    Returns all the candidate education details.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Candidate
    title text false Filter records based on the title of the Candidate Education
    type text false Filter records based on the type of the Candidate Education
    field_of_study text false Filter records based on the Field of Study of the Candidate Education
    grade text false Filter records based on the Grade of the Candidate Education
    degree text flase Filter records based on the degree of the candidate. Example: BTech, MCA
    school text false Filter records based on the name of the School

    Retrieves a Candidate Education

    GET /models/candidate-education/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 31,
        "candidate_id": 644252,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "field_of_study": null,
        "grade": null,
        "degree": null,
        "school": "test",
        "description": null,
        "activities": null,
        "started_at": null,
        "completed_at": null,
        "created_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    This end point retrieves a candidate's education details.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Candidate Education

    POST /models/candidate-education HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 31,
        "candidate_id": 644252,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "field_of_study": null,
        "grade": null,
        "degree": null,
        "school": "test",
        "description": null,
        "activities": null,
        "started_at": null,
        "completed_at": null,
        "created_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    This end point creates a candidate's education details.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    candidate_id integer true The Id of the Candidate
    title text false The title of the degree. Example: Integrated Master in Computer Application
    type text false The type of education. Example: Regular, Distance etc
    field_of_study text false Any specialization in education. Example: Specialized in Cloud Technology
    degree text false The degree of the candidate. Example: BTech, MCA
    school text true The Name of the School
    description text false The description of the Education
    activities text false The extra curricular activities during education period
    completed_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate completed the mentioned degree
    started_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate started the mentioned degree

    Update a Candidate Education

    PUT /models/candidate-education/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 31,
        "candidate_id": 644252,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "field_of_study": null,
        "grade": null,
        "degree": null,
        "school": "test",
        "description": null,
        "activities": null,
        "started_at": null,
        "completed_at": null,
        "created_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2018-12-26 15:59:04+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    This end point updates a candidate's education details.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    title text false The title of the Education. Example: Master In Computer Applications
    type text false The type of Education. Example: Regular, Distance.
    field_of_study text false The field of study. Example: Specialised in Cloud Technology
    degree text false The degree of the candidate. Example: BTech, MCA
    school text false The Name of the School
    description text false The description of the Education
    activities text false The extra curricular activities during education period
    completed_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate completed the mentioned degree
    started_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate started the mentioned degree

    Candidate Experience

    The Candidate Experience endpoint provides the details related to the experience of the Candidates present in the Candidate model.

    The Candidate Experience Object

        "id": 19,
        "is_current": true,
        "candidate_id": 644252,
        "organization": "test",
        "designation": null,
        "title": "C",
        "location": null,
        "started_at": "2018-12-18",
        "completed_at": null,
        "description": null,
        "created_at": "2018-12-26 16:12:40+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2018-12-26 16:12:40+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_current boolean If true, The Candidate is currently working on some organization
    candidate_id integer The id of the Candidate
    organization text The name of the organization where the Candidate is/was working
    designation text The current designation of the Candidate
    title text The title of the Experience
    location text The location of the organization where the Candidate is/was working
    started_at timestamptz The date when the Candidate started working
    completed_at timestamptz The date when the Candidate left the organization
    description text The description of the Experience

    List all Candidate Experience

    GET /models/candidate-experience HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 53,
            "is_current": false,
            "candidate_id": 1914994,
            "organization": "TalView",
            "designation": null,
            "title": "UI Designer",
            "location": "Banglore",
            "started_at": "2017-01-13",
            "completed_at": null,
            "description": "Test descriptio",
            "created_at": "2019-01-11 14:15:51+05:30",
            "created_by": 67566,
            "updated_at": "2019-01-11 14:21:51+05:30",
            "updated_by": 67566

    This end point Returns all the details of candidate-experience.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Candidate
    organization text false Filter records based on organization
    designation text false Filter records based on designation
    title text false Filter records based on title
    location text false Filter records based on location
    started_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the time when the Candidate started working
    completed_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the time when the Candidate left working

    Retrieve a Candidate Experience

    GET /models/candidate-experience/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 53,
        "is_current": false,
        "candidate_id": 1914994,
        "organization": "TalView",
        "designation": null,
        "title": "UI Designer",
        "location": "Banglore",
        "started_at": "2017-01-13",
        "completed_at": null,
        "description": "Test descriptio",
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 14:15:51+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 14:21:51+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    This end point Retrieves a candidate experience.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on id

    Create a Candidate Experience

    POST /models/candidate-experience HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 53,
        "is_current": false,
        "candidate_id": 1914994,
        "organization": "TalView",
        "designation": null,
        "title": "UI Designer",
        "location": "Banglore",
        "started_at": "2017-01-13",
        "completed_at": null,
        "description": "Test descriptio",
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 14:15:51+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 14:21:51+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    This end point Creates a candidate experience.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    candidate_id integer true The id of the Candidate
    organization text true The name of the organization where the Candidate is/was working
    designation text false The current designation of the Candidate
    title text true The title of the Experience
    is_current boolean false If true, The Candidate is currently working on some organization
    location text false The location of the organization where he is/was working
    started_at timestamptz true The date when the Candidate started working
    completed_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate left the organization
    description text false The description of the Experience

    Update a Candidate Experience

    PUT /models/candidate-experience/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 53,
        "is_current": false,
        "candidate_id": 1914994,
        "organization": "TalView",
        "designation": null,
        "title": "UI Designer",
        "location": "Banglore",
        "started_at": "2017-01-13",
        "completed_at": null,
        "description": "Test descriptio",
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 14:15:51+05:30",
        "created_by": 67566,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 14:21:51+05:30",
        "updated_by": 67566

    This end point Updates a candidate experience.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    BODY Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    organization text false The name of the organization where the Candidate is/was working
    designation text false The current designation of the Candidate
    title text false The title of the Experience
    is_current boolean false If true, The Candidate is currently working on some organization
    location text false The location of the organization where he is/was working
    started_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate started working
    completed_at timestamptz false The date when the Candidate left the organization
    description text false The description of the Experience

    Delete a Candidate experience

    DELETE /models/candidate-experience/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns a status: 204 No Content

    This end point Deletes a Candidate experience.

    HTTP Request


    Candidate File Attachment

    The Candidate File Attachment endpoint is used to handle the Files (Example: Resume, Photo) associated with the Candidates present in the Candidate model.

    The Candidate File Attachment Object

        "id": 2393441,
        "candidate_id": 6507897,
        "file_id": 13962889,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "_links": {
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/6507897"
          "file": {
            "href": "/models/file/13962889"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    candidate_id integer The id of the Candidate
    file_id integer The id of the file attached

    List all Candidate File Attachment

    GET /models/candidate-file-attachment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2393441,
        "candidate_id": 6507897,
        "file_id": 13962889,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "_links": {
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/6507897"
          "file": {
            "href": "/models/file/13962889"
        "id": 2393688,
        "candidate_id": 6534799,
        "file_id": 13967144,
        "created_at": "2019-03-19 10:35:47+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-19 10:35:47+00",
        "_links": {
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/6534799"
          "file": {
            "href": "/models/file/13967144"

    This end point returns all the files related to a Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    candidate_id integer false Filter records based on Candidate Id
    file_id integer false Filter records based on File Id

    Retrieve a Candidate File Attachment

    GET /models/candidate-file-attachment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2393441,
        "candidate_id": 6507897,
        "file_id": 13962889,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "_links": {
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/6507897"
          "file": {
            "href": "/models/file/13962889"

    This end point Retrieves all the files related to a Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Candidate Id

    Create a Candidate File Attachment

    POST /models/candidate-file-attachment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2393441,
        "candidate_id": 6507897,
        "file_id": 13962889,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 13:43:19+00",
        "_links": {
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/6507897"
          "file": {
            "href": "/models/file/13962889"

    This end point Create a file attachment for a candidate.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    candidate_id integer true The Id of the candidate
    file_id integer true The Id of the file

    Candidate Image

    This Candidate image endpoint gives the Image details of the Candidate

    The Candidate Image object

        "id": 6666685,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-20 08:40:34+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-20 08:46:20+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6666685"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6666685&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6666685"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6666685"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6666685"
    Parameter type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    profile_pic text The url of the image

    List all Candidate Image

    GET /models/candidate-image HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6666962,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-20 09:09:53+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-20 09:11:44+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6666962"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6666962&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6666962"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6666962"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6666962"
        "id": 6666685,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-20 08:40:34+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-20 08:46:20+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6666685"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6666685&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6666685"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6666685"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6666685"

    This end point returns all the candidate images.

    HTTP Request


    Query parameters

    parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects

    Retrieve a Candidate Image

    GET /models/candidate-image/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 6666685,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-20 08:40:34+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-20 08:46:20+00",
        "_links": {
          "image": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-image/6666685"
          "resume": {
            "href": "/models/file?candidate_id=6666685&file_type_id=11"
          "calendar": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-calendar?candidate_id=6666685"
          "assessmentCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/assessment-candidate?candidate_id=6666685"
          "candidateFileAttachments": {
            "href": "/models/candidate-file-attachment?candidate_id=6666685"

    Retrieve a candidate image.

    HTTP Request


    URL parameters

    parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on Id
    candidate_id integer false Filter records based on Candidate ID


    The category endpoint gives the details of the categorized Assessment.

    The Category Object

      "id": 513,
      "name": "Domain",
      "type": 100,
      "created_at": "2017-11-08 02:51:00+00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "index": {
          "href": ""
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the Category
    type integer The type of the Category. Example: Business, Section. The type of Categories are described in the enumerator list below
    created_by integer The id of the User who created the Category
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the category

    List of Category types:

    Event Types Key Description
    Bussiness 1 Business type Category
    Section 2 Section type Category
    Skill 3 Skill type Category
    Help 10 Help type Category
    Parameter 100 Parameter type Category

    List all Category

    GET /models/category HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 513,
        "name": "Domain",
        "type": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-08 02:51:00+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
          "index": {
            "href": ""
        "id": 512,
        "name": "Behavioural",
        "type": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-08 02:51:00+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
          "index": {
            "href": ""

    This endpoint returns all the details of categories.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text false Filter records based on Category name
    type integer false Filter records based on type of the Category

    Retrieve a Category

    GET /models/category/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 897,
      "answer_id": 4441883,
      "source": "/*\n#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main()\n{\n  cout << \"Hello World!\" << endl;\n  return 0;\n}\n*/\n//Write your code here",
      "score": null,
      "status": 0,
      "input": null,
      "memory": 0,
      "language": "1",
      "language_id": "1",
      "compiler": null,
      "cmpinfo": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n",
      "stderr": null,
      "time": 0,
      "output": null,
      "result": "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"

    This endpoint retrieves a category based on the id passed

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Code Language

    The Code Language endpoint gives the details of available Coding Languages along with the Id.

      "7": "Ada (gnat 5.1.1)",
      "45": "Assembler (gcc 4.9.3)",
      "13": "Assembler (NASM 2.11.05)",
      "42": "Assembler 64bit (nasm 2.12.01)",
      "105": "AWK (mawk 1.3.3)",
      "104": "AWK (gawk) (fawk 4.1.1)",
      "28": "Bash (bash 4.3.33)",
      "110": "bc (bc 1.06.95)",
      "12": "Brainf**k (1.0.6)",
      "11": "C (gcc 5.1.1)",
      "27": "C# (Mono 4.0.2)",
      "1": "C++ (5.1.1)",
      "41": "C++ 4.3.2 (gcc-4.3.2)",
      "44": "C++14 (gcc-5 5.1.1)",
      "34": "C99 strict (gcc-5 5.1.1)",
      "14": "CLIPS (clips 6.24)",
      "111": "Clojure (clojure 1.7.0)",
      "118": "COBOL (1.1.0)",
      "106": "COBOL 85 (tinycobol-0.65.9)",
      "31": "Common Lisp (sbcl 1.3.13)",
      "32": "Common Lisp (clisp) (clisk 2.49)",
      "102": "D (dmd 2.072.2)",
      "20": "D (gdc-5 5.1.1)",
      "36": "Erlang (erl 18)",
      "124": "F# (1.3)",
      "107": "Forth (gforth 0.7.2)",
      "5": "Fortran (5.1.1)",
      "114": "Go (1.4)",
      "98": "Gosu (gosu 1.6.1)",
      "121": "Groovy (2.4)",
      "21": "Haskell (ghc 7.8)",
      "16": "Icon (icon 9.4.3)",
      "9": "Intercal (c-intercal 28.0-r1)",
      "10": "Java (jdk 8u51)",
      "55": "Java7 (sun-jdk-1.7.0_10)",
      "35": "JavaScript (rhino) (rhino 1.7.7)",
      "112": "JavaScript (spidermonkey) (24.2.0)",
      "47": "Kotlin (kotlin 1.0.6)",
      "26": "Lua (lua 7.2)",
      "30": "Nemerle (ncc 1.2.0)",
      "25": "Nice (0.9.13)",
      "56": "Node.js (node 7.4.0)",
      "43": "Objective-C (gcc-5 5.1.1)",
      "8": "Ocaml (4.01.0)",
      "127": "Octave (4.0.0)",
      "22": "Pascal (fpc) (fpc 2.6.4+dfsg-6)",
      "2": "Pascal (gpc) (gpc 20070904)",
      "3": "Perl (perl 5.20.1)",
      "54": "Perl 6 (perl6 2014.07)",
      "29": "PHP (PHP 5.6.11-1)",
      "19": "Pike (pike v7.8)",
      "108": "Prolog (gnu prolog 1.4.5)",
      "15": "Prolog (swi) (swi 7.2)",
      "4": "Python (2.7.13)",
      "99": "Python (Pypy) (PyPy 2.6.0)",
      "116": "Python 3 (3.5.3)",
      "117": "R (3.2.2)",
      "17": "Ruby (ruby 2.1.5)",
      "93": "Rust (1.14.0)",
      "39": "Scala (2.11.7)",
      "18": "Scheme (stalin 0.3)",
      "97": "Scheme (chicken 4.11.0)",
      "33": "Scheme (guile) (guile 2.0.11)",
      "46": "Sed (sed 4.2.2)",
      "23": "Smalltalk (gst 3.2.4)",
      "40": "SQL (sqlite3-3.8.7)",
      "85": "Swift (swift 3.0.2)",
      "38": "Tcl (tclsh 8.6)",
      "50": "VB.NET (mono 4.0.2)",
      "6": "Whitespace (wspace 0.3)"

    List all Code Language

    GET /models/code-language HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "7": "Ada (gnat 5.1.1)",
      "45": "Assembler (gcc 4.9.3)",
      "13": "Assembler (NASM 2.11.05)",
      "42": "Assembler 64bit (nasm 2.12.01)",
      "105": "AWK (mawk 1.3.3)",
      "104": "AWK (gawk) (fawk 4.1.1)",
      "28": "Bash (bash 4.3.33)",
      "110": "bc (bc 1.06.95)",
      "12": "Brainf**k (1.0.6)",
      "11": "C (gcc 5.1.1)",
      "27": "C# (Mono 4.0.2)",
      "1": "C++ (5.1.1)",
      "41": "C++ 4.3.2 (gcc-4.3.2)",
      "44": "C++14 (gcc-5 5.1.1)",
      "34": "C99 strict (gcc-5 5.1.1)",
      "14": "CLIPS (clips 6.24)",
      "111": "Clojure (clojure 1.7.0)",
      "118": "COBOL (1.1.0)",
      "106": "COBOL 85 (tinycobol-0.65.9)",
      "31": "Common Lisp (sbcl 1.3.13)",
      "32": "Common Lisp (clisp) (clisk 2.49)",
      "102": "D (dmd 2.072.2)",
      "20": "D (gdc-5 5.1.1)",
      "36": "Erlang (erl 18)",
      "124": "F# (1.3)",
      "107": "Forth (gforth 0.7.2)",
      "5": "Fortran (5.1.1)",
      "114": "Go (1.4)",
      "98": "Gosu (gosu 1.6.1)",
      "121": "Groovy (2.4)",
      "21": "Haskell (ghc 7.8)",
      "16": "Icon (icon 9.4.3)",
      "9": "Intercal (c-intercal 28.0-r1)",
      "10": "Java (jdk 8u51)",
      "55": "Java7 (sun-jdk-1.7.0_10)",
      "35": "JavaScript (rhino) (rhino 1.7.7)",
      "112": "JavaScript (spidermonkey) (24.2.0)",
      "47": "Kotlin (kotlin 1.0.6)",
      "26": "Lua (lua 7.2)",
      "30": "Nemerle (ncc 1.2.0)",
      "25": "Nice (0.9.13)",
      "56": "Node.js (node 7.4.0)",
      "43": "Objective-C (gcc-5 5.1.1)",
      "8": "Ocaml (4.01.0)",
      "127": "Octave (4.0.0)",
      "22": "Pascal (fpc) (fpc 2.6.4+dfsg-6)",
      "2": "Pascal (gpc) (gpc 20070904)",
      "3": "Perl (perl 5.20.1)",
      "54": "Perl 6 (perl6 2014.07)",
      "29": "PHP (PHP 5.6.11-1)",
      "19": "Pike (pike v7.8)",
      "108": "Prolog (gnu prolog 1.4.5)",
      "15": "Prolog (swi) (swi 7.2)",
      "4": "Python (2.7.13)",
      "99": "Python (Pypy) (PyPy 2.6.0)",
      "116": "Python 3 (3.5.3)",
      "117": "R (3.2.2)",
      "17": "Ruby (ruby 2.1.5)",
      "93": "Rust (1.14.0)",
      "39": "Scala (2.11.7)",
      "18": "Scheme (stalin 0.3)",
      "97": "Scheme (chicken 4.11.0)",
      "33": "Scheme (guile) (guile 2.0.11)",
      "46": "Sed (sed 4.2.2)",
      "23": "Smalltalk (gst 3.2.4)",
      "40": "SQL (sqlite3-3.8.7)",
      "85": "Swift (swift 3.0.2)",
      "38": "Tcl (tclsh 8.6)",
      "50": "VB.NET (mono 4.0.2)",
      "6": "Whitespace (wspace 0.3)"

    This end point returns list of all code languages.

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve a Code Language

    GET /models/code-language/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": "2",
      "name": "Pascal (gpc) (gpc 20070904)"

    Retrieve a code language.

    HTTP Request


    Query parameters

    parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The Id of the Code Language

    Custom Field Master

    An organization's custom fields.

    The Custom Field Master Object

        "id": 2,
        "type": 1,
        "sort_order": 2,
        "is_report": false,
        "label": "Requisition ID",
        "key": "RequisitionID",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00",
        "created_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00"
        "id": 9,
        "type": 1,
        "sort_order": 9,
        "is_report": false,
        "label": "Recruiter Assistant",
        "key": "RecruiterAssistant",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00",
        "created_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    type smallint Describes whether candidate or assessment type
    sort_order smallint The sort order value for custom field master
    is_report boolean Whether the report is available
    label string The label for the custom field
    key varchar Key for the upstream system
    updated_at timestamptz The time when custom field master was updated
    created_at timestamptz The time when custom field master was created

    List all Custom Field Master

    GET /models/custom-field-master HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 9,
        "type": 1,
        "sort_order": 9,
        "is_report": false,
        "label": "Recruiter Assistant",
        "key": "RecruiterAssistant",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00",
        "created_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00"

    Returns all the details of custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter based on id
    type smallint false Filter based on type
    label varchar false Filter based on label
    key varchar false Filter based on key

    Retrieve a Custom Field Master

    GET /models/custom-field-master/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 9,
        "type": 1,
        "sort_order": 9,
        "is_report": false,
        "label": "Recruiter Assistant",
        "key": "RecruiterAssistant",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00",
        "created_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00"

    Retrieve a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter based on id

    Create a Custom Field Master

    POST /models/custom-field-master HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Body :

        "id": 9,
        "type": 1,
        "sort_order": 9,
        "is_report": false,
        "label": "Recruiter Assistant",
        "key": "RecruiterAssistant",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00",
        "created_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00"

    The above command returns : 201 Created

    Adds a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type isOptional Description
    type integer false Describes whether candidate or assessment type
    label text false The label of the custom field
    key text false Key for the upstream system

    Update a Custom Field Master

    PUT /models/custom-field-master/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns :

        "id": 9,
        "type": 1,
        "sort_order": 9,
        "is_report": false,
        "label": "Recruiter Assistant",
        "key": "RecruiterAssistant",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00",
        "created_at": "2017-11-10 07:52:37+00"

    Updates a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type is Optional Description
    id integer false The unique identifier of the object

    Delete a Custom Field Master

    DELETE /models/custom-field-master/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns : 204 No Content

    Delete a custom field master.

    HTTP Request


    Display Picture

    The Display picture endpoint is used to view, create and delete the profile picture of a User.

    The Display Picture Object

      "location": "",
      "bio": "",
      "website": "",
      "picture": {
        "id": 2265,
        "name": "ch_oo_pp",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 44,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-12-21 07:00:14+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-21 07:00:14+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "png",
        "originalName": "ch oo pp .png",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/44"
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T07:00:14+00:00"
    Parameter Type Description
    location string The location of the user
    bio string The bio of the user
    website string The website of the user
    picture object The file object of the user
    created_at timestamp The timestamp when the profile was created
    updated_at timestamp The timestamp when the profile was updated

    Allowed Extensions


    Retrieve a profile

    GET api/user/display-picture HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "location": "",
      "bio": "",
      "website": "",
      "picture": {
        "id": 2265,
        "name": "ch_oo_pp",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 44,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-12-21 07:00:14+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-21 07:00:14+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "png",
        "originalName": "ch oo pp .png",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/44"
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T07:00:14+00:00"

    This endpoint returns all users of an organization.

    HTTP Request


    Create a profile

    POST api/user/display-picture HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "location": "",
      "bio": "",
      "website": "",
      "picture": {
        "id": 2265,
        "name": "ch_oo_pp",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 44,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-12-21 07:00:14+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-21 07:00:14+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "png",
        "originalName": "ch oo pp .png",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/44"
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T07:00:14+00:00"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    file multipart true The file to be set as profile picture for the user

    Delete a profile

    DELETE api/user/display-picture HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns 204 status code

    HTTP Request



    The Evaluation endpoint gives evaluation result of a Candidate evaluated by the Panel for an Assessment Section.

    The Evaluation Object

        "id": 87214,
        "panel_id": 22244,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 346721,
        "assessment_section_id": 988862,
        "form_instance_id": null,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396163,
        "recommendation": "hold",
        "evaluated_at": "2018-04-18 11:00:34+00",
        "evaluated_by": 66084,
        "created_at": "2019-01-18 17:26:04+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-18 17:26:04+05:30",
        "_links": {
            "evaluationComments": {
                "href": "/models/evaluation-comment?evaluation_id=87214"
            "evaluationRatings": {
                "href": "/models/evaluation-rating?evaluation_id=87214"
            "formInstance": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?evaluation_id=87214"
            "panelCandidate": {
                "href": "/models/panel-candidate?id=494897"
    Parameter Type Description
    panel_id Integer The Id of the Panel who is/are evaluating the Assessment Section
    assessment_candidate_id Integer The id of Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_id Integer The id of Assessment Section
    form_instance_id integer The id of the Form[#forms] instance
    assessment_section_candidate_id Integer The id of Assessment Section Candidate
    recommendation text The recommendation given by the panel. The recommendation are Select, Reject and Hold.
    evaluated_at timestamptz The date and time of Evaluation
    evaluated_by integer The id of the Panel who evaluated the Assessment Section Candidate

    List all Evaluation

    GET /models/evaluation HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

          "id": 87214,
          "panel_id": 22244,
          "assessment_candidate_id": 346721,
          "assessment_section_id": 988862,
          "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396163,
          "recommendation": "hold",
          "evaluated_at": "2018-04-18 11:00:34+00",
          "evaluated_by": 66084,
          "_links": {
              "evaluationComments": {
                  "href": "/models/evaluation-comment?evaluation_id=87214"
              "evaluationRatings": {
                  "href": "/models/evaluation-rating?evaluation_id=87214"
              "formInstance": {
                  "href": "/models/form-instance?evaluation_id=87214"
              "panelCandidate": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?id=494897"

    This end point returns all the details of evaluations

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    panel_id Integer false Filter records based on Panel Id
    assessment_candidate_id Integer false Filter records based on the Id of Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_id Integer false Filter records based on the Id of Assessment Section
    assessment_section_candidate_id Integer false Filter records based on the Id of Assessment Section Candidate
    recommendation text false Filter records based on recommendation
    evaluated_by integer false Filter records based on the Panel who evaluated the Assessment Section Candidate

    Retrieve an Evaluation

    GET /models/evaluation/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

          "id": 87214,
          "panel_id": 22244,
          "assessment_candidate_id": 346721,
          "assessment_section_id": 988862,
          "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396163,
          "recommendation": "hold",
          "evaluated_at": "2018-04-18 11:00:34+00",
          "evaluated_by": 66084,
          "_links": {
              "evaluationComments": {
                  "href": "/models/evaluation-comment?evaluation_id=87214"
              "evaluationRatings": {
                  "href": "/models/evaluation-rating?evaluation_id=87214"
              "formInstance": {
                  "href": "/models/form-instance?evaluation_id=87214"
              "panelCandidate": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?id=494897"

    This end point retrieves an evaluation based on id

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id Integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Evaluation

    POST /models/evaluation HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 87214,
      "panel_id": 22244,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 346721,
      "assessment_section_id": 988862,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396163,
      "recommendation": "hold",
      "evaluated_at": "2018-04-18 11:00:34+00",
      "evaluated_by": 66084,
      "_links": {
          "evaluationComments": {
              "href": "/models/evaluation-comment?evaluation_id=87214"
          "evaluationRatings": {
              "href": "/models/evaluation-rating?evaluation_id=87214"
          "formInstance": {
              "href": "/models/form-instance?evaluation_id=87214"
          "panelCandidate": {
              "href": "/models/panel-candidate?id=494897"

    This end point creates a new evaluation

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_candidate_id integer true The id of the assessment candidate
    panel_id Integer false The Id of the Panel who is/are evaluating the Assessment Section
    assessment_section_id integer true The id of the assessment section
    recommendation text true The recommendation of the evaluation
    assessment_section_candidate_id Integer false The id of Assessment Section Candidate

    Update a Evaluation

    PUT /models/evaluation<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 87214,
      "panel_id": 22244,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 346721,
      "assessment_section_id": 988862,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396163,
      "recommendation": "hold",
      "evaluated_at": "2018-04-18 11:00:34+00",
      "evaluated_by": 66084,
      "_links": {
          "evaluationComments": {
              "href": "/models/evaluation-comment?evaluation_id=87214"
          "evaluationRatings": {
              "href": "/models/evaluation-rating?evaluation_id=87214"
          "formInstance": {
              "href": "/models/form-instance?evaluation_id=87214"
          "panelCandidate": {
              "href": "/models/panel-candidate?id=494897"

    this end point updates the specified evaluation by setting the values of the parameters passed.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type is Optional Description
    id integer false The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_candidate_id integer false The id of the assessment candidate
    panel_id Integer false The Id of the Panel who is/are evaluating the Assessment Section
    assessment_section_id integer false The id of the assessment section
    recommendation text false The recommendation of the evaluation
    assessment_section_candidate_id Integer false The id of Assessment Section Candidate

    Delete a Evaluation

    DELETE /models/evaluation<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This end point deletes the specified evaluation.

    HTTP Request


    Evaluation Comment

    The Evaluation Comment endpoint provides the comments given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    The Evaluation Comment object

        "id": 24793,
        "answer_id": null,
        "content": "Well rounded. Good communication skills. Clear thought process. ",
        "evaluation_id": 87143,
        "created_at": "2018-04-17 18:23:27+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-04-17 18:23:27+00"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    answer_id integer The Id of the Answer
    content string The comment given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.
    evaluation_id integer The Id of the Evaluation

    List all Evaluation Comment

    GET /models/evaluation-comment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

          "id": 24793,
          "answer_id": null,
          "content": "Well rounded. Good communication skills. Clear thought process. ",
          "evaluation_id": 87143,
          "created_at": "2018-04-17 18:23:27+00"
          "id": 24792,
          "answer_id": null,
          "content": "Very verbose responses.  Unsure that he'd be a culture fit with the team.",
          "evaluation_id": 87141,
          "created_at": "2018-04-17 18:16:47+00"
          "id": 24791,
          "answer_id": null,
          "content": "Does not seem to be very clear in terms of what he wants to do at this stage.",
          "evaluation_id": 87140,
          "created_at": "2018-04-17 18:09:34+00"

    This endpoint returns all the details of evaluation comments given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    evaluation_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of Evaluation
    answer_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Answer
    content string false Filter records based on the comment

    Retrieve an Evaluation Comment

    GET /models/evaluation-comment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 24793,
        "answer_id": null,
        "content": "Well rounded. Good communication skills. Clear thought process. ",
        "evaluation_id": 87143,
        "created_at": "2018-04-17 18:23:27+00"

    This end point retrieve the details of an existing evaluation comments given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameter

    Parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an Evaluation Comment

    POST /models/evaluation-comment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 25673,
        "answer_id": null,
        "content": "test 1212",
        "evaluation_id": 92627,
        "created_at": "2018-05-31T10:41:03+00:00"

    This end point creates a new evaluation comment for an Assessment Section given by the Panel

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    evaluation_id integer true The id of the evaluation where comment is associated
    answer_id integer false The Id of the Answer
    content string true The comment given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    Updates an Evaluation Comment

    PUT /models/evaluation-comment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

          "id": 24793,
          "answer_id": null,
          "content": "Well rounded. Good communication skills. Clear thought process. ",
          "evaluation_id": 87143,
          "created_at": "2018-04-17 18:23:27+00"

    This end point updates a evaluation comment given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameter

    Parameter type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    evaluation_id integer false The id of the evaluation where comment is associated
    answer_id integer false The Id of the Answer
    content string false The comment given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    Deletes a Evaluation Comment

    DELETE /models/evaluation-comment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code: 204 No Content

    This end point deletes an existing evaluation comment

    HTTP Request


    Evaluation Rating

    The Evaluation Rating endpoint gives the rating given by the Panel after evaluating an Assessment Section Candidate.

    The Evaluation Rating Object

        "id": 63511200,
        "evaluation_id": 12765172,
        "rating": "0.00",
        "name": "Testing",
        "parameter_id": 116091,
        "created_at": "2019-01-18 17:26:04+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-18 17:26:04+05:30",
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    evaluation_id integer The Id of the Evaluation
    rating numeric The rating given by the Panel for an Assessment Section Candidate.
    name text The name of the Parameter
    parameter_id integer The Id of the Parameter

    List all Evaluation Rating

    GET /models/evaluation-rating HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 63511200,
        "evaluation_id": 12765172,
        "rating": "0.00",
        "name": "Testing",
        "parameter_id": 116091,
        "created_at": "2019-01-18 17:26:04+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-18 17:26:04+05:30",
        "id": 63569787,
        "evaluation_id": 12799272,
        "rating": "5.00",
        "name": "Test19",
        "text": null,
        "parameter_id": 116916,
        "created_at": "2019-02-18 13:15:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-02-18 13:15:59+00"

    This end point returns all the details of evaluation ratings.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    evaluation_id integer false Filter records based on Evaluation Id.
    rating Float false Filter records based on Evaluation Rating
    parameter_id integer false Filter records based on parameter_id

    Retrieve a Evaluation Rating

    GET /models/evaluation-rating/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 63569787,
        "evaluation_id": 12799272,
        "rating": "5.00",
        "name": "Test19",
        "parameter_id": 116916,
        "created_at": "2019-02-18 13:15:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-02-18 13:15:59+00"

    This end point retrieves the details of an existing evaluation rating.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Update a Evaluation Rating

    PUT /models/evaluation-rating/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 63569787,
        "evaluation_id": 12799272,
        "rating": "5.00",
        "name": "Test19",
        "parameter_id": 116916,
        "created_at": "2019-02-18 13:15:59+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-02-18 13:15:59+00"

    This end point updates the details of an existing evaluation rating.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    evaluation_id integer false The Id of the Evaluation
    rating Float false The rating given by the Panel for an Assessment Section Candidate.
    parameter_id integer false The id of the Parameter

    Delete a Evaluation Rating

    This end point deletes the details of an existing evaluation rating.

    DELETE /models/evaluation-rating/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns status code : 204 No Content

    HTTP Request



    Event is a workflow to create & automate a bulk hiring. The event end-point provides the facility to do CRUD operations on event.

    The Event Object

        "id": 196,
        "is_public": true,
        "external_id": "2345",
        "organization_id": 488,
        "locationImage": "<img src=\";markers=colour%3Ared%7C12.9715987%2C77.5945627&amp;size=587x181&amp;key=AIzaSyBAx581mlChMnFeTWYQFsy_6dfMkZDTGX4\" alt=\"\">",
        "registration_start_date": "2019-05-22 14:25:00+05:30",
        "registration_end_date": "2019-05-28 13:05:00+05:30",
        "canSelectAssessment": true,
        "registration_form_id": 488401,
        "publicUrl": "",
        "status": 3,
        "title": "event098",
        "code": "1508369126",
        "city": null,
        "location": {
          "url": ",+Karnataka,+India&ftid=0x3bae1670c9b44e6d:0xf8dfc3e8517e4fe0",
          "place_id": "ChIJbU60yXAWrjsR4E9-UejD3_g",
          "coordinate": {
            "lat": 12.9715987,
            "lng": 77.59456269999998
          "formattedAddress": "Bengaluru, Karnataka, India"
        "formUrl": null,
        "start_date": "2019-05-21 13:35:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2019-05-29 06:20:00+05:30",
        "owned_by": 433429,
        "special_instructions": "defswefsew",
        "point_of_contact": null,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/event/196"
          "users": {
            "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=196"
          "panel": {
            "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=196&role=Evaluator"
          "recruiter": {
            "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=196&role=Recruiter"
          "candidates": {
            "href": "/models/event-candidate?event_id=196"
          "eventAssessments": {
            "href": "/models/event-assessment?event_id=196"
          "assessments": {
            "href": "/models/assessment?event_id=196"
          "eventAssessmentsCount": {
            "href": "/models/event-assessment?event_id=196&expand=addedCount%2CdeclinedCount%2CinvitedCount%2CinProgressCount%2CattendedCount%2CassessedCount%2CselectedCount%2CholdCount%2CrejectedCount%2CassessmentExpanded"
          "assessmentsCount": {
            "href": "/models/assessment?event_id=196&expand=addedCount%2CinvitedCount%2CinProgressCount%2CattendedCount%2CassessedCount%2CselectedCount%2CholdCount%2CrejectedCount"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_public boolean Whether the event is public or not
    external_id text The external id of the object
    title text The title of the Event
    organization_id integer The id of the organization to whom the event belongs
    locationImage text The url to the location where an event is takin place
    registration_start_date timestamptz The time when the registration window is open
    registration_end_date timestamptz The time when the registration window expires
    canSelectAssessment boolean Does an event has the provision of selecting assessment by candidates
    registration_form_id integer The id of the registration form
    publicUrl text The URL to register publically(Menu Card disabled)
    status integer The status of an event(The status are mentioned below with descriptions)
    code text An unique identification code of an event
    city text The city where the event is taking place
    location object Location details are provided
    formUrl text The url to the form used for an event
    start_date timestamptz The day from when an event is active
    end_date timestamptz The day when an event expires
    owned_by integer The id of the user who created the event(who owns the event)
    special_instructions integer special instruction is a detailed information of an event. Example: Hall no. 4
    point_of_contact integer The person who is the point of contact

    List of Event Status:

    Type Key Description
    DRAFT 1 Initial state for an event. In this event status the event is private and the Event owner can edit all the Event details fields.
    OPEN 2 Event is public, candidates are created, and is open for candidates to register for the event. (when we allow candidates to choose the assessment)
    CANCELED 3 When an event has been cancelled
    LIVE 4 The event will be in this state on the Event date/day when the event is gone Live
    PANEL_REVIEW 5 When the event is complete and panelists are yet to complete evaluating candidates.
    COMPLETE 6 The an event is finished

    List all Events

    GET /models/event HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 196,
        "is_public": true,
        "external_id": "2345",
        "organization_id": 488,
        "locationImage": "<img src=\";markers=colour%3Ared%7C12.9715987%2C77.5945627&amp;size=587x181&amp;key=AIzaSyBAx581mlChMnFeTWYQFsy_6dfMkZDTGX4\" alt=\"\">",
        "registration_start_date": "2019-05-22 14:25:00+05:30",
        "registration_end_date": "2019-05-28 13:05:00+05:30",
        "canSelectAssessment": true,
        "registration_form_id": 488401,
        "publicUrl": "",
        "status": 3,
        "title": "event098",
        "code": "1508369126",
        "city": null,
        "location": {
          "url": ",+Karnataka,+India&ftid=0x3bae1670c9b44e6d:0xf8dfc3e8517e4fe0",
          "place_id": "ChIJbU60yXAWrjsR4E9-UejD3_g",
          "coordinate": {
            "lat": 12.9715987,
            "lng": 77.59456269999998
          "formattedAddress": "Bengaluru, Karnataka, India"
        "formUrl": null,
        "start_date": "2019-05-21 13:35:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2019-05-29 06:20:00+05:30",
        "owned_by": 433429,
        "special_instructions": "defswefsew",
        "point_of_contact": null,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/event/196"
          "users": {
            "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=196"
          "panel": {
            "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=196&role=Evaluator"
          "recruiter": {
            "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=196&role=Recruiter"
          "candidates": {
            "href": "/models/event-candidate?event_id=196"
          "eventAssessments": {
            "href": "/models/event-assessment?event_id=196"
          "assessments": {
            "href": "/models/assessment?event_id=196"
          "eventAssessmentsCount": {
            "href": "/models/event-assessment?event_id=196&expand=addedCount%2CdeclinedCount%2CinvitedCount%2CinProgressCount%2CattendedCount%2CassessedCount%2CselectedCount%2CholdCount%2CrejectedCount%2CassessmentExpanded"
          "assessmentsCount": {
            "href": "/models/assessment?event_id=196&expand=addedCount%2CinvitedCount%2CinProgressCount%2CattendedCount%2CassessedCount%2CselectedCount%2CholdCount%2CrejectedCount"

    This endpoint returns all the existing events for an organization.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false filters records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    title text false filters records based on the title of an event
    external_id boolean false filters records based on the external id of an event
    point_of_contact boolean false filters records based on the point of contact of an event
    owned_by integer false filters records based on the id of the user who owns an event
    city integer false filters events by city
    s text false filters by proivded search text
    assessment_id id false filters events by assessment id

    Retrieve an Event

    GET /models/event/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    This endpoint retrieves an event by id.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create an Event

    This end point is used to create a new Event.

    POST /models/event HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "external_id": null,
        "registration_form_id": null,
        "status": 1,
        "is_public": true,
        "title": "Event Test",
        "city": null,
        "formUrl": null,
        "canSelectAssessment": true,
        "special_instructions": null,
        "point_of_contact": null,
        "addedCount": null,
        "invitedCount": null,
        "inProgressCount": null,
        "attendedCount": null,
        "assessedCount": null,
        "selectedCount": null,
        "holdCount": null,
        "rejectedCount": null,
        "publicUrl": null,
        "owned_by": "30876"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 664,
      "is_public": true,
      "external_id": null,
      "organization_id": 488,
      "locationImage": null,
      "registration_start_date": null,
      "registration_end_date": null,
      "canSelectAssessment": true,
      "registration_form_id": null,
      "publicUrl": "",
      "status": 1,
      "title": "Event Test",
      "code": 3816464517,
      "city": null,
      "location": [],
      "formUrl": null,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "owned_by": "30876",
      "special_instructions": null,
      "point_of_contact": null,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/event/664"
        "users": {
          "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=664"
        "panel": {
          "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=664&role=Evaluator"
        "recruiter": {
          "href": "/models/event-user?event_id=664&role=Recruiter"
        "candidates": {
          "href": "/models/event-candidate?event_id=664"
        "eventAssessments": {
          "href": "/models/event-assessment?event_id=664"
        "assessments": {
          "href": "/models/assessment?event_id=664"
        "eventAssessmentsCount": {
          "href": "/models/event-assessment?event_id=664&expand=addedCount%2CdeclinedCount%2CinvitedCount%2CinProgressCount%2CattendedCount%2CassessedCount%2CselectedCount%2CholdCount%2CrejectedCount%2CassessmentExpanded"
        "assessmentsCount": {
          "href": "/models/assessment?event_id=664&expand=addedCount%2CinvitedCount%2CinProgressCount%2CattendedCount%2CassessedCount%2CselectedCount%2CholdCount%2CrejectedCount"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    external_id text false The external id of the object
    status integer false The status of an event(The status are mentioned below with descriptions)
    is_public boolean false Whether the event is public or not
    title text true The title of the Assessment
    city text false The city where the event is taking place
    canSelectAssessment boolean false Does an event has the provision of selecting assessment by candidates
    special_instructions text false Special instruction is a detailed information of an event. Example: Hall no. 4
    point_of_contact integer false The person who is the point of contact
    start_date timestamptz false The day from when an event is active
    end_date timestamptz false The day when an event expires
    location object false Location details are provided
    registration_end_date timestamptz false The time when the registration window expires
    registration_start_date timestamptz false The time when the registration window is open
    owned_by integer false The id of the user who created the event(who owns the event)

    Update an Event

    Updates the details of an event for the event id provided in the URL.

    PUT /models/event/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    external_id text false The external id of the object
    status integer false The status of an event(The status are mentioned below with descriptions)
    is_public boolean false Whether the event is public or not
    title text false The title of the Assessment
    city text false The city where the event is taking place
    canSelectAssessment boolean false Does an event has the provision of selecting assessment by candidates
    special_instructions text false Special instruction is a detailed information of an event. Example: Hall no. 4
    point_of_contact integer false The person who is the point of contact
    start_date timestamptz false The day from when an event is active
    end_date timestamptz false The day when an event expires
    location object false Location details are provided
    registration_end_date timestamptz false The time when the registration window expires
    registration_start_date timestamptz false The time when the registration window is open
    owned_by integer false The id of the user who created the event(who owns the event)

    Delete an Event

    DELETE /models/event/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns a status code : 204 No Content

    The end-point deletes an event for an id provided as an URL parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Event Assessment

    Event Assessment end point gives the details of the assessments added to the event by a recruiter.

    The Event Assessment

      "id": 471,
      "event_id": 189,
      "assessment_id": 67656,
      "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "updated_by": 30876
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    event_id integer The unique identifier of an Event
    assessment_id integer The unique identifier of an Assessment
    created_at timestamp(0) with time zone The timestamp of when the assessment was added to the event
    created_by integer The id of the User who added the assessment to the event
    updated_at timestamp(0) with time zone The timestamp of when the assessment details were updated
    updated_by integer The id of the user who updated the details of the event assessment

    List all Event Assessment

    GET /models/event-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 471,
      "event_id": 189,
      "assessment_id": 67656,
      "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint list all event assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve an Event Assessment

    GET /models/event-assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 471,
      "event_id": 189,
      "assessment_id": 67656,
      "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint retrieves a specific event assessment.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on the id

    Create an Event assessment

    Creates a event assessment.

    POST /models/event-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 471,
      "event_id": 189,
      "assessment_id": 67656,
      "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "updated_by": 30876

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    event_id integer true The unique identifier of an Event
    assessment_id integer true The unique identifier of a Assessment

    Update a Event Assessment

    PUT /models/event-assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 471,
      "event_id": 189,
      "assessment_id": 67656,
      "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint updates a specific event assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Delete a Event Assessment

    DELETE /models/event-assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes a specific event assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Event Candidate

    Event Candidate is created when a candidate is invited to an event. The Event Candidate end point gives the details of the invite.

    The Event Candidate Object

        "id": 404,
        "event_id": 660,
        "candidate_id": 7422021,
        "form_instance_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "created_by": 234078,
        "created_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:04+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:04+00",
        "updated_by": 234078
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    event_id integer The unique identifier of the Event
    candidate_id integer The unique identifier of the Candidate
    form_instance_id integer The unique identifier of the Form Instance
    assessment_candidate_id integer The unique identifier of the Assessment Candidate
    created_by integer The id of the User who creates an Event Candidate
    created_at timestamptz The time when an Event Candidate is being created
    updated_at timestamptz The time when an Event Candidate is being updated
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updates an Event Candidate

    List all Event Candidate

    GET /models/event-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 404,
        "event_id": 660,
        "candidate_id": 7422021,
        "form_instance_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "created_by": 234078,
        "created_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:04+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:04+00",
        "updated_by": 234078
        "id": 403,
        "event_id": 660,
        "candidate_id": 7422020,
        "form_instance_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "created_by": 234078,
        "created_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:03+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:03+00",
        "updated_by": 234078

    This endpoint returns all the existing Event Candidates of an Organization.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false filter records based by the event candidate id provided
    ids array of integer false filter records by the event candidate ids(array of ids)
    assessment_id integer false filter invites by the assessment id provided
    s text false filter invites by the provided search text
    status_sort_key integer false filter invites by the provided status sort key
    candidate_id integer false filter invites by candidate id
    event_id integer false filter invites by the id of an Event

    Retrieve an Event Candidate

    GET /models/event-candidate/402 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 402,
        "event_id": 660,
        "candidate_id": 7422019,
        "form_instance_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": null,
        "created_by": 234078,
        "created_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:02+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-06-25 07:19:02+00",
        "updated_by": 234078

    This endpoint retrieves an Event Cadidate by id provided as an URL parameter.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters|

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records by id

    Create an Event Candidate

    This end point creates an Event Candidate.

    POST /models/event-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

    "assessment_candidate_id": null,

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 406,
      "event_id": 402,
      "candidate_id": 7422020,
      "form_instance_id": null,
      "assessment_candidate_id": null,
      "created_by": 30876,
      "created_at": "2019-06-25T09:38:56+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-25T09:38:56+00:00",
      "updated_by": 30876

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    event_id integer true The unique id of an Event
    assessment_candidate_id integer false The unique id of an Assessment Candidate
    candidate_id integer true The unique id of an Candidate

    Delete an Event Candidate

    DELETE /models/event-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns a status code : 204 No Content

    The end-point deletes Event Candidate for a specific id. The id needs to be passed as an URL parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Event User

    The Event User end point gives the details of the user added to event.

    The Event User Object

      "id": 471,
      "event_id": 189,
      "user_id": 67656,
      "status": 2,
      "role": "Recruiter",
      "panel_id": null,
      "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
      "updated_by": 30876
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    event_id integer The unique identifier of an Event
    user_id integer The unique identifier of a User
    status integer The status of the event user
    role string The role of the user in the event
    panel_id integer The id of the event panel(If the user has role set as evaluator)
    created_at timestamp(0) with time zone The timestamp of when the user was added to the event
    created_by integer The id of the user who added the event user in the event
    updated_at timestamp(0) with time zone The timestamp of when the user details were updated
    updated_by integer The id of the user who updated the details of the event user

    List of role

    Role Description
    Recruiter The recruiter is an event user who adds an assessment to the event
    Evaluator The evaluator is an event user who is added as a panel to the event

    List of status

    Status Key Description
    PENDING 1 The event users who have been invited but not yet accepted the invitation for the event
    ACCEPTED 2 The event users have accepted the event invitation
    DECLINED 3 The event users who have rejected / declined the event invite

    List all Event User

    GET /models/event-user HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 471,
    "event_id": 189,
    "user_id": 67656,
    "status": 2,
    "role": "Recruiter",
    "panel_id": null,
    "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "created_by": 30876,
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint list all event users.

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve an Event User

    GET /models/event-user/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 471,
    "event_id": 189,
    "user_id": 67656,
    "status": 2,
    "role": "Recruiter",
    "panel_id": null,
    "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "created_by": 30876,
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint retrieves a specific event user.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on the id

    Create an Event User

    Creates a event user.

    POST /models/event-user HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 471,
    "event_id": 189,
    "user_id": 67656,
    "status": 2,
    "role": "Recruiter",
    "panel_id": null,
    "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "created_by": 30876,
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "updated_by": 30876

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    event_id integer true The unique identifier of an Event
    user_id integer true The unique identifier of a User
    role integer true The role of the user in the event

    Update an Event User

    PUT /models/event-user/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 471,
    "event_id": 189,
    "user_id": 67656,
    "status": 2,
    "role": "Recruiter",
    "panel_id": null,
    "created_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "created_by": 30876,
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13 07:50:40+00",
    "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint updates a specific event user.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Delete an Event User

    DELETE /models/event-user/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes a specific event user.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    External Assessment

    The External Assessment endpoint gives the details of all the External Assessment

    The Evaluation rating object

        "id": 107,
        "reference_id": null,
        "title": "UI Test",
        "start_date": "2017-11-28 00:00:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2017-12-04 18:30:00",
        "description": null,
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "status": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-28 17:37:55+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-28 17:37:55+05:30",
        "addedCount": 0,
        "invitedCount": 0,
        "attendingCount": 1,
        "completedCount": 0,
        "evaluatedCount": 0,
        "selectedCount": 0,
        "rejectedCount": 0,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/107"
          "external-invitations": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/107/invitation-code"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    reference_id text The external reference Id of the Object
    title text The title of the External Assessment
    start_date timestamptz The date and time from when the External Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date timestamptz The last date and time to attend the External Assessment
    description text The description of the External Assessment
    duration timestamptz The duration to attain the External Assessment
    status integer The status of the External Assessment
    addedCount integer The number of Candidate who has been added for the External Assessment
    invitedCount integer The number of Candidate who has been invited for the External Assessment
    attendingCount integer The number of Candidate who has been further added for the External Assessment
    completedCount integer The number of Candidate who had completed the External Assessment
    evaluatedCount integer The number of Candidate whos External Assessment has been evalauted
    selectedCount integer The number of Candidate who has been selected in the External Assessment
    rejectedCount integer The number of Candidate who has been rejected in the External Assessment

    List of Status:

    Status Key Description
    INACTIVE 10 The external assessment is inactive
    ARCHIVED 20 The external assessment is archived
    ACTIVE 100 The external assessment is active

    Lists all external assessments

    GET /models/external-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 110,
        "reference_id": null,
        "title": "Testing assessment",
        "start_date": "2017-11-29 00:00:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2017-12-05 18:30:00",
        "description": null,
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "status": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "addedCount": 0,
        "invitedCount": 0,
        "attendingCount": 0,
        "completedCount": 0,
        "evaluatedCount": 0,
        "selectedCount": 0,
        "rejectedCount": 0,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110"
          "external-invitations": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110/invitation-code"

    Returns a list of external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the unique identifier of the object
    reference_id text false Filter records based on the external reference Id of the Object
    title text false Filter records based on the title of the External Assessment
    start_date timestamptz false Filter records based on the date and time from when the External Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date timestamptz false Filter records based on the last date and time to attend the External Assessment
    description text false Filter records based on the description of the External Assessment
    duration timestamptz false Filter records based on the duration to attain the External Assessment
    status integer false Filter records based on the status of the External Assessment

    Retrieves an external assessments

    GET /models/external-assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 110,
        "reference_id": null,
        "title": "Testing assessment",
        "start_date": "2017-11-29 00:00:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2017-12-05 18:30:00",
        "description": null,
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "status": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "addedCount": 0,
        "invitedCount": 0,
        "attendingCount": 0,
        "completedCount": 0,
        "evaluatedCount": 0,
        "selectedCount": 0,
        "rejectedCount": 0,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110"
          "external-invitations": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110/invitation-code"

    Returns an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the unique identifier of the object

    Creates an external assessments

    POST /models/external-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 110,
        "reference_id": null,
        "title": "Testing assessment",
        "start_date": "2017-11-29 00:00:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2017-12-05 18:30:00",
        "description": null,
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "status": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "addedCount": 0,
        "invitedCount": 0,
        "attendingCount": 0,
        "completedCount": 0,
        "evaluatedCount": 0,
        "selectedCount": 0,
        "rejectedCount": 0,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110"
          "external-invitations": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110/invitation-code"

    Creates an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    reference_id text false The external reference Id of the Object
    title text false The title of the External Assessment
    start_date timestamptz false The date and time from when the External Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date timestamptz false The last date and time to attend the External Assessment
    description text false The description of the External Assessment
    duration timestamptz false The duration to attain the External Assessment
    status integer false The status of the External Assessment

    Updates an external assessments

    PUT /models/external-assessment/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 110,
        "reference_id": null,
        "title": "Testing assessment",
        "start_date": "2017-11-29 00:00:00+05:30",
        "end_date": "2017-12-05 18:30:00",
        "description": null,
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "status": 100,
        "created_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2017-11-29 16:50:50+05:30",
        "addedCount": 0,
        "invitedCount": 0,
        "attendingCount": 0,
        "completedCount": 0,
        "evaluatedCount": 0,
        "selectedCount": 0,
        "rejectedCount": 0,
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110"
          "external-invitations": {
            "href": "/integration/service-provider/assessment/110/invitation-code"

    Updates an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    reference_id text false The external reference Id of the Object
    title text false The title of the External Assessment
    start_date timestamptz false The date and time from when the External Assessment is active and can be attended
    end_date timestamptz false The last date and time to attend the External Assessment
    description text false The description of the External Assessment
    duration timestamptz false The duration to attain the External Assessment
    status integer false The status of the External Assessment

    Deletes an external assessments

    DELETE /models/external-assessment/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    Deletes an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Evaluation Invitation

    The Evaluation Invitation endpoint gives the mapping details of the External Assessment and the Assessment Section Candidate

    The Evaluation invitation object

       "id": 340,
       "external_assessment_id": null,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 118816,
       "candidate": {
         "email": "",
         "first_name": "Karan",
         "last_name": "Sajnani"
       "username": "",
       "code": "98335615",
       "status": 15,
       "score": null,
       "evaluation": null,
       "report_url": "",
       "attend_url": "",
       "created_at": "2016-05-17 18:21:56+05:30",
       "updated_at": "2018-03-17 18:26:08+05:30",
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/integration/service-provider/invitation-code/view?id=340"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id text The external Id for the object
    is_deleted boolean If true, the External Assessment can be deleted
    username text The name of the User who created the External Assessment
    code text The code for the External Assessment
    external_assessment_id integer The Id of the External Assessment
    status integer The status of the External Assessment
    reprot_url text The URL for the report of External Assessment
    attend_url text The URL for attending the External Assessment
    assessment_section_candidate_is integer The Id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    Lists all external assessments

    GET /models/external-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 340,
       "external_assessment_id": null,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 118816,
       "candidate": {
         "email": "",
         "first_name": "Karan",
         "last_name": "Sajnani"
       "username": "",
       "code": "98335615",
       "status": 15,
       "score": null,
       "evaluation": null,
       "report_url": "",
       "attend_url": "",
       "created_at": "2016-05-17 18:21:56+05:30",
       "updated_at": "2018-03-17 18:26:08+05:30",
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/integration/service-provider/invitation-code/view?id=340"
       "id": 326,
       "external_assessment_id": null,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 118802,
       "candidate": {
         "email": "",
         "first_name": "Harshita",
         "last_name": "Jaiswal"
       "username": "",
       "code": "61760927",
       "status": 15,
       "score": null,
       "evaluation": null,
       "report_url": "",
       "attend_url": "",
       "created_at": "2016-05-17 18:21:43+05:30",
       "updated_at": "2018-03-17 18:26:08+05:30",
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/integration/service-provider/invitation-code/view?id=326"

    Returns a list of external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the unique identifier of the object
    username text false Filter records based on the name of the User who created the External Assessment
    code text false Filter records based on the code for the External Assessment
    external_assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the External Assessment
    status integer false Filter records based on the status of the External Assessment
    reprot_url text false Filter records based on the URL for the report of External Assessment
    attend_url text false Filter records based on the URL for attending the External Assessment
    assessment_section_candidate_is integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    Retrieves an external assessments

    GET /models/external-assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 340,
       "external_assessment_id": null,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 118816,
       "candidate": {
         "email": "",
         "first_name": "Karan",
         "last_name": "Sajnani"
       "username": "",
       "code": "98335615",
       "status": 15,
       "score": null,
       "evaluation": null,
       "report_url": "",
       "attend_url": "",
       "created_at": "2016-05-17 18:21:56+05:30",
       "updated_at": "2018-03-17 18:26:08+05:30",
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/integration/service-provider/invitation-code/view?id=340"

    Returns an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on the unique identifier of the object

    Creates an external assessments

    POST /models/external-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 340,
       "external_assessment_id": null,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 118816,
       "candidate": {
         "email": "",
         "first_name": "Karan",
         "last_name": "Sajnani"
       "username": "",
       "code": "98335615",
       "status": 15,
       "score": null,
       "evaluation": null,
       "report_url": "",
       "attend_url": "",
       "created_at": "2016-05-17 18:21:56+05:30",
       "updated_at": "2018-03-17 18:26:08+05:30",
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/integration/service-provider/invitation-code/view?id=340"

    Creates an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    attend_url text true The URL for attending the External Assessment
    external_assessment_id integer true The Id of the External Assessment
    username text false The name of the User who created the External Assessment
    code text false The code for the External Assessment
    status integer false The status of the External Assessment
    reprot_url text false The URL for the report of External Assessment

    Updates an external assessments

    PUT /models/external-assessment/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 340,
       "external_assessment_id": null,
       "assessment_section_candidate_id": 118816,
       "candidate": {
         "email": "",
         "first_name": "Karan",
         "last_name": "Sajnani"
       "username": "",
       "code": "98335615",
       "status": 15,
       "score": null,
       "evaluation": null,
       "report_url": "",
       "attend_url": "",
       "created_at": "2016-05-17 18:21:56+05:30",
       "updated_at": "2018-03-17 18:26:08+05:30",
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/integration/service-provider/invitation-code/view?id=340"

    Updates an external assessment.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    attend_url text false The URL for attending the External Assessment
    external_assessment_id integer false The Id of the External Assessment
    username text false The name of the User who created the External Assessment
    code text false The code for the External Assessment
    status integer false The status of the External Assessment
    reprot_url text false The URL for the report of External Assessment

    Deletes an external assessments

    DELETE /models/external-assessment/id HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    Deletes an external assessment.

    HTTP Request



    The File endpoint gives details of all the uploaded file.

    The File Object

        "id": 13960368,
        "name": "image_00001",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 15,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:03+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:03+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "png",
        "originalName": "image_00001.png",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/15"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the File
    external_id string The reference Id of the object
    description text The description of File
    pdfUrl string The url of the files that are converted in to pdf internally
    file_type_id integer The id of File Type
    size integer The size of the File
    resourceUrl string The url of the resource
    extension text The extension of the File
    originalName text The original name of file with extension

    List all Files

    GET /models/file HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 13960368,
        "name": "image_00001",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 15,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:03+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:03+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "png",
        "originalName": "image_00001.png",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/15"
        "id": 13960367,
        "name": "5091772",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 4,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "mp4",
        "originalName": "5091772.mp4",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/4"

    This endpoint returns the details of all the stored Files.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    file_type_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of File Type
    name text false The name of the File

    Retrieve a File

    GET /models/file/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 13960367,
        "name": "5091772",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 4,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "mp4",
        "originalName": "5091772.mp4",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/4"

    This endpoint is used for retrieving a particular file.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a File

    POST /models/file HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 13960367,
        "name": "5091772",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 4,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "mp4",
        "originalName": "5091772.mp4",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/4"

    This endpoint is used for creating a file.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters(Mutlipart body)

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    file_type_id integer true The id of File Type
    file file true The File to be uploaded
    name text false The name of the File
    is_public boolean false Flag

    Update a File

    PUT /models/file/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 13960367,
        "name": "5091772",
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "pdfUrl": null,
        "file_type_id": 4,
        "size": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 08:30:02+00",
        "resourceUrl": "",
        "extension": "mp4",
        "originalName": "5091772.mp4",
        "_links": {
          "fileType": {
            "href": "/models/file-type/4"

    This endpoint is used for updating a file.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    file_type_id integer false The id of File Type
    description text false The description of File
    name text false The name of the File

    File Type

    The File Type endpoint gives the details of the type of file that are available in File endpoint.

    The File Type Object

        "id": 1,
        "name": "flash flv",
        "description": "raw flv video file from flash server",
        "location": null,
        "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:34:44+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:34:44+00",
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the File Type. Example: flash flv, flash mp4 etc
    description text The description of File Type

    List all File Type

    GET /models/file-type HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

          "id": 1,
          "name": "flash flv",
          "description": "raw flv video file from flash server",
          "location": null,
          "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:34:44+00",
          "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:34:44+00",
          "id": 2,
          "name": "flash mp4",
          "description": "raw mp4 video file from flash server",
          "location": null,
          "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:34:44+00",
          "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:34:44+00",

    This endpoint lists all file type.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    name text false Filter records based on name
    description text false Filter records based on description

    Retrieve a File Type

    GET /models/file-type/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "flash flv",
      "description": "raw flv video file from flash server",
      "location": null,
      "created_at": "2016-04-19 06:09:01+00",
      "updated_at": null

    This endpoint retrieves a specific file type.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    File Upload

    The File Upload endpoint is used for uploading the file in the server.

    The File Upload Object

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    file_type_id integer The Id of the File Type
    is_public boolean If true, the file can be retrieved
    organization_id integer The id of the Organization
    status integer The status of the file upload.Example: Uploaded, Queued.
    The Status of the File Upload are described in the list below
    server_id integer The Id of the server where the file will be uploaded
    name text The name of the File
    extension text The extension of the File
    path string The path where the File will be uploaded
    modified_by integer The id of the User who uploaded the file

    List of File Upload Status:

    Status Key Description
    Available 100 The file is available in the server
    UnAvailable 999 The file is not available in the server
    Queued 101 The file is queued for the process
    Processing 102 The file is under process
    Complete 103 The file upload is complete
    Error 104 Error while uploading the file

    Upload a File

    POST /models/file-upload HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    This end point is used for uploading a file in the server.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    data text true The File (base64 string)
    name text false The name of the File


    The Form endpoint gives the details of all the available form.

    The Form Object

        "id": 8363,
        "name": "608327",
        "structure": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Assessment form",
            "fields": {
              "1": {
                "id": "cf_fn_name",
                "name": "fname",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "First Name",
                "autocomplete": "on"
              "2": {
                "id": "cf_ln_name",
                "name": "lname",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "Last Name",
                "autocomplete": "on"
              "3": {
                "id": "cf_email",
                "name": "email",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "Email",
                "autocomplete": "on"
              "4": {
                "id": "cf_phone",
                "name": "phone",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "Phone",
                "autocomplete": "on"
            "expandable": false
        "url": null,
        "type": 3,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "fieldKeys": [
          "First Name",
          "Last Name",
        "is_public": false,
        "custom_url": null,
        "position_id": null,
        "organization_id": 2,
        "is_editable": false,
        "created_at": "2018-11-29 02:07:30+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-11-29 02:07:30+05:30"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the Form
    structure jsonb The structure of the Form in Json format
    url text The url of for the Form
    type smallint The type of Form. Example: Evaluation Form, Feedback From etc. The Form Type are listed below
    status smallint The status of the Form
    start_date timestamptz The date and time from when the Form is active
    end_date timestamptz The date and time from when the Form is deactivate
    fieldKeys jsonb It describes the required field in the form and is in Json format
    is_public boolean States whether the form is public or not
    custom_url text The url for the custom Forms
    organization_id integer The id of the Organization
    is_editable boolean States whether the Form is editable or not

    List of Form Types:

    Form Types Key Description
    Web 1 Web Form
    Evaluation 2 Evaluation Form
    Assessment Candidate 3 Assessment Candidate Form
    Feedback 4 Feedback Form
    Requisition 5 Requisition Form
    Assessment Feedback 6 Assessment Feedback Form
    Fitment 7 Fitment Form
    Background Check Submission 8 Background Check Submission Form
    Candidate Verification 9 Candidate Verification Form
    On Boarding 10 On Boarding Form
    Offer Prepare 11 Offer Prepare Form
    Offer Candidate 12 Offer Candidate Form
    Offer Make 13 Offer Make Form
    Background Check Info Request 14 Background Check Info Request Form
    On Boarding User 15 On Boarding User Form
    On Boarding Candidate 16 On Boarding Candidate Form
    Candidate Data 17 Candidate Data Form
    Custom Assessment Section Candidate 18 Custom Assessment Section Candidate Form

    List all Forms

    GET /models/form HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 6179,
            "name": "21321",
            "structure": [],
            "url": null,
            "type": 3,
            "status": 0,
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null,
            "is_public": false,
            "article_id": null,
            "custom_url": null,
            "position_id": null,
            "organization_id": 488,
            "is_editable": false

    This endpoint returns the details of all forms

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    name text false The name of the Form
    url text false The url of for the Form
    type smallint false The type of Form. Example: Evaluation Form, Feedback From etc. The Form Type are listed below
    is_public boolean false States whether the form is public or not
    article_id integer false The id of the CMS [Article]
    custom_url text false The url for the custom Forms
    is_editable boolean false States whether the Form is editable or not

    Retrieve a Form

    GET /models/form/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 6179,
      "name": "21321",
      "structure": [],
      "url": null,
      "type": 3,
      "status": 0,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "is_public": false,
      "article_id": null,
      "custom_url": null,
      "position_id": null,
      "organization_id": 488,
      "is_editable": false

    This endpoint retrieves a specific form.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on id

    Create a Form

    POST /models/form HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 8369,
      "name": "609565",
      "structure": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Assessment form",
          "fields": {
            "1": {
              "id": "cf_fn_name",
              "name": "fname",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "First Name",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "2": {
              "id": "cf_ln_name",
              "name": "lname",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Last Name",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "3": {
              "id": "cf_email",
              "name": "email",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Email",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "4": {
              "id": "cf_phone",
              "name": "phone",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Phone",
              "autocomplete": "on"
          "expandable": false
      "url": null,
      "type": 3,
      "status": 0,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "fieldKeys": [
        "First Name",
        "Last Name",
      "is_public": false,
      "custom_url": null,
      "position_id": null,
      "organization_id": 2,
      "is_editable": false,
      "created_at": "2018-11-29 10:47:18+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2018-11-29 10:47:18+05:30"

    This endpoint creates a form.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type integer true The type of the Form
    name text true The name of the Form

    Update a Form

    PUT /models/form/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 8369,
      "name": "609565",
      "structure": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Assessment form",
          "fields": {
            "1": {
              "id": "cf_fn_name",
              "name": "fname",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "First Name",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "2": {
              "id": "cf_ln_name",
              "name": "lname",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Last Name",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "3": {
              "id": "cf_email",
              "name": "email",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Email",
              "autocomplete": "on"
            "4": {
              "id": "cf_phone",
              "name": "phone",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "Phone",
              "autocomplete": "on"
          "expandable": false
      "url": null,
      "type": 3,
      "status": 0,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "fieldKeys": [
        "First Name",
        "Last Name",
      "is_public": false,
      "custom_url": null,
      "position_id": null,
      "organization_id": 2,
      "is_editable": false,
      "created_at": "2018-11-29 10:47:18+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2018-11-29 10:47:18+05:30"

    This endpoint updates a specific form.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type integer false The type of the Form
    name text false The name of the Form

    Delete a Form

    DELETE /models/form/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes a specific form.

    HTTP Request


    Form Instance

    The endpoint Form Instance gives the details of the instances of Form.

    The Form Instance Object

         "id": 447513,
         "status": 500,
         "evaluation_id": null,
         "form_id": 8502,
         "data": [
             "key": "trdp_live_test",
             "name": "FirstName",
             "label": "First Name",
             "value": "trdp_live_test"
             "key": "sderfgy",
             "name": "LastName",
             "label": "Last Name",
             "value": "sderfgy"
             "key": "1598746325",
             "name": "Phone",
             "label": "Phone",
             "value": "1598746325"
         "assessment_section_id": 2652891,
         "assessment_candidate_id": 1556430,
         "assessment_section_candidate_id": 1696124,
         "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:29:01+00",
         "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:29:01+00",
         "_links": {
           "file": {
             "href": "/models/file?form_instance_id=447513"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    status smallint The status of the Form instance. Example: Draft, Complete. The status of the Form are listed below
    evaluation_id integer The Id of the Evaluation
    form_id integer The unique Id of the Form
    data jsonb The data in the form instance
    assessment_section_id integer The Id of the Assessment Section
    assessment_candidate_id integer The Id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer The Id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    List of Form Status:

    Status Key Description
    Draft 100 Form is Drafted
    Complete 500 Form is Complete
    Late Complete 600 The form has been completed after the scheduled time
    Incomplete 1000 Form is incomplete

    List all Form Instances

    GET /models/form-instance HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

         "id": 447513,
         "status": 500,
         "evaluation_id": null,
         "form_id": 8502,
         "data": [
             "key": "trdp_live_test",
             "name": "FirstName",
             "label": "First Name",
             "value": "trdp_live_test"
             "key": "sderfgy",
             "name": "LastName",
             "label": "Last Name",
             "value": "sderfgy"
             "key": "1598746325",
             "name": "Phone",
             "label": "Phone",
             "value": "1598746325"
         "assessment_section_id": 2652891,
         "assessment_candidate_id": 1556430,
         "assessment_section_candidate_id": 1696124,
         "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:29:01+00",
         "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:29:01+00",
         "_links": {
           "file": {
             "href": "/models/file?form_instance_id=447513"

    Returns the details of all forms instances.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    form_id integer false Filter records based on Form Id
    assessment_section_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment Section
    assessment_candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id id of the Assessment Section Candidate
    status smallint false Filter records based on Status Id

    Retrieve a Form Instance

    GET /models/form-instance/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 447513,
      "status": 500,
      "evaluation_id": null,
      "form_id": 8502,
      "data": [
          "key": "trdp_live_test",
          "name": "FirstName",
          "label": "First Name",
          "value": "trdp_live_test"
          "key": "sderfgy",
          "name": "LastName",
          "label": "Last Name",
          "value": "sderfgy"
          "key": "1598746325",
          "name": "Phone",
          "label": "Phone",
          "value": "1598746325"
      "assessment_section_id": 2652891,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 1556430,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 1696124,
      "created_at": "2019-01-11 09:29:01+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-11 09:29:01+00",
      "_links": {
        "file": {
          "href": "/models/file?form_instance_id=447513"

    This endpoint retrieves a specific form instance.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Form Instance File

    This endpoint gives the details of the Form Instance File.

    The Form Instance File Object

      "id": 34,
      "key": "candidate-resume1",
      "form_instance_id": 239849,
      "file_id": 8050752,
      "created_at": "2018-03-01 01:48:39+05:30",
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_at": "2018-03-01 01:48:39+05:30",
      "updated_by": 1
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    key text The key value to map the file attachment with the Form
    form_instance_id Integer The id of the Form Instance
    file_id Integer The id of the File
    created_by Integer The id of the User who created the Form Instance File
    updated_by Integer The id of the User who updated the Form Instance File

    List all Form Instance File

    GET /models/form-instance-file HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 34,
        "key": "candidate-resume1",
        "form_instance_id": 239849,
        "file_id": 8050752,
        "created_at": "2018-03-01 01:48:39+05:30",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_at": "2018-03-01 01:48:39+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1
        "id": 33,
        "key": "candidate-resume",
        "form_instance_id": 239849,
        "file_id": 8050751,
        "created_at": "2018-03-01 01:48:39+05:30",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_at": "2018-03-01 01:48:39+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1

    This endpoint returns all the details of form instance file.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    form_instance_id Integer false Filter records based on the Id of Form Instance
    file_id Integer false Filter records based on the Id of File

    Retrieve a Form Instance File

    GET /models/form-instance-file/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2951,
        "key": "photo_file",
        "form_instance_id": 268678,
        "file_id": 9186916,
        "created_at": "2018-07-07 15:41:54+05:30",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_at": "2018-07-07 15:41:54+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1

    This endpoint retrieves a specific form instance file.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records bases on Id

    Update a Form Instance File

    PUT /models/form-instance-file/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 3664,
        "key": "Photo",
        "form_instance_id": 290959,
        "file_id": 9573897,
        "created_at": "2018-08-07 08:45:30+00",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_at": "2018-08-07 08:45:30+00",
        "updated_by": 1

    This endpoint updates the specified form instance file.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    key text false The key value of the Form Instance File
    form_instance_id Integer false The id of the Form Instance
    file_id Integer false The id of the File

    Delete a Form Instance File

    DELETE /models/form-instance-file<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes the specific form instance file.

    HTTP Request


    Live Attendee

    The Live Attendee endpoint gives the details of all the Live Attendee.( Live Attendee's are Candidate, Panel Members and the Organizer).

    The Live Attendee Object

        "id": 7233,
        "live_session_id": 2324,
        "email": "",
        "phone": null,
        "status": null,
        "role": 1,
        "candidate_id": 1825664,
        "organization": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Talview",
            "logo": "",
            "termsLink": ""
        "c": "7~fSFVG9iNEMzj5KRtf4WjE1NjlmZjk1YTEyYTU1ZjY3YjNjMGFlNDAzNzQ1ZmNkY2ZlYzQ5MmVkYmMxZWUxN2Y5YWUxNTYwZDRmMTNkNGUe62azfk2tzGAiJx3zIJGN3vIXAPBiMBE-oFXceNuM6A__",
        "fullName": "",
        "joined_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:32+00",
        "user_id": null,
        "left_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:32+00",
        "passcode": "764873",
        "joinUrl": "",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "created_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:31+00",
        "theme": "default",
        "skin": null,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:31+00",
        "_links": {
            "liveAttendeeFlash": {
                "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/7233"
            "liveSession": {
                "href": "/models/live-session/2324"
            "candidate": {
                "href": "/models/candidate/1825664"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    live_session_id integer The Id for the Live Session
    email text The email of the Live Attendee
    phone text The phone number of the Live Attendee
    status integer The status of the Live Session. Example: Scheduled, In Progress. The available Status are listed below
    role integer The role of the Live Attendee
    candidate_id integer The id of the Candidate
    organization object The details of the Organization
    postAssessmentUrl string The url for redirection after Live Session
    fullName string The full name of the Attendee
    joined_at timestamptz The time of joining the Live Session
    user_id integer The Id of the User who scheduled the Live Session
    left_at timestamptz The time when the Candidate left the Live Session
    joinUrl string The url for joining the Live Session
    created_by integer The id of the Organizer who created the live session
    updated_by integer The id of the Organizer who updated the live session
    created_at timestamptz The time when the live assessment was created
    theme string The theme for the Application
    updated_at timestamptz The time when the Live Session was updated

    List of Roles:

    Roles Key Description
    Participant 1 The participant of the Live Session
    Moderator 2 The moderator of the Live Session
    Organizer 3 The organizer of the Live Session

    Status of Live Session:

    Staus Key Description
    Scheduled 1 The Live Session is scheduled
    In Progress 2 The Live Session is in progress
    Completed 3 The Live Session is Completed
    Cancelled 10 The Live Session is Cancelled
    No Show 11 The Live Session is Scheduled but the Live Attendee has not joined the session

    List all Live Attendee

    GET /models/live-attendee HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 7233,
        "live_session_id": 2324,
        "email": "",
        "phone": null,
        "status": null,
        "role": 1,
        "candidate_id": 1825664,
        "organization": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Talview",
            "logo": "",
            "termsLink": ""
        "c": "7~fSFVG9iNEMzj5KRtf4WjE1NjlmZjk1YTEyYTU1ZjY3YjNjMGFlNDAzNzQ1ZmNkY2ZlYzQ5MmVkYmMxZWUxN2Y5YWUxNTYwZDRmMTNkNGUe62azfk2tzGAiJx3zIJGN3vIXAPBiMBE-oFXceNuM6A__",
        "fullName": "",
        "joined_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:32+00",
        "user_id": null,
        "left_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:32+00",
        "passcode": "764873",
        "joinUrl": "",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null,
        "created_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:31+00",
        "theme": "default",
        "skin": null,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-12 13:45:31+00",
        "_links": {
            "liveAttendeeFlash": {
                "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/7233"
            "liveSession": {
                "href": "/models/live-session/2324"
            "candidate": {
                "href": "/models/candidate/1825664"

    This endpoint returns the details of all live attendee paginated by page.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    live_session_id Integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Live Session
    email text false Filter records based on email
    phone text false Filter records based on Phone number
    role integer false Filter records based on Role. The Roles are listed below.

    Retrieve a Live Attendee

    GET /models/live-attendee/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 204,
        "live_session_id": 66,
        "email": "s*******",
        "phone": null,
        "status": null,
        "role": 2,
        "candidate_id": null,
        "organization": {
            "id": 183,
            "name": "Talview Internal Hiring",
            "logo": "",
            "termsLink": ""
        "c": "3~5qwBfYHqMIM1OGo8IMZWQ1ZDlkNDVhNjY5N2QzYzE1NWZmNDQ0NWUwOGQ1NzlhOWJhYWUwM2RlNzcyOWQ1NDVmMWVjYzE4ZDA5M2MyZmYZbj9JJj3~vtpZs4ouuoi~iGanacH4lNjW9kejfDptaA__",
        "fullName": "Jhon",
        "joined_at": "2017-11-29 04:47:33+00",
        "user_id": 26304,
        "left_at": "2017-11-29 04:47:33+00",
        "passcode": "137283",
        "joinUrl": "",
        "created_by": 26304,
        "updated_by": 26304,
        "created_at": "2017-11-29 04:47:32+00",
        "theme": "default",
        "skin": null,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-29 04:47:32+00",
        "_links": {
            "liveAttendeeFlash": {
                "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/204"
            "liveSession": {
                "href": "/models/live-session/66"
            "candidate": {
                "href": "/models/candidate/386619"

    This end point retrieves a details of an existing live attendee.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Update a Live Attendee

    PUT /models/live-attendee/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 181507,
      "live_session_id": 58564,
      "email": "",
      "phone": null,
      "status": 2,
      "role": 2,
      "candidate_id": null,
      "organization": {
        "id": 488,
        "name": "testing",
        "logo": "",
        "termsLink": ""
      "postAssessmentUrl": null,
      "c": "46Q~EO5niHxQ40Qnkbr8~DAwY2ZkMTlmYjQ4OTE3MTExNzA0Y2FlYmEwM2NlZTRjMzI0NzJkMjViODVmOTNmZDdkM2ZkOWE1N2RkOGEwMTAIxlG3UhQqvaGH8CKTRimnn8D4zonhD~anICequ9ukFw__",
      "fullName": "Dev Testing",
      "joined_at": "2019-01-15 11:13:12+00",
      "user_id": 30876,
      "left_at": "2019-01-15 11:13:12+00",
      "passcode": "673991821",
      "joinUrl": "",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "created_at": "2019-01-15 11:13:12+00",
      "theme": "default",
      "skin": null,
      "updated_at": "2019-01-15T13:18:23+00:00",
      "_links": {
        "liveAttendeeFlash": {
          "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/181507"
        "liveSession": {
          "href": "/models/live-session/58564"
        "candidate": {
          "href": "/models/candidate/5735265"

    Modify the existing details of a live attendee.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    Id integer True The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    live_session_id false integer The Id for the Live Session
    email text false The email of the Live Attendee
    status integer false The status of the Live Session

    Live Attendee Flash

    The Live Attendee Flash endpoint gives the url for Joining the Live Session through Flash. This is for the browser which does not support Webrtc.

    The Live Attendee Flash Object

      "id": 275129,
      "flashJoinUrl": null,
      "created_at": "2019-03-12 13:24:42+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-12 13:48:55+00",
      "_links": {
        "liveAttendeeFlash": {
          "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/275129"
        "liveSession": {
          "href": "/models/live-session/88570"
        "candidate": {
          "href": "/models/candidate/6507897"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    flashJoinUrl string The url for taking the Live Session through Flash

    List All Live Attendee Flash

    GET /models/live-attendee-flash HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 160555,
        "flashJoinUrl": "",
        "_links": {
          "liveAttendeeFlash": {
            "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/160555"
          "liveSession": {
            "href": "/models/live-session/51756"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5613827"

    This endpoint returns all the details of the live attendee flash

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    live_session_id false integer Filter records based on the Id of Live Session
    email text false Filter records based on Email of Live Attendee

    Retrieve a Live Attendee Flash

    GET /models/live-attendee-flash/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 181367,
        "flashJoinUrl": "",
        "_links": {
          "liveAttendeeFlash": {
            "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/181367"
          "liveSession": {
            "href": "/models/live-session/58518"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5541725"

    This endpoint retrieves the details of an existing live attendee flash.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Update a Live Attendee Flash

    PUT /models/live-attendee-flash/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 181367,
        "flashJoinUrl": "",
        "_links": {
          "liveAttendeeFlash": {
            "href": "/models/live-attendee-flash/181367"
          "liveSession": {
            "href": "/models/live-session/58518"
          "candidate": {
            "href": "/models/candidate/5541725"

    This endpoint Updates the details of an existing live attendee flash.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    live_session_id integer false The Id for the Live Session
    email text false The email of the Live Attendee

    Live Session

    The Live Session model gives the details of the Live Session created by the Organizer for the Candidate. Live Attendee are associated with Live Session.

    The Live Session Object

        "id": 1665,
        "name": "612791",
        "is_record": false,
        "description": null,
        "status": 1,
        "starts_at": "2018-03-21 20:30:00+00",
        "ends_at": "2018-03-21 21:30:00+00",
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
        "recording_status": null,
        "hosted_by": 36209,
        "version": 2,
        "domain": "",
        "created_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
        "created_by": 36209,
        "updated_by": 36209,
        "_links": {
            "assessmentSectionCandidate": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
            "liveRecordingFlash": {
                "href": "/models/live-session-flash-recording?live_session_id=1665"
            "webRTCRecordings": {
                "href": "/models/file?live_session_id=1665&file_type_id=41"
            "liveAttendees": {
                "href": "/models/live-attendee?live_session_id=1665"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name string The name of the Live Session
    is_record boolean Flag to check whether live session recording start/stop feature is enabled for a live-session
    description string The description of the Live Session
    status integer The status of Live Session. Example: Scheduled, In Progress. The status of Live Session are listed in the table below
    location string The location where the live interview is scheduled. Used in offline Live Interview
    ends_at timestamptz The time when the Live Session ends
    duration timestamptz The duration of the Live Session
    timezone timestamptz The timezone of Live Attendee
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer The id of the Assessment Section Candidate
    recording_status integer The status of the Live Session Recording. Example: Disabled, Processing. The status of the recording status are listed in the table below.
    hosted_by integer The id of the Organizer who hosted the Live Session
    domain string The URl generated for Live Attendee to redirect to Live Session window
    created_by integer The id of the User who created the Live Session
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the Live Session

    List of Live Session Status :

    Status Key Description
    Scheduled 1 A Live Session event has been scheduled
    In Progress 2 Live Session event is in progress
    Complete 3 Live Session event is complete
    Cancelled 10 Live Session event has been cancelled
    Panel No Show 11 Panel is not online
    Candidate No Show 12 Candidate is not online
    Both No Show 13 Both Panel and Candidate are not Online

    List of Recording Status :

    Status Key Description
    Disabled 1 Recording id disabled
    Processing 2 Recording is processing
    Available 3 Recording is available
    Error 4 Error in recording

    List all Live Session

    GET /models/live-session HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1665,
        "name": "612791",
        "is_record": false,
        "description": null,
        "status": 1,
        "starts_at": "2018-03-21 20:30:00+00",
        "ends_at": "2018-03-21 21:30:00+00",
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
        "recording_status": null,
        "hosted_by": 36209,
        "domain": "",
        "created_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
        "created_by": 36209,
        "updated_by": 36209,
        "_links": {
            "assessmentSectionCandidate": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
            "liveRecordingFlash": {
                "href": "/models/live-session-flash-recording?live_session_id=1665"
            "webRTCRecordings": {
                "href": "/models/file?live_session_id=1665&file_type_id=41"
            "liveAttendees": {
                "href": "/models/live-attendee?live_session_id=1665"

    This endpoint returns all the details of live sessions

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer false Filter records based on Id of the Assessment Section Candidate
    name string false Filter records based on the name of Live Session
    is_record boolean false Filter records based on whether the Live Session is recorded or not
    description string false Filter records based on the description of Live Session
    ends_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the time when the Live Session ends
    recording_status integer false Filter records based on the status of the Live Session
    hosted_by integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Organizer who hosted the Live Session

    Retrieve a Live Session

    GET /models/live-session/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 1665,
      "name": "612791",
      "is_record": false,
      "description": null,
      "status": 1,
      "starts_at": "2018-03-21 20:30:00+00",
      "ends_at": "2018-03-21 21:30:00+00",
      "duration": "01:00:00",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
      "recording_status": null,
      "hosted_by": 36209,
      "domain": "",
      "created_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
      "updated_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
      "created_by": 36209,
      "updated_by": 36209,
      "_links": {
          "assessmentSectionCandidate": {
              "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
          "liveRecordingFlash": {
              "href": "/models/live-session-flash-recording?live_session_id=1665"
          "webRTCRecordings": {
              "href": "/models/file?live_session_id=1665&file_type_id=41"
          "liveAttendees": {
              "href": "/models/live-attendee?live_session_id=1665"

    This endpoint retrieves the details of an live session.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id array true Filter records based on Id

    Menu Card

    The Menu Card endpoint gives all the details of Menu Card. Menu Card is the collection of Assessments within a Category

    The Menu Card Object

        "id": 83,
        "is_private": false,
        "name": "Co******te",
        "imageUrl": "***********************.jpg",
        "description": null,
        "starts_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "code": "3990756",
        "ends_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "organization_id": 567,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "created_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "_links": {
          "candidates": {
            "href": "/models/candidate?menu_card_id=83"
          "assessments": {
            "href": "/models/assessment?menu_card_id=83"
          "sources": {
            "href": "/models/source?menu_card_id=83"
          "menuCardCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/menu-card-candidate?menu_card_id=83"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_private boolean Status whether Menu Card is private or not
    name string The name of the Menu Card
    imageUrl string The url for the Organization logo
    description string The description of the Menu Card Assessment
    starts_at timestamptz The date and time from when the Menu Card Assessment is active
    code integer
    ends_at timestamptz The date and time when the Menu Card expires
    organization_id integer The id of the Organization for whom the Menu Card belongs to
    created_by integer The id of User who created the Menu Card
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the Menu Card

    List Menu Card

    GET /models/menu-card HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 83,
        "is_private": false,
        "name": "Co******te",
        "imageUrl": "***********************.jpg",
        "description": null,
        "starts_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "code": "3990756",
        "ends_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "organization_id": 567,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "created_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-10-27 17:21:13+05:30",
        "_links": {
          "candidates": {
            "href": "/models/candidate?menu_card_id=83"
          "assessments": {
            "href": "/models/assessment?menu_card_id=83"
          "sources": {
            "href": "/models/source?menu_card_id=83"
          "menuCardCandidates": {
            "href": "/models/menu-card-candidate?menu_card_id=83"

    This endpoint returns all the details of the menu cards.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    is_private boolean false Filter records based on the status whether Menu Card is private or not
    name string false Filter records based on the name of the Menu Card
    description string false Filter records based on the description of the Menu Card Assessment

    Menu Card Assessment

    The Menu Card Assessment is the mapping of Menu Card and the Assessment.

    The Menu Card Assessment Object

      "id": 435,
      "created_by": 246812,
      "assessment_id": 549037,
      "created_at": "2018-12-27 02:18:22+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2018-12-27 02:18:22+05:30",
      "updated_by": 246812,
      "menu_card_id": 81
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    assessment_id integer The Id of the Assessment
    created_at timestamptz The date and time of when the Menu Card Assessment was created
    updated_at timestamptz The date and time of when the Menu Card Assessment was updated
    menu_card_id integer The id of the menu card

    List all Menu Card Assessment

    GET /models/menu-card-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 435,
        "created_by": 246812,
        "assessment_id": 549037,
        "created_at": "2018-12-27 02:18:22+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-27 02:18:22+05:30",
        "updated_by": 246812,
        "menu_card_id": 81
        "id": 430,
        "created_by": 1,
        "assessment_id": 626074,
        "created_at": "2018-12-07 13:01:00+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-07 13:01:00+05:30",
        "updated_by": 1,
        "menu_card_id": 80

    This endpoint returns all the details of menu card assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment
    menu_card_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Menu Card

    Create a new Menu Card Assessment

    POST /models/menu-card-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 782,
      "created_by": 246812,
      "assessment_id": 224885,
      "created_at": "2019-02-19T11:58:54+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-02-19T11:58:54+00:00",
      "updated_by": 246812,
      "menu_card_id": 195

    This endpoint allows you to create a new menu card assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_id integer true Id of an existing Assessment
    menu_card_id integer true Id of an existing Menu Card

    Delete an existing Menu Card Assessment

    DELETE /models/menu-card-assessment/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing menu card assessment.

    HTTP Request


    Notification Log

    The Notification Log endpoint gives all the log details of the notification sent to the Candidate as well as the Panel.

    The Notification Log object

        "id": 2889368,
        "to_address": "",
        "cc_address": null,
        "assessment_id": 727354,
        "bcc_address": null,
        "content": "<p>Dear,\n</p>....................................",
        "subject": "Talview Dev Team Testing is inviting you to attend an assessment.",
        "created_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:41+00",
        "created_by": 1,
        "sent_by": 1,
        "notification_template_type_id": 210,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:42+00",
        "status": "sent",
        "scheduled_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:39+00",
        "sent_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:41+00",
        "read_at": null
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    to_address email The email address of the User to whom the notification is to be sent
    cc_address email CC address for the Notification
    assessment_id integer The id of the Assessment
    bcc_address email BCC address for the Notification
    content text The content of Notification
    subject text The subject of the Notification
    created_by integer The id of the user who Created the Notification
    sent_by integer The id of the User who sent the Notification
    notification_template_type_id integer The id of the Notification Template type
    status integer The status of the Notification Log. Example: Pending, Sent. The status are listed below.
    scheduled_at timestamptz The time when the Notification mail is triggered
    sent_at timestamptz The time when the the Notification was sent
    read_at timestamptz The time when the Notification mail was read by the receiver

    List of Event Types:

    Status Value Description
    Pending enqueued The notification mail is pending
    Sent sent The notification mail is sent
    Delivered delivered The notification mail is delivered
    Failed failed The notification mail is not sent
    Bounced bounced The notification mail is bounced
    Read read The notification mail has been read
    Archived archived The notification mail is archived
    Scheduled scheduled The notification mail is scheduled
    Deleted deleted The notification mail is deleted

    List all Notification Log

    GET /models/notification-log HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 2889368,
        "to_address": "",
        "cc_address": null,
        "assessment_id": 727354,
        "bcc_address": null,
        "content": "<p>Dear,\n</p>....................................",
        "subject": "Talview Dev Team Testing is inviting you to attend an assessment.",
        "created_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:41+00",
        "created_by": 1,
        "sent_by": 1,
        "notification_template_type_id": 210,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:42+00",
        "status": "sent",
        "scheduled_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:39+00",
        "sent_at": "2019-01-17 08:41:41+00",
        "read_at": null

    This endpoint returns all the details of notification logs.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on Id
    to_address email false Filter records based on the email address of the User to whom the notification is to be sent
    cc_address email false Filter records based on CC address for the Notification
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Assessment
    bcc_address email false Filter records based on BCC address for the Notification
    subject text false Filter records based on the subject of the Notification
    status integer false Filter records based on the status of the Notification
    sent_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the time when the the Notification was sent
    read_at timestamptz false Filter records based on the time when the Notification mail was read by the receiver

    Notification Template

    The Notification Template end point gives the details of the Notification Template. Notification Template is the template for sending notification mail to the Candidate and the Panel.

    The Notification Template Object

        "id": 26244,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 219,
        "content": "<p>Dear {%full-name},</p><p>{%panel-name} Evaluated the candidate {%candidate-name} ..............",
        "subject": "{%panel-name} Evaluated the candidate {%candidate-name} for {%assessment-title}\n",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "assessment_id": 701909,
        "created_at": "2019-01-07 06:16:53+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-07 06:16:53+00",
        "created_by": 67656,
        "updated_by": 67656,
        "_links": {
          "tags": {
            "href": "/models/notification-template-tag?type_id=219"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    from_address email The email address from where the notification will be triggered
    type_id integer The Id of the Notification Template type
    content text The content of notification
    subject text The subject of the notification
    category_id integer The category Id of the notification
    organization_id integer The Id of the Organization
    assessment_id integer The Id of the Assessment
    created_by integer The Id of the User who created the Notification Template
    updated_by integer The Id of the user who updated the Notification Template

    List all Notification Template

    GET /models/notification-template HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 26244,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 219,
        "content": "<p>Dear {%full-name},</p><p>{%panel-name} Evaluated the candidate {%candidate-name} ..............",
        "subject": "{%panel-name} Evaluated the candidate {%candidate-name} for {%assessment-title}\n",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "assessment_id": 701909,
        "created_at": "2019-01-07 06:16:53+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-07 06:16:53+00",
        "created_by": 67656,
        "updated_by": 67656,
        "_links": {
          "tags": {
            "href": "/models/notification-template-tag?type_id=219"

    This endpoint returns all the details of the notification templates.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on Id
    from_address email false Filter records based on the email address from where the notification will be triggered
    type_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Notification Template type
    subject text false Filter records based on the subject of the notification
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment

    Retrieve a Notification Template

    GET /models/notification-template/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 26244,
        "from_address": null,
        "type_id": 219,
        "content": "<p>Dear {%full-name},</p><p>{%panel-name} Evaluated the candidate {%candidate-name} ..............",
        "subject": "{%panel-name} Evaluated the candidate {%candidate-name} for {%assessment-title}\n",
        "category_id": null,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "assessment_id": 701909,
        "created_at": "2019-01-07 06:16:53+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-07 06:16:53+00",
        "created_by": 67656,
        "updated_by": 67656,
        "_links": {
          "tags": {
            "href": "/models/notification-template-tag?type_id=219"

    This endpoint lists a specific notification template.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create Notification Template

    POST /models/notification-template HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 25815,
      "from_address": null,
      "type_id": 219,
      "content": "456123",
      "subject": "123456",
      "category_id": null,
      "organization_id": 488,
      "assessment_id": 678278,
      "created_at": "2019-01-17T11:27:40+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-17T11:27:40+00:00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "_links": {
        "tags": {
          "href": "/models/notification-template-tag?type_id=219"

    This endpoint create a notification template.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type_id integer true Type Id of the Notification Template
    content text true Content of Notification
    subject text true Subject of Notification

    Update Notification Template

    PUT /models/notification-template/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 25816,
      "from_address": null,
      "type_id": 219,
      "content": "456131",
      "subject": "123457",
      "category_id": null,
      "organization_id": 488,
      "assessment_id": 678278,
      "created_at": "2019-01-17 17:06:37+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-17 17:10:29+05:30",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "_links": {
        "tags": {
          "href": "/models/notification-template-tag?type_id=219"

    This endpoint update a specific notification template.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    content text false Content of Notification
    subject text false Subject of Notification

    Delete Notification Template

    Deletes the specific notification template.

    DELETE /models/notification-template/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    HTTP Request


    Notification Template Tag

    The Notification Template Tag endpoint gives the detail of all the Tags that can be implemented in the Notification Template.

    The Notification Template Tag Object

        "id": 1221,
        "tag": "{%assessment-name}",
        "description": "Asessment Title",
        "type_id": 264,
        "created_at": "2018-10-16 14:45:22+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-10-16 14:45:22+05:30",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    tag text The tag. Example: {%assessment-name}
    description text The description of the Tag
    type_id integer The Id of the Notification Template Type

    List all Notification Template Tag

    GET /models/notification-template-tag HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1221,
        "tag": "{%assessment-name}",
        "description": "Asessment Title",
        "type_id": 264,
        "created_at": "2018-10-16 14:45:22+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-10-16 14:45:22+05:30",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null
        "id": 1220,
        "tag": "{%live-session-link}",
        "description": " Live Session Link",
        "type_id": 210,
        "created_at": "2018-08-06 17:14:39+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-10-16 14:45:22+05:30",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null

    This endpoint returns all the details of the notification template tags.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    tag text false Filter records based on Tag name.
    description text false Filter records based on the description of the Tag
    type_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Notification Template Type

    Notification Template Type

    The Notification Template Type endpoint gives the details of all the Notification Template available.

    The Notification Template Type Object

        "id": 286,
        "label": "Simulation Booking",
        "description": null,
        "type_id": 286,
        "created_at": "2018-08-06 16:20:51+05:30",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null
        "id": 628,
        "label": "booking",
        "description": "live session moderator booking",
        "type_id": 628,
        "created_at": "2017-11-20 17:19:33+05:30",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    label text The label of Notification Template
    description text The description of Notification Template
    type_id integer The Id Notification Template Type

    List all Notification Template Type

    GET /models/notification-template-type HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 286,
        "label": "Simulation Booking",
        "description": null,
        "type_id": 286,
        "created_at": "2018-08-06 16:20:51+05:30",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null
        "id": 628,
        "label": "booking",
        "description": "live session moderator booking",
        "type_id": 628,
        "created_at": "2017-11-20 17:19:33+05:30",
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1

    This endpoint returns all the details of notification template type.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    description text false Filter records based on the description of Notification Template
    type_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of Notification Template Type


    The Panel endpoint gives the details of the Panel associated with Assessment Section Candidate. Apart form MCQ and MCA type Assessment Section Panel are assigned to all other Assessment Section.

    The Panel Object

    The panel object

            "id": 19394,
            "selectedCount": 1,
            "rejectedCount": 0,
            "holdCount": 0,
            "evaluatedCount": 1,
            "assignedCount": 7,
            "assessment_section_id": 128233,
            "user_id": 30876,
            "created_at": "2017-11-03 19:54:20+00",
            "updated_at": "2017-11-03 19:54:20+00",
            "created_by": 30876,
            "updated_by": 30876,
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                  "href": "/models/panel/19394"
                "pending": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=false&panel_id=19394"
                "evaluated": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=true&panel_id=19394"
                "selected": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=select&panel_id=19394"
                "rejected": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=reject&panel_id=19394"
                "hold": {
                  "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=hold&panel_id=19394"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    selectedCount integer The number of Candidate selected by the Panel
    rejectedCount integer The number of Candidate rejected by the Panel
    holdCount integer The number of candidate Candidate that are kept in hold by the Panel
    evaluatedCount integer The number of Candidate evaluated by the Panel
    assignedCount integer The number of Candidate Assigned to the Panel
    assessment_section_id integer The Id of Assessment Section
    user_id integer The id of the User who assigned the Panel

    List all Panel

    GET /models/panel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

         "id": 19394,
         "selectedCount": 1,
         "rejectedCount": 0,
         "holdCount": 0,
         "evaluatedCount": 1,
         "assignedCount": 7,
         "assessment_section_id": 128233,
         "user_id": 30876,
         "created_at": "2017-11-03 19:54:20+00",
         "updated_at": "2017-11-03 19:54:20+00",
         "created_by": 30876,
         "updated_by": 30876,
         "_links": {
           "self": {
             "href": "/models/panel/19394"
           "pending": {
             "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=false&panel_id=19394"
           "evaluated": {
             "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=true&panel_id=19394"
           "selected": {
             "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=select&panel_id=19394"
           "rejected": {
             "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=reject&panel_id=19394"
           "hold": {
             "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=hold&panel_id=19394"

    Returns details of all the panel

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    assessment_section_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment Section
    assessment_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment
    user_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the user who created the panel

    Retrieve a Panel

    GET /models/panel/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

       "id": 19394,
       "selectedCount": null,
       "rejectedCount": null,
       "holdCount": null,
       "evaluatedCount": null,
       "assignedCount": null,
       "assessment_section_id": 128233,
       "user_id": 30876,
       "created_at": "2017-11-03 19:54:20+00",
       "updated_at": "2017-11-03 19:54:20+00",
       "created_by": 30876,
       "updated_by": 30876,
       "_links": {
         "self": {
           "href": "/models/panel/19394"
         "pending": {
           "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=false&panel_id=19394"
         "evaluated": {
           "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=true&panel_id=19394"
         "selected": {
           "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=select&panel_id=19394"
         "rejected": {
           "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=reject&panel_id=19394"
         "hold": {
           "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=hold&panel_id=19394"

    Retrieves the details of an existing panel.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object

    Create new Panel

    POST /models/panel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request:

      "assessment_section_id": 128233,
      "user_id": 30876

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 375582,
      "selectedCount": null,
      "rejectedCount": null,
      "holdCount": null,
      "evaluatedCount": null,
      "assignedCount": null,
      "assessment_section_id": 128233,
      "user_id": 30876,
      "created_at": "2019-01-12T13:18:26+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-12T13:18:26+00:00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/panel/375582"
        "pending": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=false&panel_id=375582"
        "evaluated": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?evaluated=true&panel_id=375582"
        "selected": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=select&panel_id=375582"
        "rejected": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=reject&panel_id=375582"
        "hold": {
          "href": "/models/panel-candidate?recommendation=hold&panel_id=375582"

    This endpoint creates a new panel.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_section_id integer true The Id of Assessment Section
    user_id integer true The id of the User who assigned the Panel

    Panel Candidate

    The panel candidate gives the details of the Panel associated with the Assessment Candidate.

    The Panel Candidate Object

        "id": 111146,
        "panel_id": 22287,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 347099,
        "created_at": "2018-04-19 11:55:21+00",
        "isEvaluated": false,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-19 11:55:21+00",
        "added_by": 275,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396658,
        "_links": {
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396658&panel_id=22287"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    panel_id integer The Id of the Panel.
    assessment_candidate_id integer The id of the Assessment Candidate
    isEvaluated boolean States whether the Assessment Section Candidate is evaluated or not
    added_by integer The id of the User who added the Panel
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer The id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    List all Panel Candidate

    GET /models/panel-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 111146,
        "panel_id": 22287,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 347099,
        "created_at": "2018-04-19 11:55:21+00",
        "isEvaluated": false,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-19 11:55:21+00",
        "added_by": 275,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396658,
        "_links": {
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396658&panel_id=22287"
        "id": 111139,
        "panel_id": 22285,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 346973,
        "created_at": "2018-04-19 09:29:34+00",
        "isEvaluated": false,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-19 09:30:01+00",
        "added_by": 25939,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396516,
        "_links": {
          "evaluations": {
            "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396516&panel_id=22285"
        "id": 111138,
        "panel_id": 22285,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 346970,
        "created_at": "2018-04-19 09:29:34+00",
        "isEvaluated": false,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-19 09:30:01+00",
        "added_by": 25939,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396510,
        "_links": {
          "evaluations": {
              "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396510&panel_id=22285"

    Returns all the details of panel candidate

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    panel_id integer false Filter based on panel Id of the Panel
    assessment_candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    Retrieve a Panel Candidate

    GET /models/panel-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 111146,
      "panel_id": 22287,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 347099,
      "created_at": "2018-04-19 11:55:21+00",
      "isEvaluated": false,
      "updated_at": "2018-04-19 11:55:21+00",
      "added_by": 275,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396658,
      "_links": {
        "evaluations": {
          "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396658&panel_id=22287"

    Retrieve the details of an existing panel candidate

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameter

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create Panel Candidate

    POST /models/panel-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 111155,
      "panel_id": 22287,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 347099,
      "created_at": "2018-04-19T15:08:48+00:00",
      "isEvaluated": false,
      "updated_at": "2018-04-19T15:08:48+00:00",
      "added_by": null,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396658,
      "_links": {
        "evaluations": {
            "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396658&panel_id=22287"

    This endpoint creates new Panel candidate.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    panel_id integer true The Id of the Panel
    assessment_candidate_id integer true The id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer true The id of the Assessment Section Candidate

    Update Panel Candidate

    PUT /models/panel-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 111155,
      "panel_id": 22287,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 347099,
      "created_at": "2018-04-19T15:08:48+00:00",
      "isEvaluated": false,
      "updated_at": "2018-04-19T15:08:48+00:00",
      "added_by": null,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 396658,
      "_links": {
        "evaluations": {
            "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=396658&panel_id=22287"

    This endpoint updates the panel candidate

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    panel_id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    panel_id integer false The Id of the Panel
    assessment_candidate_id integer false The id of the Assessment Candidate
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer false The id of the Assessment Section Candidate


    The Parameter end point gives the details of all the parameter defined.

    The Parameter Object

        "id": 116092,
        "external_id": null,
        "category_id": null,
        "type": 1,
        "name": "Communication",
        "recommended_value": null,
        "max_value": 5
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id text The reference id of the object
    category_id integer The Id of the Category
    type integer The type of the Parameter. Example: Numeric. The types are listed below.
    name text The name of the Parameter.
    recommended_value integer The recommendation value given by a panel for an Assessment Section Candidate
    max_value integer The max value of the Parameter

    List of Parameter Types:

    Event Types Key Description
    Numeric 1 The numeric type Parameter
    Text 2 The text type Parameter

    List all Parameter

    GET /models/parameter HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 116092,
        "external_id": null,
        "category_id": null,
        "type": 1,
        "name": "Communication",
        "recommended_value": null,
        "max_value": 5
        "id": 116091,
        "external_id": null,
        "category_id": null,
        "type": 1,
        "name": "Testing",
        "recommended_value": null,
        "max_value": 5

    This endpoint returns all the details of notification template type.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    type Integer false Filter based on Parameter Type
    external_id Integer false Filter based on External Id
    name text false Filter based on the name of the Parameter
    recommended_value integer flase Filter records based on the recommendation value given by a panel for an Assessment Section Candidate
    category_id integer flase Filter records based on the Id of the Category

    Retrieve a parameter

    GET /models/parameter/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 116092,
        "external_id": null,
        "category_id": null,
        "type": 1,
        "name": "Communication",
        "recommended_value": null,
        "max_value": 5

    This endpoint retrieves specific parameter.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on id

    Create Parameter

    POST /models/parameter HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 116619,
        "external_id": null,
        "category_id": null,
        "type": 1,
        "name": "test50",
        "recommended_value": null,
        "max_value": null

    This endpoint creates a parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name string true Name of the parameter
    external_id text false The reference id of the object
    category_id integer false The Id of the Category
    type integer false The type of the Parameter. Example: Numeric. The types are listed below.
    name text false The name of the Parameter.
    max_value integer false The max value of the Parameter

    Pearson Assessment

    The Pearson Assessment endpoint provides the details of Pearson assessment.

    The Pearson Assessment Object

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Quickscreener",
        "type": "quickscreener-talview"
    Parameter Type Description
    id inetger The unique identifier of an object
    name text The name of the Pearson Assessment
    type text The type of the Pearson Assessment

    List all Pearson Assessment

    This endpoint returns all existing Assessments.

    GET /models/pearson-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Quickscreener",
        "type": "quickscreener-talview"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Versant English Test",
        "type": "vet-talview"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Query Parameter not supported.

    Retrieve an Assessment

    This model does not support retrieving an assessment.


    The Question endpoint gives the details of all the available Questions which can be added in the Assessment Section.

    The Question Object

      "id": 62028,
      "type": "interview",
      "title": "MCA Internship",
      "content": {
        "text/html": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      ",
        "text/plain": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      "
      "contentRaw": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      ",
      "hint": null,
      "choice_1": null,
      "choice_2": null,
      "choice_3": null,
      "choice_4": null,
      "choice_5": null,
      "leftList": null,
      "rightList": null,
      "matchMap": null,
      "tagData": null,
      "testCase": null,
      "updated_at": "2018-04-04 12:15:58+00",
      "correct_choice": 0
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    type integer The type of the Question. Example: Interview, Essay. The types of the Question are listed below.
    title text The title of the Question
    content text The content of the Question. The Question body.
    contentRaw text The raw content of the Question. Used for escaping HTML content
    hint text The hint for the Question
    choice_1 text The first answer choice for the Question
    choice_2 text The second answer choice for the Question
    choice_3 text The third answer choice for the Question
    choice_4 text The forth answer choice for the Question
    choice_5 text The fifth answer choice for the Question
    testCase integer The test cases for Code type Questions
    correct_choice integer The correct choice for the Question

    List of Question Types:

    Type Value Description
    Interview interview The interview type Question
    Essay interview The essay type Question
    Code code The code type Question
    Typing typing The typing type Question
    Interview Objective interview with multiple choice The multiple Choice Question
    Interview Essay interview with essay Interview with Essay
    Live live The Live Session
    MCQ multiple choice The MCQ type Question
    Match List match the following Match the following type Question
    Fill Blank fill blanks Fill in the blanks type Question
    True False true or false True or False type Question
    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer multiple choice multiple answer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer type Question

    List all Question

    GET /models/question HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 62028,
        "type": "interview",
        "title": "MCA Internship",
        "content": {
          "text/html": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      ",
          "text/plain": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      "
        "contentRaw": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      ",
        "hint": null,
        "choice_1": null,
        "choice_2": null,
        "choice_3": null,
        "choice_4": null,
        "choice_5": null,
        "leftList": null,
        "rightList": null,
        "testCase": null,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-04 12:15:58+00",
        "correct_choice": 0
        "id": 62027,
        "type": "interview",
        "title": "MCA Internship",
        "content": {
          "text/html": "Which version control systems are you familiar with?         ",
          "text/plain": "Which version control systems are you familiar with?         "
        "contentRaw": "Which version control systems are you familiar with?         ",
        "hint": null,
        "choice_1": null,
        "choice_2": null,
        "choice_3": null,
        "choice_4": null,
        "choice_5": null,
        "leftList": null,
        "rightList": null,
        "testCase": null,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-04 12:15:58+00",
        "correct_choice": 0

    Returns all the details of questions.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    type integer false Filter records based on the type of the Question.
    title text false Filter records based on the title of the Question
    content text false Filter records based on the content of the Question.

    Retrieve a Question

    GET /models/question/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 62028,
      "type": "interview",
      "title": "MCA Internship",
      "content": {
        "text/html": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      ",
        "text/plain": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      "
      "contentRaw": "What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?      ",
      "hint": null,
      "choice_1": null,
      "choice_2": null,
      "choice_3": null,
      "choice_4": null,
      "choice_5": null,
      "leftList": null,
      "rightList": null,
      "testCase": null,
      "updated_at": "2018-04-04 12:15:58+00",
      "correct_choice": 0

    Retrieves the details of an existing question.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Question

    POST /models/question HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 84073,
      "type": "multiple choice",
      "title": "qazwsxedc",
      "content": "<p>qazwsxedc</p>",
      "contentRaw": "<p>qazwsxedc</p>",
      "plainTxtContent": "qazwsxedc",
      "hint": null,
      "randomizeChoice": false,
      "choice_1": "qazwsx",
      "choice_2": "qazwsx",
      "choice_3": "apidoc",
      "choice_4": "qazwsx",
      "choice_5": null,
      "leftList": null,
      "rightList": null,
      "testCase": null,
      "created_at": "2019-02-15 13:47:45+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2019-02-19T13:46:16+00:00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "correct_choice": 4,
      "_links": {
        "files": {
          "href": "/models/file?question_id=84073&file_type_id%5B0%5D=14&file_type_id%5B1%5D=26"
        "skills": {
          "href": "/models/skill?question_id=84073"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/category?question_id=84073"

    This endpoint creates a new question..

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type text true The type of the question
    content string true The content of the question
    title text false The title of the Question
    hint text false The hint for the Question
    choice_1 text false The first answer choice for the Question
    choice_2 text false The second answer choice for the Question
    choice_3 text false The third answer choice for the Question
    choice_4 text false The forth answer choice for the Question
    choice_5 text false The fifth answer choice for the Question
    correct_choice integer false The correct choice for the Question

    Update an Question

    PUT /models/question/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON PUT request
     "choice_3": "apidoc",
     "correct_choice": 3

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 84073,
      "type": "multiple choice",
      "title": "qazwsxedc",
      "content": "<p>qazwsxedc</p>",
      "contentRaw": "<p>qazwsxedc</p>",
      "plainTxtContent": "qazwsxedc",
      "hint": null,
      "randomizeChoice": false,
      "choice_1": "qazwsx",
      "choice_2": "qazwsx",
      "choice_3": "apidoc",
      "choice_4": "qazwsx",
      "choice_5": null,
      "leftList": null,
      "rightList": null,
      "testCase": null,
      "created_at": "2019-02-15 13:47:45+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2019-02-19T13:46:16+00:00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "correct_choice": 3,
      "_links": {
        "files": {
          "href": "/models/file?question_id=84073&file_type_id%5B0%5D=14&file_type_id%5B1%5D=26"
        "skills": {
          "href": "/models/skill?question_id=84073"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/category?question_id=84073"

    Updates the question with the requested parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    type text false The type of the question
    content string false The content of the question
    title text false The title of the Question
    hint text false The hint for the Question
    choice_1 text false The first answer choice for the Question
    choice_2 text false The second answer choice for the Question
    choice_3 text false The third answer choice for the Question
    choice_4 text false The forth answer choice for the Question
    choice_5 text false The fifth answer choice for the Question
    correct_choice integer false The correct choice for the Question

    Delete a Question

    DELETE /models/question/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint allows you to delete an existing question.

    HTTP Request


    Question Skill

    The Question Skill end point gives the mapping of Question and Skill.

    The Question Skill Object

        "id": 53499,
        "question_id": 71943,
        "skill_id": 7467,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "created_at": "2018-07-11 14:04:21+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-07-11 14:04:21+05:30"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    question_id integer The Id of the Question
    skill_id integer The Id of the Skill
    created_by integer The id of the User who created the question skill
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the question skill

    List all Question Skill

    GET /models/question-skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 53499,
        "question_id": 71943,
        "skill_id": 7467,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "created_at": "2018-07-11 14:04:21+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-07-11 14:04:21+05:30"
        "id": 63210,
        "question_id": 82411,
        "skill_id": 7799,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "created_at": "2018-12-13 13:40:42+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-13 13:40:42+05:30"

    This endpoint returns all the details of the Question Skill

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    question_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Question
    skill_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Skill

    Retrieve a Question Skill

    GET /models/question-skill/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 53499,
        "question_id": 71943,
        "skill_id": 7467,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "created_at": "2018-07-11 14:04:21+05:30",
        "updated_at": "2018-07-11 14:04:21+05:30"

    This endpoint retrieves specific question skill.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    PParameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on Id

    Create a Question Skill

    POST /models/question-skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 64692,
        "question_id": 71943,
        "skill_id": 7800,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "created_at": "2019-01-17T13:09:46+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-17T13:09:46+00:00"

    This endpoint retrieves specific question skill.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    question_id integer true The Id of the Question
    skill_id integer true The Id of the Skill

    Update an Question Skill

    PUT /models/question-skill/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 64692,
        "question_id": 71943,
        "skill_id": 7800,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "created_at": "2019-01-17T13:09:46+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-17T13:09:46+00:00"

    This endpoint updates specific question skill.

    HTTP Request


    Url Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    question_id integer false The Id of the Question
    skill_id integer false The Id of the Skill

    Delete an Question Skill

    DELETE /models/question-skill/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes a specific question skill.

    HTTP Request



    The Section end point gives the details of the section. An Assessment consists of one or more Section associated with it. Section combined with the Assessment gives the Assessment Section.

    The Section Object

      "id": 3516932,
      "external_id": null,
      "title": "Typing Test",
      "is_template": false,
      "is_default": false,
      "evaluation_form_id": null,
      "candidateFormUrl": null,
      "evaluationFormUrl": null,
      "content": null,
      "questionsCount": 1,
      "type": "Typing Test",
      "form_id": null,
      "type_id": 10,
      "section_type_id": 10,
      "external_assessment_id": null,
      "created_at": "2019-03-13 05:38:39+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-13 05:38:39+00",
      "_links": {
        "sectionParameters": {
          "href": "/models/section-parameter?section_id=3516932"
        "sectionQuestions": {
          "href": "/models/section-question?section_id=3516932"
        "sectionSkills": {
          "href": "/models/section-skill?section_id=3516932"
        "parameters": {
          "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=3516932"
        "questions": {
          "href": "/models/question?section_id=3516932"
        "skills": {
          "href": "/models/skills?section_id=3516932"
        "combined": {
          "href": "/models/section-combined?section_id=3516932"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id text The external id of the object
    title text The title of the Section
    is_template boolean Whether the Section is template or not
    is_default boolean Whether the section is a default Section
    evaluation_form_id integer The id of the evaluation From
    candidateFormUrl text The url of the candidate Form
    evaluationFormUrl The url of the evaluation Form
    content text The content of the Section
    questionsCount integer The number of questions in the Section
    type text The type of the Section. Example: Typing, Objective. The type of the Section are listed below.
    form_id integer The id of the From
    type_id integer The id of the Form type
    section_type_id integer The id of the Section type
    external_assessment_id integer The id of the external assessment

    List of Section Types:

    Type Key Description
    Default 1 The default Section
    Landing 2 The landing Section
    Form 3 The Form Section
    Essay 4 The Essay Section
    Interview 5 The Interview Section
    Objective 6 The objective Section
    Live 7 The Live Section
    Post 8 The Post Section
    Promo 9 The Promo Section
    Typing 10 The Typing Section
    Instruction 11 The Instruction Section

    List all Section

    GET /models/section HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 3516932,
        "external_id": null,
        "title": "Typing Test",
        "is_template": false,
        "is_default": false,
        "evaluation_form_id": null,
        "candidateFormUrl": null,
        "evaluationFormUrl": null,
        "content": null,
        "questionsCount": 1,
        "type": "Typing Test",
        "form_id": null,
        "type_id": 10,
        "section_type_id": 10,
        "external_assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 05:38:39+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 05:38:39+00",
        "_links": {
          "sectionParameters": {
            "href": "/models/section-parameter?section_id=3516932"
          "sectionQuestions": {
            "href": "/models/section-question?section_id=3516932"
          "sectionSkills": {
            "href": "/models/section-skill?section_id=3516932"
          "parameters": {
            "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=3516932"
          "questions": {
            "href": "/models/question?section_id=3516932"
          "skills": {
            "href": "/models/skills?section_id=3516932"
          "combined": {
            "href": "/models/section-combined?section_id=3516932"

    This endpoint returns all the details of the Section

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    title text false Filter records based on the title of the Section
    is_template boolean false Filter records based on Whether the Section is template or not
    is_default boolean false Filter records based on Whether the section is a default Section
    evaluation_form_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the evaluation From
    section_type_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Section type

    Retrieve a Section

    GET /models/section/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3516932,
      "external_id": null,
      "title": "Typing Test",
      "is_template": false,
      "is_default": false,
      "evaluation_form_id": null,
      "candidateFormUrl": null,
      "evaluationFormUrl": null,
      "content": null,
      "questionsCount": 1,
      "type": "Typing Test",
      "form_id": null,
      "type_id": 10,
      "section_type_id": 10,
      "external_assessment_id": null,
      "created_at": "2019-03-13 05:38:39+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-13 05:38:39+00",
      "_links": {
        "sectionParameters": {
          "href": "/models/section-parameter?section_id=3516932"
        "sectionQuestions": {
          "href": "/models/section-question?section_id=3516932"
        "sectionSkills": {
          "href": "/models/section-skill?section_id=3516932"
        "parameters": {
          "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=3516932"
        "questions": {
          "href": "/models/question?section_id=3516932"
        "skills": {
          "href": "/models/skills?section_id=3516932"
        "combined": {
          "href": "/models/section-combined?section_id=3516932"

    This endpoint fetch section by id.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters|

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Section Combined

    The Section Combined Model gives the details of the Question associated with the Section.
    Question can be mapped in two ways
    1) By mapping individual Question form Question model
    2) By providing the Skill Id and the Question Count(q_count)
    It will generate random number of question form Question Skill during the time of Assessment. The number of question to be generated depends on the Question count provided. If Question count is 3, 3 random question will be generated.

    The Section Combined Object

        "id": 15712,
        "question_id": 89071,
        "q_count": 1,
        "skill_id": null,
        "section_id": 3550947,
        "sort_order": 5,
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    question_id integer The Id of the Question]
    q_count integer The total count of Questions in the Section
    skill_id integer The id of the Skill
    section_id integer The id of the Assessment Section
    sort_order integer The sequence order of the Question
    created_by integer The id of the User who created the section
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the section
    GET /models/section-combined HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    List all Section Combine

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 14,
            "question_id": 83199,
            "q_count": 1,
            "skill_id": null,
            "section_id": 2856943,
            "sort_order": 0,
            "created_by": null,
            "updated_by": null
            "id": 15,
            "question_id": 83027,
            "q_count": 1,
            "skill_id": null,
            "section_id": 2856943,
            "sort_order": 1,
            "created_by": null,
            "updated_by": null

    This endpoint returns all the details of section combined.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    skill_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Skill
    section_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Assessment Section

    Retrieve a Section Combined

    GET /models/section-combined/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 14,
        "question_id": 83199,
        "q_count": 1,
        "skill_id": null,
        "section_id": 2856943,
        "sort_order": 0,
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": null

    This endpoint retrieves a specific section combined.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Section Combined

    POST /models/section-combined HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
      "section_id": 2856943,
      "sort_order": 0

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 127,
            "question_id": null,
            "q_count": null,
            "skill_id": null,
            "section_id": 2856943,
            "sort_order": 0,
            "created_by": 30876,
            "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint creates a section combined.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    section_id integer true The id of the Assessment Section
    sort_order integer true The sequence order of the Question
    question_id integer false The Id of the Question]
    q_count integer false The total count of Questions in the Section
    skill_id integer false The id of the Skill

    Section Parameter

    The Section Parameter endpoint gives the details of the Parameter associated with the Section.

    The Section Parameter Object

        "id": 5241115,
        "parameter_id": 116091,
        "section_id": 1294348,
        "sort_order": null,
        "recommended_value": null,
        "is_mandatory": false,
        "created_at": "2018-07-11 08:35:03+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-07-11 08:35:03+00"
    Parameters Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    parameter_id integer The Id of the Parameter
    section_id integer The id of the Section
    sort_order integer The sort order value
    recommended_value integer The recommended value for the particular Section
    is_mandatory boolean Whether the parameter for the section is mandatory

    List all Section Parameter

    GET /models/section-parameter HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 5241219,
        "parameter_id": 116091,
        "section_id": 1294430,
        "sort_order": null,
        "recommended_value": null,
        "is_mandatory": false
        "id": 4987234,
        "parameter_id": 116091,
        "section_id": 884638,
        "sort_order": null,
        "recommended_value": null,
        "is_mandatory": false

    This endpoint retrieves all section parameters.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    parameter_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Parameter
    section_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Section

    Retrieve a Section Parameter

    GET /models/section-parameter/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 5241219,
        "parameter_id": 116091,
        "section_id": 1294430,
        "sort_order": null,
        "recommended_value": null,
        "is_mandatory": false

    This endpoint retrieves a specific section parameter.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Section Parameter

    POST /models/section-parameter HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "parameter_id": 116716,
        "section_id": 2192778

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 6689029,
      "parameter_id": 116716,
      "section_id": 2192778,
      "sort_order": null,
      "recommended_value": null,
      "is_mandatory": null

    This endpoint creates a section parameter.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    parameter_id integer true The Id of the Parameter
    section_id integer true The id of the Section
    sort_order integer false The sort order value for the parameter
    recommended_value integer false The recommended value for the particular Section

    Update a Section Parameter

    PUT /models/section-parameter/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 6091257,
      "parameter_id": 79588,
      "section_id": 1950033,
      "sort_order": null,
      "recommended_value": null,
      "is_mandatory": false

    This end point updates a section parameter.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    sort_order integer false The sort order value for the parameter

    Delete a Section Parameter

    DELETE /models/section-parameter/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code: 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes an existing section parameter

    HTTP Request


    Section Question

    The Section Question endpoint gives the mapping of Section and Question.

    The Section Question Object

        "id": 1876735,
        "section_id": 3539089,
        "question_id": 56657,
        "question_order": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-03-18 14:05:03+00",
        "created_by": 67656,
        "updated_at": "2019-03-18 14:05:03+00",
        "updated_by": 67656
    Parameters Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    section_id integer The id of the Section
    question_id integer The id of the Question
    question_order integer The sequence order of the question

    List all Section Question

    GET /models/section-question HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1570065,
        "section_id": 2923542,
        "question_id": 56652,
        "question_order": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-01-16 10:56:22+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-16 10:56:22+00",
        "updated_by": 30876
        "id": 1570064,
        "section_id": 2923541,
        "question_id": 56652,
        "question_order": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-01-16 10:53:31+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_at": "2019-01-16 10:53:31+00",
        "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint retrieves all section questions.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    section_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Section
    question_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Question

    Retrieve a Section Question

    GET /models/section-question/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 1570065,
            "section_id": 2923542,
            "question_id": 56652,
            "question_order": 1,
            "created_at": "2019-01-16 10:56:22+00",
            "created_by": 30876,
            "updated_at": "2019-01-16 10:56:22+00",
            "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint retrieves a specific section question.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on id

    Create a Section Question

    POST /models/section-question HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "section_id": 2923542,
        "question_id": 83948,
        "question_order": 1

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 6689029,
            "parameter_id": 116716,
            "section_id": 2192778,
            "sort_order": null,
            "recommended_value": null,
            "is_mandatory": null

    This endpoint creates a section question.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    section_id integer true The id of the Section
    question_id integer true The id of the Question
    question_order integer true The sequence order of the question

    Section Skill

    The Section Skill endpoint gives he mapping of Section and Skill.

    The Section Skill Object

        "id": 821373,
        "is_mandatory": true,
        "section_id": 3328043,
        "skill_id": 7800,
        "q_count": 2,
        "q_order": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-27 06:20:52+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-02-27 06:20:52+00"
    Parameters Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    is_mandatory boolean If true, the Section is mandatory
    section_id integer The id of the Section
    skill_id integer The id of the Skill
    q_count integer The total count of the Question in the particular Section
    q_order integer The Sequence of the Question

    List all Section Skill

    GET /models/section-skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 455837,
        "is_mandatory": false,
        "section_id": 880531,
        "skill_id": 4932,
        "q_count": 2,
        "q_order": 1
        "id": 455838,
        "is_mandatory": false,
        "section_id": 880531,
        "skill_id": 5410,
        "q_count": 2,
        "q_order": 2

    This endpoint lists all section skill.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    section_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Section
    skill_id integer false Filter records based on the Id The id of the Skill

    Create a Section Skill

    POST /models/section-skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 745715,
        "is_mandatory": null,
        "section_id": 2959918,
        "skill_id": 7459,
        "q_count": 2,
        "q_order": 1,
        "created_at": "2019-02-20T09:53:35+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-02-20T09:53:35+00:00"

    This endpoint creates a new section skill.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    section_id integer true The id of the Section
    skill_id integer true The id of the Skill
    q_count integer true The total count of the Question in the particular Section
    q_order integer true The Sequence of the Question
    is_mandatory boolean false If true, the Section is mandatory

    Update a Section Skill

    PUT /models/section-skill/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 745715,
        "is_mandatory": null,
        "section_id": 2959918,
        "skill_id": 7459,
        "q_count": 4,
        "q_order": 2,
        "created_at": "2019-02-20T09:53:35+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-02-20T09:53:35+00:00"

    This endpoint updates an existing section skill.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    section_id integer false The id of the Section
    skill_id integer false The id of the Skill
    q_count integer false The total count of the Question in the particular Section
    q_order integer false The Sequence of the Question
    is_mandatory boolean false If true, the Section is mandatory

    Delete a Section Skill

    DELETE /models/section-skill/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code: 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes an existing section skill.

    HTTP Request


    Select Field Data

    The Select Field Data end point give all the details of the dropdown value. All the dropdown value is associated with the Select Field Type.

    The Select Field Data Object

            "id": 5972549,
            "key": "Four Years College",
            "value": "Four Years College",
            "parent_value": null,
            "parent_id": null,
            "select_field_type_id": 58,
            "sort_order": null,
            "updated_by": 31670,
            "updated_at": "2018-04-19 14:10:10+00",
            "created_at": "2018-04-19 14:10:10+00",
            "created_by": 31670
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    key text The Key value of the Select Field Data
    value text The value of the Select Field Data
    parent_value text The parent value of the Select Field Data. Child select field data is associated with parent select field data. If we select the parent value then the child Select Field Data will be triggered
    parent_id integer The Id of the parent Select Field Data
    select_field_type_id integer The id of the Select Field Type
    sort_order integer The sequence order of the Select Field Data

    List all Select Field Data

    GET /models/select-field-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 5972549,
            "key": "Four Years College",
            "value": "Four Years College",
            "parent_value": null,
            "parent_id": null,
            "select_field_type_id": 58,
            "sort_order": null,
            "updated_by": 31670,
            "updated_at": "2018-04-19 14:10:10+00",
            "created_at": "2018-04-19 14:10:10+00",
            "created_by": 31670

    This endpoint lists all select field datas.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    key text false Filter records based on the Key value of the Select Field Data
    value text false Filter records based on the value of the Select Field Data
    parent_value text false Filter records based on the parent value of the Select Field Data.
    parent_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the parent Select Field Data
    select_field_type_id integer false Filter records based on the id of the Select Field Type

    Create a new Select Field Data

    POST /models/select-field-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "select_field_type_id": 90,
        "key": "12345",
        "value": "Solution Manager"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 7091483,
            "key": "12345",
            "value": "Solution Manager",
            "parent_value": null,
            "parent_id": null,
            "select_field_type_id": 90,
            "sort_order": null,
            "updated_by": 30876,
            "updated_at": "2019-02-20T11:43:27+00:00",
            "created_at": "2019-02-20T11:43:27+00:00",
            "created_by": 30876

    This endpoint creates a new select field datas.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    select_field_type_id integer true The id of the Select Field Type
    key text true The Key value of the Select Field Data
    value text true The value of the Select Field Data
    parent_value text false The parent value of the Select Field Data
    parent_id integer false The Id of the parent Select Field Data

    Delete a Select Field Data

    DELETE /models/select-field-data/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code: 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes an existing select field data.

    HTTP Request


    Select Field Type

    The Select Field Type endpoint gives the details of the types of Select Field Data.

    The Select Field Type Object

        "id": 90,
        "name": "Test Name Select Field Type",
        "isPublic": false,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-20T10:53:22+00:00",
        "created_at": "2018-04-20T10:53:22+00:00",
        "created_by": 30876
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name text The name of the Select Field Type
    is_public boolean Whether the select field type is public or private

    List all Select Field Type

    GET /models/select-field-type HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The Response

            "id": 90,
            "name": "Test Name Select Field Type",
            "isPublic": false,
            "updated_by": 30876,
            "updated_at": "2018-04-20 10:53:22+00",
            "created_at": "2018-04-20 10:53:22+00",
            "created_by": 30876
            "id": 91,
            "name": "Test Name Select Field Type",
            "isPublic": false,
            "updated_by": 30876,
            "updated_at": "2018-04-20 10:59:24+00",
            "created_at": "2018-04-20 10:59:24+00",
            "created_by": 30876

    This endpoint returns all the details of select field types.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    name text false Filter records based on the Name of the Select Field Type

    Create a Select Field Type

    POST /models/select-field-type HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Request Body

        "name": "Test Name Select Field Type"

    The Response

        "id": 90,
        "name": "Test Name Select Field Type",
        "isPublic": false,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "updated_at": "2018-04-20T10:53:22+00:00",
        "created_at": "2018-04-20T10:53:22+00:00",
        "created_by": 30876

    This endpoint add select field types.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text truw The name of the Select Field Type

    Delete an Select Field Type

    DELETE /models/select-field-type/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns the status code: 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes select field types.

    HTTP Request


    Settings Allowed Value

    The Settings Allowed Value Object

        "id": 95,
        "settings_id": 2,
        "item_value": "3",
        "caption": "Clients",
        "created_at": "2015-04-27 07:15:45+00",
        "updated_at": null
    Parameters Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    settings_id integer The id of Setting
    item_value integer The item value of Setting Allowed Value
    caption text The caption for the Setting Allowed Value

    List all Settings Allowed Value

    GET /models/settings-allowed-value HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 95,
        "settings_id": 2,
        "item_value": "3",
        "caption": "Clients",
        "created_at": "2015-04-27 07:15:45+00",
        "updated_at": null
        "id": 96,
        "settings_id": 2,
        "item_value": "4",
        "caption": "Users",
        "created_at": "2015-04-27 07:15:45+00",
        "updated_at": null

    This endpoint retrieves all settings allowed value.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    settings_id integer false Filter records based on the id of Setting
    item_value integer false Filter records based on the item value of Setting Allowed Value
    caption text false Filter records based on the caption of the Setting Allowed Value

    Retrieve a Settings Allowed Value

    GET /models/settings-allowed-value/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 97,
            "settings_id": 2,
            "item_value": "5",
            "caption": "Organization",
            "created_at": "2015-04-27 07:15:45+00",
            "updated_at": null

    This endpoint retrieves a specific settings allowed value.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id


    The Skill endpoint gives the details of all the Skills. Example: Coding Skill, Communication Skill etc. Skill is associated with the Section.

    The Skill Object

        "id": 9760,
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 10:57:55+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 10:59:01+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "name": "API DOC TEST updated again "
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id string The external id of the object
    name string The name of the skill
    description string The description of the Skill
    created_by integer The id of the User who created the skill
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the skill

    List all Skill

    GET /models/skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 9760,
        "external_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 10:57:55+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 10:59:01+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "name": "API DOC TEST updated again "
        "id": 9574,
        "external_id": null,
        "description": "jj",
        "created_at": "2019-03-05 11:37:31+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-05 11:37:31+00",
        "created_by": 45239,
        "updated_by": 45239,
        "name": "j"

    This endpoint returns all the details of Skill

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    name string false Filter records based on the name of the Skill
    description string false Filter records based on the description of the Skill

    Retrieve a Skill

    GET /models/skill/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 5661,
        "external_id": null,
        "name": "Communication test"

    This endpoint fetch skill based on specific skill id.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create new Skill

    POST /models/skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 5661,
        "external_id": null,
        "name": "Communication test"

    This endpoint create a new skill.

    HTTP Request


    Body parameter

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    name text true Name of the new skill

    Update a Skill

    PUT /models/skill HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON body to do PUT request
          "external_id": "985474",
            "name": "test1088"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 9419,
      "external_id": "985474",
      "description": null,
      "created_at": "2019-01-09 07:53:20+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-15T08:24:50+00:00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876,
      "name": "test1088"

    This endpoint update the fields of a skill.

    HTTP Request


    URL parameter

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Status Reason

    The Status Reason endpoint provides the reasons for changing the status of an Assessment Candidate. Example: REJECTED because of incomplete background verification.

    The Status Reason Object

      "id": 462,
      "external_id": null,
      "status_id": 1,
      "type": null,
      "key": "Test Key",
      "label": "Test Label",
      "created_at": "2018-04-20 11:49:53+00",
      "updated_at": "2018-04-20 11:49:53+00",
      "created_by": 30876,
      "updated_by": 30876
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id text The external id of the object
    status_id integer The Id of the Status
    type text The type of the Status. Example: Reject, Hold etc.
    key text The key of the Status
    label text The label of the Status. Example: Reject Status

    List all Status Reason

    GET /models/status-reason HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 462,
        "external_id": null,
        "status_id": 1,
        "type": null,
        "key": "Test Key",
        "label": "Test Label",
        "created_at": "2018-04-20 11:49:53+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-04-20 11:49:53+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876
        "id": 463,
        "external_id": null,
        "status_id": 1,
        "type": null,
        "key": "Test Key",
        "label": "Test Label",
        "created_at": "2018-04-20 11:52:37+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-04-20 11:52:37+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint returns all the details of the status reason

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    external_id text false Filter records based on the id of the object
    status_id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the Status
    key text false Filter records based on the key of the Status
    label text false Filter records based on the label of the Status

    Retrieve a Status Reason

    GET /models/status-reason/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 462,
        "external_id": null,
        "status_id": 1,
        "type": null,
        "key": "Test Key",
        "label": "Test Label",
        "created_at": "2018-04-20 11:49:53+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-04-20 11:49:53+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint retrieves a specific status reason.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true Filter records based on Id

    Create a Status Reason

    POST /models/status-reason HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
    JSON POST request
        "status_id": 3,
        "key": "anonymous",
        "label": "Test Label"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 469,
        "external_id": null,
        "status_id": 3,
        "type": null,
        "key": "anonymous",
        "label": "Test Label",
        "created_at": "2019-01-17T14:43:19+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-17T14:43:19+00:00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876

    This endpoint creates a status reason.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    key text true The key of the Status
    status_id integer false The Id of the Status
    label text false The label of the Status


    The User endpoint gives the details of the Users of the Organization.

    The User Object

      "id": 41,
      "external_id": "",
      "username": "",
      "name": "sahana",
      "location": "",
      "is_common_login": true,
      "email": "",
      "roles": [
        "Account Manager",
        "Content Manager",
        "Hiring Manager",
        "Master Hiring Manager",
        "Master Recruiter",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "phone": "8253497844",
      "current_role": "Account Manager",
      "status": 10,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T06:19:15+00:00",
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "logged_in_at": "2019-12-19 06:40:30+00",
      "logged_in_from": "",
      "gravatarLink": "",
      "appState": null,
      "profilePicUrl": null,
      "defaultLocale": "en-US",
      "countryCode": "+1",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/user/me"
        "permissions": {
          "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
        "settings_data": {
          "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
        "index": {
          "href": "/user"
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/user/metrics/41"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
        "busyCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "liveCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "availability": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "userProfilePic": {
          "href": "/user/display-picture"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    external_id text The reference Id for the object
    username text The username of the User. The email address of an user is the Username to the user
    name text The name of the User
    location text The location of the user. Example: Bangalore
    is_common_login boolean Is common login enabled for a particular user
    email text Email address of the User
    roles array of texts The role assigned to an User. Example: Recruiter, Evaluator. The roles are listed in the table below
    organization_id integer The Id of the organization to which the User belongs
    phone integer The phone number of the User
    current_role text The role of the User currently working as
    status integer The status of an user. Example: Active, Inactive, Suspended. The Status are listed in the table below
    logged_in_at timestamptz The time when the User logged in
    logged_in_from inet Network address of the User's system
    gravatarLink text The URL to an user's gravatar account
    appState jsonb The information of the application. Example: "web": {"releaseShown": ["v4.0.0"]}
    profilePicUrl string The URL of the user's profile picture
    defaultLocale string The default language of the user
    countryCode String The country code of the user

    List of Event Roles:

    Value Role
    SuperAdmin Super Admin
    Developer Developer
    Recruiter Recruiter
    Evaluator Evaluator
    Account_Manager Account Manager
    Content_Manager Content Manager
    Support_Engineer Support Engineer
    Master_Recruiter Master Recruiter
    Walk_In_Admin Walkin Admin
    Admin Admin
    API API User
    Candidate Candidate
    Consultant Consultant
    Student Student
    Sourcer Sourcer
    Onboarding Onboarding
    Offer Offer
    Candidate_Verification Candidate Verification
    Background_Check Background Check
    Hiring_Manager Hiring Manager
    Master_Hiring_Manager Master Hiring Manager
    External_Assessment_Admin External Assessment Admin

    List of User Status:

    Status Key Description
    New 10 The User is new
    Active 20 The User is Active
    Inactive 30 The User is Inactive
    Suspended 40 The User id Suspended

    Allowed Country Codes

    ["+93","+355","+213","+376","+244","+672","+54","+374","+297", "+61","+43","+994","+973","+880","+375","+32","+501","+229", "+975","+591","+387","+267","+55","+673","+359","+226","+257", "+855","+237","+236","+235","+56","+86","+53","+61","+57","+269", "243","+242","+682","+506","+225","+385","+53","+357","+420","+45", "+253","+670","+593","+20","+503","+240","+291","+372","+251", "+500","+298","+679","+358","+33","+594","+689","+241","+220", "+995","+49","+233","+350","+30","+299","+590","+502","+224", "+245","+592","+509","+504","+852","+36","+354","+91","+62","+98", "+964","+353","+972","+39","+81","+962","+7","+254","+686","+850", "+82","+965","+996","+856","+371","+961","+266","+231","+218","+423", "+370","+352","+853","+389","+261","+265","+60","+960","+223","+356", "+692","+596","+222","+230","+269","+52","+691","+373","+377","+976", "+212","+258","+95","+264","+674","+977","+31","+599","+687","+64", "+505","+227","+234","+683","+672","+47","+968","+92","+680","+970", "+507","+675","+595","+51","+63","+48","+351","+974","+262","+40","+7", "+250","+290","+508","+685","+378","+239","+966","+221","+248","+232", "+65","+421","+386","+677","+252","+27","+34","+94","+249","+597","+268", "+46","+41","+963","+886","+992","+255","+66","+690","+676","+216","+90", "+993","+688","+256","+380","+971","+44","+998","+678","+418","+58","+84", "+681","+967","+260","+263","+1684","+1264","+1268","+1242","+1246","+1441", "+1345","+1809","+1829","+1473","+1671","+1876","+1664","+1670","+1787", "+1939","+1869","+1758","+1784","+1868","+1649","+1284","+1340","+381","+500", "+47","+228","+246","+212","+38","+243","+1"]

    List all Users

    GET /user HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 41,
        "external_id": "",
        "username": "",
        "name": "sahana",
        "location": "",
        "is_common_login": true,
        "email": "",
        "roles": [
          "Account Manager",
          "Content Manager",
          "Hiring Manager",
          "Master Hiring Manager",
          "Master Recruiter",
        "organization_id": 2,
        "phone": "8253497844",
        "current_role": "Account Manager",
        "status": 10,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-21T06:19:15+00:00",
        "created_by": 1,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "logged_in_at": "2019-12-19 06:40:30+00",
        "logged_in_from": "",
        "gravatarLink": "",
        "appState": null,
        "profilePicUrl": null,
        "defaultLocale": "en-US",
        "countryCode": "+1",
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/user/me"
          "permissions": {
            "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
          "settings_data": {
            "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
          "index": {
            "href": "/user"
          "metrics": {
            "href": "/user/metrics/41"
          "categories": {
            "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
          "busyCalendar": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
          "liveCalendar": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
          "availability": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
          "userProfilePic": {
            "href": "/user/display-picture"

    This endpoint returns all users of an organization.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    external_id text false Filter records based on the reference Id
    username text false Filter records based on User Name
    name text false Filter records based on the name of the User
    email email false Filter records based on email of the User
    roles array of texts false Filter records based on the roles of the User

    Retrieve an User

    GET /user/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 41,
      "external_id": "",
      "username": "",
      "name": "sahana",
      "location": "",
      "is_common_login": true,
      "email": "",
      "roles": [
        "Account Manager",
        "Content Manager",
        "Hiring Manager",
        "Master Hiring Manager",
        "Master Recruiter",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "phone": "8253497844",
      "current_role": "Account Manager",
      "status": 10,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T06:19:15+00:00",
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "logged_in_at": "2019-12-19 06:40:30+00",
      "logged_in_from": "",
      "gravatarLink": "",
      "appState": null,
      "profilePicUrl": null,
      "defaultLocale": "en-US",
      "countryCode": "+1",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/user/me"
        "permissions": {
          "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
        "settings_data": {
          "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
        "index": {
          "href": "/user"
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/user/metrics/41"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
        "busyCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "liveCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "availability": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "userProfilePic": {
          "href": "/user/display-picture"

    This endpoint retrieves a single user based on user id.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on id

    Create an user

    POST /models/user HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
      "id": 41,
      "external_id": "",
      "username": "",
      "name": "sahana",
      "location": "",
      "is_common_login": true,
      "email": "",
      "roles": [
        "Account Manager",
        "Content Manager",
        "Hiring Manager",
        "Master Hiring Manager",
        "Master Recruiter",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "phone": "8253497844",
      "current_role": "Account Manager",
      "status": 10,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T06:19:15+00:00",
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "logged_in_at": "2019-12-19 06:40:30+00",
      "logged_in_from": "",
      "gravatarLink": "",
      "appState": null,
      "profilePicUrl": null,
      "defaultLocale": "en-US",
      "countryCode": "+1",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/user/me"
        "permissions": {
          "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
        "settings_data": {
          "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
        "index": {
          "href": "/user"
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/user/metrics/41"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
        "busyCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "liveCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "availability": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "userProfilePic": {
          "href": "/user/display-picture"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    email text true Email address of the User
    username text true The username of the User. The email address of an user is the Username to the user
    name text false The name of the User
    location text false The location of the user. Example: Bangalore
    external_id text false The reference Id for the object
    roles array of texts false The role assigned to an User. Example: Recruiter, Evaluator
    status integer false The status of an user. Example: Active, Inactive, Suspended
    phone integer false The phone number of the user
    countryCode string false The country code of the user

    Update an user

    PUT /models/user/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
      "id": 41,
      "external_id": "",
      "username": "",
      "name": "sahana",
      "location": "",
      "is_common_login": true,
      "email": "",
      "roles": [
        "Account Manager",
        "Content Manager",
        "Hiring Manager",
        "Master Hiring Manager",
        "Master Recruiter",
      "organization_id": 2,
      "phone": "8253497844",
      "current_role": "Account Manager",
      "status": 10,
      "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-12-21T06:19:15+00:00",
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "logged_in_at": "2019-12-19 06:40:30+00",
      "logged_in_from": "",
      "gravatarLink": "",
      "appState": null,
      "profilePicUrl": null,
      "defaultLocale": "en-US",
      "countryCode": "+1",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/user/me"
        "permissions": {
          "href": "/user/me/permission?type=2"
        "settings_data": {
          "href": "/user/me/settings_data"
        "index": {
          "href": "/user"
        "metrics": {
          "href": "/user/metrics/41"
        "categories": {
          "href": "/models/user-category?user_id=41"
        "busyCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=3&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "liveCalendar": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=1&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "availability": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?type=2&user_id=41&startsAt=1576909155"
        "userProfilePic": {
          "href": "/user/display-picture"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    email text false Email address of the User
    username text false The username of the User. The email address of an user is the Username to the user
    name text true The name of the User
    location text false The location of the user. Example: Bangalore
    external_id text false The reference Id for the object
    roles array of texts false The role assigned to an User. Example: Recruiter, Evaluator
    status integer false The status of an user. Example: Active, Inactive, Suspended
    phone integer false The phone number of the User
    current_role text false The role of the User currently working as
    appState jsonb false The information of the application. Example: "web": {"releaseShown": ["v4.0.0"]}
    countryCode string false The countryCode of the user

    Delete a User

    DELETE models/user/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns the status code : 204 No Content

    This endpoint deletes a user whose organization_id is same as that of the logged in user.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The id of the user to be deleted

    Get Organization details of an user

    GET /user/organization/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 488,
      "name": "Talview Dev Team Testing",
      "external_id": "80909",
      "domain": null,
      "address1": "117/Q/184, Indrapuri",
      "address2": "Sharda Nagar",
      "city": "Bangalore",
      "state": "Karnataka",
      "country": "India",
      "pincode": null,
      "phone": "9933323319",
      "isInterview": true,
      "isLive": true,
      "isObjective": true,
      "isEssay": true,
      "isCode": true,
      "isEvaluation": true,
      "promo": null,
      "isTyping": true,
      "isSimulation": true,
      "logo": "",
      "advancedProctorV3Enabled": true,
      "isUploadPreForm": false,
      "defaultFont": "Roboto, sans-serif",
      "isPearsonEnabled": false,
      "created_by": 1,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "senderEmailEnabled": false,
      "mailDateTimeFormat": "full",
      "isPublicAttachment": true,
      "updated_at": "2019-02-14 06:32:45+00",
      "theme": "default",
      "hideCandidateInfoPanel": false,
      "termsLink": "",
      "hasAssessmentCreate": true,
      "logoutUrl": "/login",
      "timeZone": "Etc/GMT+10",
      "isAdhocLive": false,
      "isIconEvaluation": false,
      "created_at": "2017-11-03 15:42:05+00",
      "bulk_schedule_url" : "",
      "isBpmEnabled": false,
      "isBfiEnabled": false

    This endpoint retrieves details of the organization of current user

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    ID integer true The Id of the Organization

    Reset Password

    POST user/reset-password/change HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "new_password": "test-password",
        "new_password_repeat": "test-password",
        "token": "0YlbnJqtLgoDhAE97yk8U4kIdTy2CB645GJFfFdI5gY6t9PLS6qXG2vH2bbT7_DD29mtuwkVoW1nIB_6PsUBPbLVcayg1FDD5MAcMrDbe5tKwal42q7_totv"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": "9133f756-0d12-11ea-b672-ace04def3892"

    The endpoint is used to reset a password.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    new_password text true password to be set
    new_password_repeat text true same password as new password
    token text true token received in the email when requested for a password reset
    GET user/reset-password/verify-link?c=0YlbnJqtLgoDhAE97yk8U4kIdTy2CB645GJFfFdI5gY6t9PLS6qXG2vH2bbT7_DD29mtuwkVoW1nIB_6PsUBPbLVcayg1FDD5MAcMrDbe5tKwal42q7_totv HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "message": "valid link",
      "status": 200

    The endpoint is used to verify the password reset link that is received through an email to the user when requested for a password reset.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    c text true the token received when requested for a password reset

    User Calendar

    User calendar provides the schedule of an user. You can check if an user has any scheduled event for a particular period of time. This helps you to check the availability of an user to schedule a live session.

    The User Calendar object

        "id": 3042793,
        "from": "2019-03-13 05:10:00+00",
        "to": "2019-03-13 07:10:00+00",
        "eventType": "live-schedule",
        "isAllDay": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:20+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-13 04:59:20+00",
        "event": "Live Session with X for Essay Parameters Checking ",
        "type": 3,
        "user_id": 45331,
        "_links": {
          "user": {
            "href": "/models/user?id=45331"
          "self": {
            "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3042793"
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    from timestamptz The time from when an event is scheduled
    to timestamptz The time when an event ends
    eventType text The type of the event. Example: Available, Busy.
    The event types are described in the enumerator list below
    isAllDay boolean Whether the event is of whole day
    event text The name of the event
    type integer The key to an event type.
    The keys to the event types are mentioned in the enumerator list below
    user_id integer The Id of the user associated to an user calendar object

    List of Event Types:

    Event Types Key Description
    Live-Schedule 1 A live session event has been scheduled
    Available 2 The user is available for an event
    Busy 3 The user is busy in an event
    Tentative 4 The schedule is not certain

    List all User Calendars

    GET models/user-calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

            "id": 3007230,
            "from": "2019-01-14 13:02:06+00",
            "to": "2019-01-14 14:02:06+00",
            "eventType": "live-schedule",
            "isAllDay": false,
            "event": "Live Session with X for Essay Parameters Checking",
            "type": 3,
            "user_id": 30876,
            "_links": {
              "user": {
                "href": "/models/user?id=30876"
              "self": {
                "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3007230"

    This endpoint returns all existing user calendars.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer false Filter records based on the Id of the object
    ids array of integer false Filter records based on the Ids of the objects
    from timestamptz false The time from when an event is scheduled
    to timestamptz false The time when an event ends
    type integer false The key to an event type.
    The keys are mentioned in the enumerator list above
    user_id integer false The Id of the user associated to an user calendar object

    Create an User Calendar

    This endpoint creates a new user calendar. An user must have the role of evaluator to create an user calendar.

    POST /user/me/calendar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

      "from": "2019-04-06T13:00:00.000Z",
      "to": "2019-04-06T14:00:00.000Z",
      "event": "Live Disussion with Mr. Smith",
      "type" : 1

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3010010,
      "from": "2019-04-06T13:00:00.000Z",
      "to": "2019-04-06T14:00:00.000Z",
      "eventType": null,
      "isAllDay": false,
      "created_at": "2019-04-05T10:10:14+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-05T10:10:14+00:00",
      "event": "Live Disussion with Mr. Smith",
      "type": 1,
      "user_id": 35432,
      "_links": {
        "user": {
          "href": "/models/user?id=35432"
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3010010"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    from timestamptz true The time from when an event is scheduled
    to timestamptz true The time when an event ends
    event text true The name of the event
    type integer true The key to an event type.
    The keys to the event types are mentioned in the enumerator list

    Update an User Calendar

    The endpoint updates an user calendar.

    PUT /user/me/calendar/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
      "from": "2019-04-07T13:00:00.000Z",
      "to": "2019-04-07T14:00:00.000Z",
      "event": "Live Disussion with Mr. Smith",
      "type" : 1,
      "date": "2019-04-07T13:00:00.000Z"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3010010,
      "from": "2019-04-07T13:00:00.000Z",
      "to": "2019-04-07T14:00:00.000Z",
      "eventType": null,
      "isAllDay": false,
      "created_at": "2019-04-05 15:40:14+05:30",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-05T10:35:16+00:00",
      "event": "Live Disussion with Mr. Smith",
      "type": 1,
      "user_id": 35432,
      "_links": {
        "user": {
          "href": "/models/user?id=35432"
        "self": {
          "href": "/models/user-calendar?id=3010010"

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The unique identifier of the object

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    from timestamptz false The time from when an event is scheduled
    to timestamptz false The time when an event ends
    type integer false The key to an event type.
    The keys are mentioned in the enumerator list above
    event text false The name of the event


    The Permission endpoint gives the details of the permissions/access given to a user/organization.

    The Permission Object

        "created_at": 1556236219,
        "id": 435367,
        "item_name": "event.create",
        "organization_id": 488,
        "type": 2,
        "updated_at": 1556236219,
        "user_id": null
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    item_name text The name of the auth_item
    organization_id boolean The id of the organization
    type integer The type of permission given
    user_id integer The id of the user
    created_at timestamp The timestamp when the permission was created
    updated_at timestamp The timestamp when the permission was updated
    Id Type

    List all permissions

    GET /user/me/permission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The Response

            "created_at": 1556236219,
            "id": 435367,
            "item_name": "event.create",
            "organization_id": 488,
            "type": 2,
            "updated_at": 1556236219,
            "user_id": null

    This endpoint returns all the permissions given to a user or organization. The user will by default get all the permissions given to the organization but not vice versa.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type is optional Description
    type integer false Filter records based on the type of the object

    View a Permission

    GET /user/me/permission/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    The Response

            "created_at": 1556236219,
            "id": 435367,
            "item_name": "event.create",
            "organization_id": 488,
            "type": 2,
            "updated_at": 1556236219,
            "user_id": null

    This endpoint return the permission based on the auth_assignment id.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    id integer true The Id of the auth assignment model


    Actions are designed to perform multiple operations in single api request.

    The Action Object

    All the listed actions inherit this base Action object. All Action API endpoints have the following common response parameters.

    Parameter Type Description
    id inetger The unique identifier of an object
    external_id text The external id of an action
    name text The name of the action
    comment text Comments are reference notes for an user when performing an action
    status integer The status of the action
    type integer The type of the action
    skipCallback boolean If FALSE, skipcallback will do callback to specified url
    total_count integer The total number of task an action does while doing bulk operation
    error_count integer The number of times an action failed to complete a task while doing bulk operation
    success_count integer The number of times an action compleye a task successfully while doing bulk operation
    completed_at timestamptz The time when the action was completed
    requested_at timestamptz The time when the action was requested
    started_at timestamptz The time when the action was started
    last_attempt_at timestamptz The time when the last attempt was made
    requested_by integer The id of the user who requested the panel
    isNotify boolean If TRUE, a notification will be sent
    created_at timestamptz The time when the action was created
    updated_at timestamptz The time when the action was updated
    response text Response includes the error messages. Example: Unable to process your request

    List of Status:

    Status Key Description
    STATUS_DELETED 0 When ac action is deleted
    STATUS_REQUESTED 1 The status when requesting for an action
    STATUS_PROCESSING 2 When an action is in progress
    STATUS_COMPLETED 3 When an action is completed successfully

    Add Panel

    The action Add Panel is used to add a new panel to an Assessment Section Candidate. While making a POST request, the endpoint checks for an old Panel Candidate, if found, it replaces the old Panel with a new one and creates a new User Calendar.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/add-panel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "endDate": "2019-04-15T10:17:14.+0530",
        "assessmentSections": {
            "id": 6983414
        "isNotify": true,
        "panel": [
                "id": 30953
        "assessmentCandidates": [
                "id": 2201713

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3341121,
      "external_id": "6a3d2ab2-57a2-11e9-823c-000d3a249d3a",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 7,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-05T12:57:49+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-05T12:57:49+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentCandidates": [
          "id": 2201713
      "assessmentSections": {
        "id": 6983414
      "endDate": "2019-04-15T10:17:14.+0530",
      "panel": [
          "id": 30953
      "oldPanel": []

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    endDate timestamptz true End Date for an action
    assessmentSections object true Assessment Section object
    isNotify boolean false If true, notification will be sent to the panel
    panel Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    true Array of object with fields as id of the panel
    assessmentCandidates Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    false Array of object with fields as id of Assessment Candidate

    Change Status

    The action Change Status is used to change the status of an Assessment Candidate. Example: From Invited to Selected. The provision of changing status is available only for Master Recruiter and Recruiter. The action also provides an option to send notification to the candidate for SELECT and REJECT status.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/change-status HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "comment": null,
        "status": null,
        "type": null,
        "total_count": 0,
        "error_count": 0,
        "success_count": 0,
        "isNotify": false,
        "message": null,
        "reasonText": null,
        "statusSortKey": 70,
        "assessmentCandidates": [
        "requested_by": null

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3345129,
      "external_id": "784706da-59d4-11e9-8cea-000d3a249d3a",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": null,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": false,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-08T08:01:09+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-08T08:01:09+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentCandidates": [
      "statusSortKey": 70,
      "reasonText": null,
      "reasonKey": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    statusSortKey integer True The key value for sort status
    assessmentCandidates Array
    [ id: Integer ]
    True Array of object with fields as id of the Assessment Candidate
    isNotify boolean True If true, the candidate will be notified

    List of Status Sort Key:

    Status Status Sort Key Description
    SELECT 70 To select a candidate
    HOLD 80 To keep a candidate on hold
    REJECT 90 To reject a candidate
    SUSPEND 100 To suspend a candidate
    ARCHIVE 120 To archive a candidate

    Create Assessment

    The action Create Assessment is used to create an assessment.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/create-assessment HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "title": "Assessment",
        "start_date": "2019-03-23T13:20:11.121Z",
        "end_date": "2019-04-20T13:10:11.125Z",
        "assessmentStatus": 3,
        "description": "Assessment Description"
        "sections": [
                "order": 1,
                "title": "Objective Test",
                "section_type_id": 6,
                "positive_mark": 1,
                "negative_mark": 0,
                "isPlaylist": true,
                "is_review": false,
                "is_proctor": true,
                "isSkipAllowed": true,
                "is_screenshare": false,
                "max_section_time": 60,
                "combined": [
                        "question_id": 84108,
                        "sort_order": 1

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3345276,
      "external_id": null,
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 3,
      "type": 14,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": "2019-04-08T09:30:59+00:00",
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": "2019-04-08T09:30:59+00:00",
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": null,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-08T09:30:59+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-08T09:30:59+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "title": "Assessment",
      "externalID": null,
      "templateID": null,
      "description": "Assessment Description",
      "start_date": "2019-03-23T13:20:11.121Z",
      "assessmentStatus": 3,
      "end_date": "2019-04-20T13:10:11.125Z",
      "cf": null,
      "owned_by": null,
      "theme": null,
      "pre_page": null,
      "form_url": null,
      "post_url": null,
      "promo": null,
      "is_practice": null,
      "sections": [
          "order": 1,
          "title": "Objective Test",
          "section_type_id": 6,
          "positive_mark": 1,
          "negative_mark": 0,
          "isPlaylist": true,
          "is_review": false,
          "is_proctor": true,
          "isSkipAllowed": true,
          "is_screenshare": false,
          "max_section_time": 60,
          "combined": [
              "question_id": 84108,
              "sort_order": 1
      "_links": {
        "assessment": {
          "href": "/models/assessment/884947"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    title text true Title of the assessment
    start_date timestamptz false The time from when the assessment is active
    end_date timestamptz false The time when the assessment expires
    assessmentStatus integer false The status of an assessment
    Example: Open, Draft
    description text false Description of the assessment
    sections Array of object true Section Object
    Section object contains Section Combined object as provided in the sample request

    List of Assessment Status:

    Status Key Description
    Draft 1 When no candidate is assigned to an assessment
    Closed 2 The assessment is closed
    Open 3 The assessment is open for candidate
    Filled 4 The requirement of positions is filled


    The action Evaluate is used to evaluate an Assessment Section Candidate.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    4. Evaluator
    POST /actions/evaluate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2364848,
        "recommendation": "select",
        "evaluationComment": "Good communication skill",
        "rating": [
                "parameter_id": 127775,
                "rating": 3
                "parameter_id": 127765,
                "rating": 16

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3345458,
      "external_id": null,
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 3,
      "type": 19,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": 1,
      "completed_at": "2019-04-08T10:58:02+00:00",
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": "2019-04-08T10:58:02+00:00",
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": null,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-08T10:58:02+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-08T10:58:02+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2364848,
      "rating": [
          "parameter_id": 127775,
          "rating": 3
          "parameter_id": 127765,
          "rating": 16
      "evaluationComment": "Good communication skill",
      "formData": null,
      "formInstanceID": null,
      "files": [
      "recommendation": "select",
      "_links": {
        "evaluation": {
          "href": "/models/evaluation/12846637"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentSectionCandidateID Integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Section Candidate object
    recommendation text true The evaluation result. Example: Select , Reject, Hold
    evaluationComment text false Comment given by the evaluator
    rating Array of object false Rating given in different Parameter as provided in the sample request

    Event Candidate Invite

    The action Event Candidate Invite is designed to invite a candidate to an Event.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/event-candidate-invite HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": true,
        "candidates": {
            "_content": {
                "email": "",
                "first_name": "tujit",
                "middle_name": null,
                "last_name": "bora",
                "phone": "1234567890",
                "external_id": null
        "event_id": "660"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 4063641,
      "external_id": "22c190e8-9734-11e9-b039-000d3a249d3a",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 3,
      "type": 21,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": "2019-06-25T10:29:39+00:00",
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-06-25T10:29:38+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-25T10:29:38+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "candidates": {
        "_content": {
          "email": "",
          "first_name": "tujit",
          "middle_name": null,
          "last_name": "bora",
          "phone": "1234567890",
          "external_id": null
      "event_id": "660",
      "has_select_assessment": null,
      "assessment_section_id": null,
      "registration_end_date": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    isNotify boolean false If true, the candidate will be notified when he/she is invited
    candidates object true The candidate object to be invited to an event
    event_id integer true The id of the Event

    Event Candidate Notify

    The action Event Candidate Notify is designed to remind the candidates invited/registered to an event.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/event-candidate-notify HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "attend_reminder": false,
        "register_reminder": true,
        "event_id": "660"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 4062971,
      "external_id": null,
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 22,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": null,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-06-25T09:56:22+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-25T09:56:22+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "event_id": "660",
      "eventCandidates": [],
      "register_reminder": true,
      "attend_reminder": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    event_id timestamptz true The id of the event
    register_reminder boolean false If true, the registered candidates will be notified to attend the event
    attend_reminder boolean false If true, the invited candidates who has not registered will be notified to register

    Event Panel Notify

    The action Event Panel Notify is used to send reminder email to the panel members about the assessment they need to evaluate in the event they were invited in.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
        "event_id": "633",
        "eventUsers": [
                "id": "1135"
        "attend_reminder": false,
        "register_reminder": false

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    event_id integer true The unique identifier of an Event
    eventUsers array/integer false The id/ids of Event User who has to recieve the reminder email

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 382,
      "external_id": null,
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 3,
      "type": 24,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": "2020-05-27T04:56:15+00:00",
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 41,
      "isNotify": null,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2020-05-27T04:56:15+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2020-05-27T04:56:15+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "event_id": "30",
      "eventUsers": [
          "id": "1200"
      "register_reminder": false,
      "attend_reminder": false,
      "_links": []

    Extend Date

    The action Extend Date is used to extend the last date of an Assessment Candidate. It extends the last date for attending an assessment for a single candidate as well as multiple candidates. It also provides an option to send notification to the candidate notifying the updated date.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/extend-date HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": true,
        "endDate": "2019-04-18T11:46:23.466Z",
        "assessmentCandidates": [
                "id": 2210485

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3346213,
      "external_id": "5af7291a-59f8-11e9-b8af-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 5,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-08T12:18:02+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-08T12:18:02+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentCandidates": [
          "id": 2210485
      "endDate": "2019-04-18T11:46:23.466Z"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    isNotify boolean true If true, a notification will be sent to the candidate
    endDate timestamptz true The updated last date to attend the assessment
    assessmentCandidates Array of object
    [ id: Integer ]
    True Array of object with fields as id of the Assessment Candidate


    The action Invite is used to invite a candidate to an assessment.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/invite HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

      "assessmentSectionID": 7125672,
        "isNotify": true,
        "endDate": "2019-04-18T13:06:04.155Z",
        "candidates": [
                "id": 6828106

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3346631,
      "external_id": "fb46fe66-59ff-11e9-9f77-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 1,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-08T13:12:37+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-08T13:12:37+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "callbackUrl": null,
      "candidates": [
          "id": 6828106
      "assessmentID": null,
      "externalAssessmentID": null,
      "assessmentSectionID": 7125672,
      "endDate": "2019-04-18T13:06:04.155Z"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentSectionID integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Section object
    assessmentID integer false The unique identifier of the Assessment object
    isNotify boolean false If true, a notification will be sent to the candidate
    endDate timestamptz true The date when the assessment will expire
    candidates Array of objects true The id of the Candidate/Candidates to be invited to an assessment

    Live Cancel

    The action Live Cancel is used to cancel any of the Live Sessions scheduled for a Candidate. It also provides an option to send notification to the candidate notifying about the cancelation of live schedule.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/live-cancel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": true

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3349254,
      "external_id": "30530730-5aaf-11e9-a1a1-000d3a249d3a",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 9,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-09T10:06:48+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-09T10:06:48+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "liveSessionID": 368594383

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    liveSessionID Integer true The Id of Live Sessions
    is_notify boolean false If true, the candidate will be notified regarding the cancel of the live session

    Live Change Panel

    The action Live Change Panel is used to change the Panel associated to a Live Session. While making a POST request on the Live Change Panel endpoint, the panel already assigned to a live session is replaced with a new panel member.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/live-change-panel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

      "liveSessionID": 104910,
      "panel": [
        "id": 67656
        "id": 30876
        "id": 45285
      "isNotify": true

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3349720,
      "external_id": "2f644cae-5abd-11e9-9535-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 11,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-09T11:47:00+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-09T11:47:00+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "liveSessionID": 104910

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    liveSessionID Integer true Id of Live Session
    panel Array
    [{id: Integer}]
    true Array of object with fields as id of the new Panel
    isNotify boolean false If true, notification will be sent to the newly added panel

    Live Reminder

    The action Live Reminder is used to send reminder mails to the candidate, the Panel members and the recruiter regarding the Live Session scheduled by the organizer.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/live-reminder HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": false,
        "liveSessionID": [
                "id": 104886

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3349694,
      "external_id": "aaf745e8-5abc-11e9-8912-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 12,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": null,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-09T11:43:18+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-09T11:43:18+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "liveSessionID": [
          "id": 104886
      "liveAttendees": []

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    liveSessionID Integer true Id of Live Session
    isNotify boolean false If true, notification will be sent to all Live Attendees

    Live Schedule

    The action Live Schedule is used to schedule a Live Session for a Candidate.It also provides an option to send notification to the Live Attendee regarding the scheduled live session.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/live-schedule HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "startDate": "2019-04-09T14:12:36.760Z",
        "endDate": "2019-04-09T15:12:36.760Z",
        "panel": [
                "id": 67656
                "id": 30876
                "id": 45285
        "assessmentCandidateID": 2206746,
        "isNotify": true

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3349734,
      "external_id": "af234ec2-5abd-11e9-b13f-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 99,
      "type": 8,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": 0,
      "error_count": 0,
      "success_count": 0,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": "2019-04-09 11:50:35+00",
      "started_at": "2019-04-09 11:50:34+00",
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-09 11:50:34+00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-09 11:50:34+00",
      "response": "\"Invalid configuration\"",
      "assessmentCandidateID": 2206746,
      "panelMessage": null,
      "endDate": "2019-04-09T15:12:36.760Z",
      "startDate": "2019-04-09T14:12:36.760Z",
      "panel": [
          "id": 67656
          "id": 30876
          "id": 45285
      "candidateMessage": null,
      "askCandidate": false,
      "askPanel": false,
      "location": null,
      "isOffline": null,
      "assessmentSectionID": null,
      "timezone": null,
      "candidateID": null,
      "currentTimezone": null,
      "currentOffset": null,
      "_links": []

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    endDate Timestamp true The date and time when the live session expires
    startDate Timestamp true The date and time from when the live session is active
    panel Array [{ id: Integer }] true Array of object with fields as id of the Panel for the live session
    assessmentCandidateID integer false The id of Assessment Candidate
    isNotify boolean false If true, notification will be sent to all Live Attendees about the live schedule

    Live Reschedule

    The action Live Reschedule is used to prepone or postpone the Live Session scheduled by an organizer for a candidate. While making a POST request on the Live Reschedule action, the start_date or end_date of the Live Session is replaced with a new date.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/live-reschedule HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "startDate": "Tue, 09 Apr 2019",
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "endDate": "Tue, 09 Apr 2019",
        "liveSessionID": 97286,
        "isNotify": true,

    The above returns returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3349819,
      "external_id": "94f1c144-5abf-11e9-8654-000d3a249d3a",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 10,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-09T12:04:09+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-09T12:04:09+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "liveSessionID": 97286,
      "startDate": "Tue, 09 Apr 2019",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "endDate": "Tue, 09 Apr 2019",
      "currentOffset": null,
      "currentTimezone": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    endDate Timestamp true The updated date and time when the live session expires
    startDate Timestamp true The updated date and time from when the live session is active
    liveSessionID integer false Id of the Live Session
    timezone String true Timezone of the Recruiter
    isNotify boolean false If true, notification will be sent to all Live Attendees about the updated schedule.

    Re Invite

    The action Reinvite is used to re invite single or multiple candidates to an Assessment Section. If the assessment_section_id value is set then this action will re invite candidates for that particular assessment section else candidates will be re invited for whole Assessment.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/re-invite HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": true,
        "assessmentCandidates": [
     "assessmentSectionID": 128203

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3350056,
      "external_id": "bf913bb8-5ac5-11e9-aa5d-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 13,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": null,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-09T12:48:18+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-09T12:48:18+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSectionID": null,
      "assessmentCandidates": [
      "endDate": null,
      "assessmentSectionCandidateID": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessment_section_id integer false The Id of the Assessment Section
    assessmentCandidates Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    true Array of object with fields as id of Assessment Candidate
    isNotify boolean true If true, notification will be sent to the candidate notifying re invite to the assessment

    Remind Candidate

    The action Remind Candidate is used to send a reminder notification mail to the Candidate regarding the Assessment scheduled by the recruiter.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/remind-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request: (When reminder has to be sent to selected assessment candidates)

        "assessmentCandidates": [
                "id": 2215547
        "isNotify": true,
        "endDate": "2019-04-20T06:33:40.977Z"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3352538,
      "external_id": "e270c9ba-5b5a-11e9-93e9-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 4,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T06:35:51+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T06:35:51+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentCandidates": [
          "id": 2215547
      "endDate": "2019-04-20T06:33:40.977Z"

    JSON POST Request: (When reminder has to be sent to all the assessment candidates in the section, who are in invited or in-progress status)

        "assessmentSections": [
                "id": 381499
        "isNotify": true,
        "endDate": "2019-04-20T06:33:40.977Z"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3352538,
      "external_id": "e270c9ba-5b5a-11e9-93e9-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 4,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T06:35:51+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T06:35:51+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSections": [
          "id": 381499
      "endDate": "2019-04-20T06:33:40.977Z"

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentCandidates Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    false Array of object with fields as id of Assessment Candidate
    isNotify boolean true If true, notification will be sent to the candidate notifying re binvite to the Assessment
    endDate Timestamp false The date and time when the assessment expires
    assessmentSections Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    false Array of object with assessment section ids

    Remind Panel

    The action Remind Panel is used to send an email reminder to the assigned Panel members about Assessment Section they need to evaluate.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/remind-panel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": true,
        "endDate": "2019-04-20T07:54:32.288Z",
        "assessmentCandidates": [
                "id": 2215547
                "id": 2215440

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3354398,
      "external_id": "a826183a-5b66-11e9-bca5-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 3,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T08:00:07+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T08:00:07+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentCandidates": [
          "id": 2215547
          "id": 2215440
      "endDate": "2019-04-20T07:54:32.288Z",
      "panel": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentCandidates Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    true Array of object with fields as id of Assessment Candidate
    isNotify boolean true If true, notification will be sent to the Panel notifying about the Assessment Candidate they are assigned to by the recruiter
    endDate Timestamp false The date and time when the assessment expires

    Section Workflow

    The action Section Workflow provides the facility to add or delete multiple sections to an existing assessment creating multiple Assessment Section.

    Endpoint can be accessed by the following roles :

    1. Master Recruiter
    2. Recruiter
    3. API user
    POST /actions/section-workflow HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "parent": 7194900,
        "child": 7194899,
        "assessmentID": 892847,
        "type": "insert",
        "section": {
            "title": "Video Interview",
            "section_type_id": "5",
            "evaluation_form_id": null,
            "evaluation_form_url": null,
            "parameters": [],
            "combined": [
                    "question_id": "89075",
                    "sort_order": 1
            "isRetake": false,
            "is_review": false,
            "is_proctor": false,
            "isPlaylist": false,
            "isSkipAllowed": true,
            "questionDisplayTime": 10,
            "max_question_time": 180
        "sync": true

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 3490619,
        "external_id": null,
        "name": null,
        "comment": null,
        "status": 3,
        "type": "insert",
        "skipCallback": null,
        "total_count": null,
        "error_count": null,
        "success_count": null,
        "completed_at": null,
        "requested_at": null,
        "started_at": null,
        "last_attempt_at": null,
        "requested_by": 30876,
        "isNotify": null,
        "message": null,
        "created_at": "2019-04-19T12:01:44+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-04-19T12:01:44+00:00",
        "response": null,
        "parent": 7194900,
        "child": 7194899,
        "assessmentSectionID": null,
        "assessmentID": 892847

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    parent integer true The parent id of the assessment section order
    child integer true The child id of the assessment section order
    assessmentID integer true The id of the Assessment
    type text true The type of section workflow. Example: insert, delete
    section jsonb true The details of Section

    List of Types:

    Event Types Value Description
    DELETE delete To delete an existing section
    INSERT insert To add a new section

    Simulation Cancel

    The action Simulation Cancel is used to cancel a Simulation Session invited by the recruiter. It also provides the provision for sending the notification mail to the Candidate as well as the Panel associated with the session.

    POST /actions/simulation-cancel HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572,
       "isNotify": true

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3356304,
      "external_id": "597377c2-5b7b-11e9-8286-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 16,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T10:28:15+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T10:28:15+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentSectionCandidateID Integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Section Candidate object
    isNotify boolean true If true, notification will be sent to the Panel as well as Candidate notifying about the cancel of Simulation Session

    Simulation Reminder

    The action Simulation Reminder is used to send reminder notification email to the Candidate as well as the Panel regarding the Simulation Session invited by the recruiter.

    POST /actions/simulation-reminder HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572,
        "isNotify": true

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3356304,
      "external_id": "597377c2-5b7b-11e9-8286-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 16,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": true,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T10:28:15+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T10:28:15+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentSectionCandidateID Integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Section Candidate object.
    isNotify boolean true If true, a reminder notification mail will be sent to the Panel as well as the Candidate

    Simulation Reschedule

    The action Simulation Reschedule is used to prepone or postpone the Simulation Session scheduled by the recruiter. While making a POST request, the start date and the end date of the session is replaced with the updated date. It also provides the provision for sending the notification mail to the candidate and the panel notifying the details of the updated schedule.

    POST /actions/simulation-reschedule HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON POST Request:

        "isNotify": false,
        "endDate": "2019-04-12T09:25:00.000Z",
        "startDate": "2019-04-12T08:55:00.000Z",
        "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572,
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata"

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3357111,
      "external_id": "0d910b46-5b83-11e9-9887-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 17,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": false,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T11:23:23+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T11:23:23+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572,
      "startDate": "2019-04-12T08:55:00.000Z",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "endDate": "2019-04-12T09:25:00.000Z",
      "currentOffset": null,
      "currentTimezone": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentSectionCandidateID Integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Section Candidate object
    isNotify boolean true If true, notification mail will be sent to the Panel as well as Candidate notifying about the updated schedule of Simulation Session
    endDate timestamptz true The updated date and time when the Simulation session expires
    startDate timestamptz true The updated date and time from when the Simulation session is active
    timezone string false Time zone of the recruiter

    Simulation Schedule

    The action Simulation Reschedule is used to schedule the Simulation Session for the Candidate.It also provides the provision for sending the notification mail to the candidate as well as the panel notifying the details of the scheduled session.

    POST /actions/simulation-schedule HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token
        "startDate": "2019-04-10T17:25:00.000Z",
        "endDate": "2019-04-10T18:25:00.000Z",
        "candidateID": 6833196,
        "email": "",
        "assessmentCandidateID": 2219008,
        "assessmentSectionID": 842438,
        "isNotify": true,
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "panel": [
                "id": 30876

    The above request returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 3357111,
      "external_id": "0d910b46-5b83-11e9-9887-000d3a2717d9",
      "name": null,
      "comment": null,
      "status": 1,
      "type": 17,
      "skipCallback": null,
      "total_count": null,
      "error_count": null,
      "success_count": null,
      "completed_at": null,
      "requested_at": null,
      "started_at": null,
      "last_attempt_at": null,
      "requested_by": 30876,
      "isNotify": false,
      "message": null,
      "created_at": "2019-04-10T11:23:23+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-04-10T11:23:23+00:00",
      "response": null,
      "assessmentSectionCandidateID": 2382572,
      "startDate": "2019-04-12T08:55:00.000Z",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "endDate": "2019-04-12T09:25:00.000Z",
      "currentOffset": null,
      "currentTimezone": null

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    assessmentCandidateID Integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Candidate object
    assessmentSectionCandidateID Integer true The unique identifier of the Assessment Section Candidate object
    isNotify boolean true If true, notification mail will be sent to the Panel as well as Candidate notifying about the schedule of Simulation Session
    endDate timestamptz true The date and time when the Simulation session expires
    startDate timestamptz true The date and time from when the Simulation session is active
    timezone string false Time zone of the recruiter
    candidateID Integer false The unique identifier of the Candidate object
    panel Array
    [{ id: Integer }]
    false Array of object with fields as id of the panel
    email text false The email address of the Candidate


    A Bearer Token must be added in the header in order to execute the mobile APIs.

    Header Object

      "Authorization" : "Bearer <Enter the token here>"

    Answer Recording (Mobile)

    Create an Answer Recording (Mobile)

    POST /mobile/answer-recording HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request:

        "answer_id": "flash",
        "file": "<file>",
        "sequence": 1,
        "type": "<type>"

    JSON Response:

        "id": 3576987,
        "answer_id": 2664282,
        "sequence": null,
        "file_id": 8947570,
        "file": {
            "id": 8947570,
            "name": "1528966508389_81481",
            "external_id": null,
            "description": "recording",
            "file_type_id": 2,
            "size": null,
            "resourceUrl": "",
            "extension": "flv",
            "originalName": "1528966508389_81481.flv",
            "_links": {
                "fileType": {
                    "href": "/models/file-type/2"

    Creates a new answer recording

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Description required
    type text The type of the recording. It can be one value from the list ['webrtc','flash'] true
    sequence integer Sequence of the answer recording true
    answer_id integer The answer id true
    file binary The file to be uploaded true

    Answer (Mobile)

    List all Answer (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/answer HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

            "id": 2687836,
            "question": {
                "id": 56659,
                "type": "essay",
                "title": "TEST",
                "content": {
                    "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                    "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
                "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                "hint": null,
                "choice_1": null,
                "choice_2": null,
                "choice_3": null,
                "choice_4": null,
                "choice_5": null,
                "leftList": null,
                "rightList": null,
                "matchMap": null,
                "tagData": null,
                "testCase": null,
                "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"
            "status": 3000,
            "answered_at": "2018-06-20 05:58:16+00",
            "choice": null,
            "text": null,
            "question_id": 56659,
            "max_sequence": 0,
            "submitted_files": [],
            "_links": {
                "question": {
                    "href": "/attend/question?id=56659"

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve an Answer (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/answer/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 2687836,
        "question": {
            "id": 56659,
            "type": "essay",
            "title": "TEST",
            "content": {
                "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
            "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
            "hint": null,
            "choice_1": null,
            "choice_2": null,
            "choice_3": null,
            "choice_4": null,
            "choice_5": null,
            "leftList": null,
            "rightList": null,
            "matchMap": null,
            "tagData": null,
            "testCase": null,
            "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"
        "status": 3000,
        "answered_at": "2018-06-20 05:58:16+00",
        "choice": null,
        "text": null,
        "question_id": 56659,
        "max_sequence": 0,
        "submitted_files": [],
        "_links": {
            "question": {
                "href": "/attend/question?id=56659"

    Retrieves the details of answer

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Create an Answer (Mobile)

    POST /mobile/answer HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request:


    JSON Response:

        "id": 2701497,
        "question": {
            "id": 56652,
            "type": "multiple choice",
            "title": "TEST",
            "content": {
                "text/html": "<p>What is 1+1 ?</p>",
                "text/plain": "What is 1+1 ?"
            "contentRaw": "<p>What is 1+1 ?</p>",
            "hint": null,
            "choice_1": "<p>1</p>",
            "choice_2": "<p>2</p>",
            "choice_3": "<p>3</p>",
            "choice_4": "<p>4</p>",
            "choice_5": null,
            "leftList": null,
            "rightList": null,
            "matchMap": null,
            "tagData": null,
            "testCase": null,
            "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:47:20+00"
        "status": 3000,
        "answered_at": null,
        "choice": 1,
        "text": "",
        "question_id": 56652,
        "max_sequence": 0,
        "submitted_files": [],
        "_links": {
            "question": {
                "href": "/attend/question?id=56652"

    Create a new answer

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    question_id integer The question id for which the answer is created false
    choice integer The choice from the MCQ options false
    text text The text for the answer in case of subjective questions false
    status integer The status. (Default value is 1000) false
    question text The question false

    Update an Answer (Mobile)

    PUT /mobile/answer/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request for the fields you want to update:

      "text": "updated text"

    JSON Response:

        "id": 2664338,
        "question": {
            "id": 56659,
            "type": "essay",
            "title": "TEST",
            "content": {
                "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
            "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
            "hint": null,
            "choice_1": null,
            "choice_2": null,
            "choice_3": null,
            "choice_4": null,
            "choice_5": null,
            "leftList": null,
            "rightList": null,
            "matchMap": null,
            "tagData": null,
            "testCase": null,
            "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"
        "status": 3000,
        "answered_at": "2018-06-14 08:57:12+00",
        "choice": null,
        "text": "updated text",
        "question_id": 56659,
        "max_sequence": 0,
        "submitted_files": [],
        "_links": {
            "question": {
                "href": "/attend/question?id=56659"

    Retrieves the updated details of answer

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Answer File(Mobile)

    The answer-file API is used to save the files attached to each question in an essay section. The file can be sent as a multi-part form data.

    Create an Answer File (Mobile)

    POST /mobile/answer-file HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request body:


    JSON Response:

        "id": 4817,
        "answer_id": 3233,
        "sequence": 1,
        "file_id": 18086,
        "file": {
          "id": 18086,
          "name": "158504840468767",
          "external_id": null,
          "description": "",
          "pdfUrl": null,
          "file_type_id": 25,
          "size": null,
          "created_at": "2020-03-24 11:13:24+00",
          "updated_at": "2020-03-24 11:13:24+00",
          "resourceUrl": "",
          "extension": "csv",
          "originalName": "SalesJan2009.csv",
          "_links": {
            "fileType": {
              "href": "/models/file-type/25"
        "created_at": "2020-03-24 11:13:27+00",
        "updated_at": "2020-03-24 11:13:27+00"

    Create a new answer file.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional
    answer_id integer The answer id for which the attachment is created false
    sequence integer The sequence of the answer file false
    file binary The file to be uploaded false

    Assessment Section (Mobile)

    List all Assessment Section (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/assessment-section HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 128219,
        "section": {
            "id": 42389,
            "external_id": null,
            "title": "Essay Question",
            "is_template": false,
            "is_default": false,
            "evaluation_form_id": null,
            "candidateFormUrl": null,
            "evaluationFormUrl": null,
            "content": null,
            "questionsCount": 1,
            "type": "Essay",
            "form_id": null,
            "type_id": 4,
            "section_type_id": 4,
            "_links": []
        "is_public": false,
        "is_proctor": true,
        "is_review": false,
        "isSkipAllowed": true,
        "is_visible": true,
        "is_retake": false,
        "start_date": null,
        "duration": "36 - 44 minutes",
        "end_date": null,
        "hasLargeForm": false,
        "assessment_id": 21318,
        "max_section_time": 600,
        "max_question_time": null,
        "questionDisplayTime": 3,
        "intro": null,
        "conclusion": null,
        "assessment": {
            "id": 21318,
            "external_id": null,
            "title": "Dummy Assessment",
            "description": \nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit eros sit amet lorem varius venenatis. Cras scelerisque dapibus lorem. Ut malesuada orci posuere sollicitudin mollis. Cras nec efficitur quam. Integer neque nisi, rutrum ac lacus at, porta finibus orci. Duis pretium imperdiet nisi, ac luctus nisi ornare quis. Ut interdum commodo ipsum id condimentum. Etiam iaculis suscipit lacus vulputate laoreet. Ut ante risus, malesuada sed eleifend vitae, malesuada ac ex. Aliquam vitae nunc at sem faucibus placerat.\n ",
            "promo": null,
            "position": {
                "id": 16403,
                "external_id": null,
                "name": "Dummy Assessment",
                "designation": null,
                "job_requirements": null,
                "job_responsibilities": null
            "organization": {
                "id": 488,
                "name": "Talview Dev Team Testing",
                "logo": "",
                "theme": "default",
                "timeZone": "Etc/GMT+10",
                "promo": null,
                "logoutUrl": "/login",
                "termsLink": ""
            "start_date": "2017-11-03 05:15:00+00",
            "status_id": 3,
            "customFields": [],
            "end_date": "2018-05-10 18:29:00+00",
            "theme": "default",
            "proviewUrl": "",
            "proviewToken": "U23A5311",
            "created_at": "2017-11-03 15:46:17+00",
            "updated_at": "2018-03-06 13:44:45+00",
            "formUrl": "",
            "preTemplate": null,
            "skin": null
        "_links": {
            "parameters": {
                "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=42389"
            "assessment": {
                "href": "/models/assessment/21318"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    id integer Filter records based on status id true
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Assessment Section Candidate (Mobile)

    List all Assessment Section Candidate (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/assessment-section-candidate HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 425863,
        "external_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 368710,
        "timeElapsed": 0,
        "isComplete": true,
        "section_id": 42389,
        "assessment_id": 21318,
        "assessment_section_id": 128219,
        "c": "2at3HeMPWitZebku94qRIouHfh9VDFvswO~lwj2d7VQxNTI5NDkzNzM4NDI1ODYz",
        "preTemplate": "",
        "verification_code": "75498121",
        "start_date": null,
        "externalComplete": false,
        "end_date": "2018-06-30 05:55:49+00",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "intro": null,
        "conclusion": null,
        "hasBooked": false,
        "duration": "10 - 15 minutes",
        "started_at": null,
        "postAssessmentUrl": null,
        "status_id": 13,
        "completed_at": "2018-06-20 05:59:27+00",
        "status_reason_id": null,
        "status": {
            "id": 13,
            "sort_key": 50,
            "label": "Completed",
            "type": 20
        "simulationUrl": "",
        "liveUrl": null,
        "questions": [
                "id": 56659,
                "type": "essay",
                "title": "TEST",
                "content": {
                    "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                    "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
                "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                "hint": null,
                "choice_1": null,
                "choice_2": null,
                "choice_3": null,
                "choice_4": null,
                "choice_5": null,
                "leftList": null,
                "rightList": null,
                "matchMap": null,
                "tagData": null,
                "testCase": null,
                "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?id=425863"
            "answers": {
                "href": "/models/answer?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "formInstances": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "preFormInstances": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&type%5B0%5D=3&type%5B1%5D=17&type%5B2%5D=18"
            "evaluationFormInstances": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&type=2"
            "evaluations": {
                "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "panelCandidates": {
                "href": "/models/panel-candidate?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "status": {
                "href": "/status?id=13"
            "index": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
            "reports": {
                "href": "/models/file?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&file_type_id%5B0%5D=31&file_type_id%5B1%5D=40"
            "liveSessions": {
                "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "liveSessionsWithRecording": {
                "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&expand=recordings"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    id integer Filter records based on status id true
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Retrieve a Assessment Section Candidate (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/assessment-section-candidate/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 425863,
        "external_id": null,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 368710,
        "timeElapsed": 0,
        "isComplete": true,
        "section_id": 42389,
        "assessment_id": 21318,
        "assessment_section_id": 128219,
        "c": "4I-Iq-GSaIPB1wz2OJQcr3Rtz3tnvsxml1uM8WwgjLIxNTI5NDk0MDE0NDI1ODYz",
        "preTemplate": "",
        "verification_code": "75498121",
        "start_date": null,
        "externalComplete": false,
        "end_date": "2018-06-30 05:55:49+00",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "intro": null,
        "conclusion": null,
        "hasBooked": false,
        "duration": "10 - 15 minutes",
        "started_at": null,
        "postAssessmentUrl": null,
        "status_id": 13,
        "completed_at": "2018-06-20 05:59:27+00",
        "status_reason_id": null,
        "status": {
            "id": 13,
            "sort_key": 50,
            "label": "Completed",
            "type": 20
        "simulationUrl": "",
        "liveUrl": null,
        "questions": [
                "id": 56659,
                "type": "essay",
                "title": "TEST",
                "content": {
                    "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                    "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
                "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
                "hint": null,
                "choice_1": null,
                "choice_2": null,
                "choice_3": null,
                "choice_4": null,
                "choice_5": null,
                "leftList": null,
                "rightList": null,
                "matchMap": null,
                "tagData": null,
                "testCase": null,
                "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?id=425863"
            "answers": {
                "href": "/models/answer?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "formInstances": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "preFormInstances": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&type%5B0%5D=3&type%5B1%5D=17&type%5B2%5D=18"
            "evaluationFormInstances": {
                "href": "/models/form-instance?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&type=2"
            "evaluations": {
                "href": "/evaluation?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "panelCandidates": {
                "href": "/models/panel-candidate?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "status": {
                "href": "/status?id=13"
            "index": {
                "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate"
            "reports": {
                "href": "/models/file?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&file_type_id%5B0%5D=31&file_type_id%5B1%5D=40"
            "liveSessions": {
                "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863"
            "liveSessionsWithRecording": {
                "href": "/models/live-session?assessment_section_candidate_id=425863&expand=recordings"

    Retrieves the details of assessment section candidate

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Form Submission (Mobile)

    List all Form Submission (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/form-submission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

            "id": 263842,
            "status": 500,
            "form_id": 6600,
            "data": [
                    "key": "sharan",
                    "name": "FirstName",
                    "label": "First Name",
                    "value": "sharan"
                    "key": "joseph",
                    "name": "LastName",
                    "label": "Last Name",
                    "value": "joseph"
                    "key": "",
                    "name": "Email",
                    "label": "Email",
                    "value": ""
                    "key": "652652",
                    "name": "Phone",
                    "label": "Phone",
                    "value": "652652"
            "assessment_section_id": 128219,
            "assessment_candidate_id": 368710,
            "assessment_section_candidate_id": 425863

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    id integer Filter records based on status id true
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Retrieve a Form Submission (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/form-submission/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 263842,
        "status": 500,
        "form_id": 6600,
        "data": [
                "key": "sharan",
                "name": "FirstName",
                "label": "First Name",
                "value": "sharan"
                "key": "joseph",
                "name": "LastName",
                "label": "Last Name",
                "value": "joseph"
                "key": "",
                "name": "Email",
                "label": "Email",
                "value": ""
                "key": "652652",
                "name": "Phone",
                "label": "Phone",
                "value": "652652"
        "assessment_section_id": 128219,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 368710,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 425863

    Retrieves the details of form-submission

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Update a Form Submission (Mobile)

    POST /mobile/form-submission HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request:

        "data": [
                "key": "rtfyghj",
                "name": "FirstName",
                "label": "First Name",
                "value": "sharan"
                "key": "rtfghyjk",
                "name": "LastName",
                "label": "Last Name",
                "value": "rtfghyjk"
                "key": "",
                "name": "Email",
                "label": "Email",
                "value": ""
                "key": "8945",
                "name": "Phone",
                "label": "Phone",
                "value": "8945"
      "form_id": 6179

    JSON Response:

        "id": 264252,
        "status": 500,
        "form_id": 6179,
        "data": [
                "key": "rtfyghj",
                "name": "FirstName",
                "label": "First Name",
                "value": "sharan"
                "key": "rtfghyjk",
                "name": "LastName",
                "label": "Last Name",
                "value": "rtfghyjk"
                "key": "",
                "name": "Email",
                "label": "Email",
                "value": ""
                "key": "8945",
                "name": "Phone",
                "label": "Phone",
                "value": "8945"
        "assessment_section_id": 128234,
        "assessment_candidate_id": 369490,
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 427264

    Updates the details of form-submission

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    data Array of Object The array of objects for which the values are to be changed true
    form_id Integer The form id true

    Delete a Form Submission (Mobile)

    DELETE /mobile/form-submission/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    Deletes the details of form-submission

    HTTP Request


    File Upload

    The File Upload endpoint is used for uploading the file in the server.

    The File Upload Object

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    file_type_id integer The Id of the File Type
    is_public boolean If true, the file can be retrieved
    organization_id integer The id of the Organization
    status integer The status of the file upload.Example: Uploaded, Queued.
    The Status of the File Upload are described in the list below
    server_id integer The Id of the server where the file will be uploaded
    name text The name of the File
    extension text The extension of the File
    path string The path where the File will be uploaded
    modified_by integer The id of the User who uploaded the file

    List of File Upload Status:

    Status Key Description
    Available 100 The file is available in the server
    UnAvailable 999 The file is not available in the server
    Queued 101 The file is queued for the process
    Processing 102 The file is under process
    Complete 103 The file upload is complete
    Error 104 Error while uploading the file

    Upload a File

    POST /mobile/file-upload HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    This end point is used for uploading a file in the server.

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    data text true The File (base64 string)
    name text false The name of the File
    file_type_id integer false The file_type_id of the file

    Form (Mobile)

    List all Form (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/form HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

            "id": 6600,
            "name": "21318",
            "structure": [],
            "url": null,
            "type": 3,
            "status": 0,
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null,
            "is_public": false,
            "article_id": null,
            "custom_url": null,
            "position_id": null,
            "organization_id": 488,
            "is_editable": false

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve a Form (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/form/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 6600,
        "name": "21318",
        "structure": [],
        "url": null,
        "type": 3,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "is_public": false,
        "article_id": null,
        "custom_url": null,
        "position_id": null,
        "organization_id": 488,
        "is_editable": false

    Retrieves the details of form

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Live Attendee (Mobile)

    List all Live Attendee (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/live-attendee HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

      "id": 109883,
      "live_session_id": 3102,
      "email": "",
      "phone": null,
      "name": "",
      "status": null,
      "role": 1,
      "candidate_id": 21471,
      "organization": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "company 1 -Public Ltd.",
        "logo": "",
        "termsLink": "",
        "privacyLink": "",
        "chatbot_enabled": true
      "postAssessmentUrl": "",
      "fullName": "",
      "joined_at": "2020-12-17 07:07:27+00",
      "user_id": null,
      "left_at": "2020-12-17 07:07:27+00",
      "passcode": null,
      "joinUrl": "",
      "created_by": 41,
      "updated_by": 41,
      "created_at": "2020-12-17 07:07:27+00",
      "theme": "default",
      "skin": null,
      "updated_at": "2020-12-17 07:07:27+00",
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7InVzZXIiOnsibmFtZSI6ImFzaXlhLnMrbGl2ZUB0YWx2aWV3LmNvbSIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXNpeWEucytsaXZlQHRhbHZpZXcuY29tIn19LCJhdWQiOiJ0YWx2aWV3LW1lZXQiLCJpc3MiOiJtZWV0NS50YWx2aWV3LmNvbSIsInN1YiI6Im1lZXQtc3RhZ2luZy50YWx2aWV3LmNvbSIsInJvb20iOiIyNzMyMDQ3NTEwIiwiZXhwIjoxNjA4MTk4MDAwfQ.Kzzx1Y-bUx3YVGpq0KCnumNT-Omng4W_40Q0epuPNaw",
      "flashJoinUrl": null,
      "_links": []

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Retrieve a Live Attendee (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/live-attendee/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 12524,
        "live_session_id": 3947,
        "email": "",
        "phone": null,
        "status": 3,
        "role": 1,
        "candidate_id": 933054,
        "organization": {
            "id": 488,
            "name": "Talview Dev Team Testing",
            "logo": "",
            "termsLink": ""
        "postAssessmentUrl": null,
        "c": "lotdxZZo~qJ9OzBT0g~TKzk0YTMwNjZkZGZjNzQxOWI1Mjk3NGE4MTdlN2MwZDUyNTg3YTVlMmU3NmU4NGEzOWNmNTMwYTQ0NTg4YjU4YjeoY5gKzaiCzwl8wEolGUz9jSURmcGY3s8C3MnxN27XLA__",
        "fullName": "",
        "joined_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:20+00",
        "user_id": null,
        "left_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:20+00",
        "passcode": null,
        "joinUrl": "",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_by": 1,
        "created_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:19+00",
        "theme": "default",
        "skin": null,
        "updated_at": "2018-06-22 09:18:19+00",
        "flashJoinUrl": "",
        "_links": []

    Retrieves the details of live attendee

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Live Session (Mobile)

    The Live Session Object

        "id": 1665,
        "name": "612791",
        "is_record": false,
        "description": null,
        "status": 1,
        "starts_at": "2018-03-21 20:30:00+00",
        "ends_at": "2018-03-21 21:30:00+00",
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": null,
        "recording_status": null,
        "hosted_by": 36209,
        "version": 2,
        "domain": "",
        "created_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-03-21 14:38:28+00",
        "created_by": 36209,
        "updated_by": 36209,
        "_links": []
    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The unique identifier of the object
    name string The name of the Live Session
    is_record boolean Flag to check whether live session recording start/stop feature is enabled for a live session
    description string The description of the Live Session
    status integer The status of Live Session. Example: Scheduled, In Progress.
    location string The location where the live interview is scheduled. Used in offline Live Interview
    ends_at timestamptz The time when the Live Session ends
    duration timestamptz The duration of the Live Session
    timezone timestamptz The timezone of Live Attendee
    assessment_section_candidate_id integer The id of the Assessment Section Candidate
    recording_status integer The status of the Live Session Recording. Example: Disabled, Processing.
    hosted_by integer The id of the Organizer who hosted the Live Session
    domain string The URl generated for Live Attendee to redirect to Live Session window
    created_by integer The id of the User who created the Live Session
    updated_by integer The id of the User who updated the Live Session

    List all Live session (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/live-session HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 3947,
        "name": "207061",
        "is_record": false,
        "description": null,
        "status": 1,
        "starts_at": "2018-06-21 23:30:00+00",
        "ends_at": "2018-06-22 00:30:00+00",
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 422473,
        "recording_status": null,
        "hosted_by": 30876,
        "version": 2,
        "domain": "",
        "created_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:19+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "_links": []

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Retrieve a Live Session (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/live-session/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 3947,
        "name": "207061",
        "is_record": false,
        "description": null,
        "status": 1,
        "starts_at": "2018-06-21 23:30:00+00",
        "ends_at": "2018-06-22 00:30:00+00",
        "duration": "01:00:00",
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
        "assessment_section_candidate_id": 422473,
        "recording_status": null,
        "hosted_by": 30876,
        "version": 2,
        "domain": "",
        "created_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:19+00",
        "updated_at": "2018-06-22 09:14:19+00",
        "created_by": 30876,
        "updated_by": 30876,
        "_links": []

    Retrieves the details of live session

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Public Assessment Section (Mobile)

    Retrieve a Public Assessment Section (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/public-assessment-section/<id> HTTP/1.1

    JSON Response:

      "id": 43,
      "section": {
        "id": 29,
        "external_id": null,
        "title": "Essay",
        "is_template": false,
        "is_default": false,
        "evaluation_form_id": null,
        "candidateFormUrl": null,
        "isIframe": false,
        "evaluationFormUrl": null,
        "content": null,
        "isDynamic": false,
        "questionsCount": 1,
        "type": "Essay",
        "form_id": null,
        "type_id": 4,
        "section_type_id": 4,
        "external_assessment_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "_links": []
      "is_public": true,
      "is_proctor": true,
      "is_review": false,
      "isSkipAllowed": true,
      "isPlaylist": true,
      "hasNegative": true,
      "is_visible": true,
      "is_retake": false,
      "isRetake": false,
      "allowedCompiler": null,
      "publicLinkUrl": "",
      "start_date": null,
      "duration": "0 - 0 minutes",
      "end_date": null,
      "hasLargeForm": false,
      "assessment_id": 8,
      "max_section_time": null,
      "max_question_time": null,
      "questionDisplayTime": 10,
      "intro": null,
      "conclusion": null,
      "positive_mark": null,
      "negative_mark": null,
      "assessment": {
        "id": 8,
        "external_id": null,
        "title": "Only Essay",
        "description": "",
        "descriptionHTML": null,
        "descriptionText": "",
        "promo": null,
        "hasLive": false,
        "hasLargeForm": false,
        "position": null,
        "organization": {
          "id": 2,
          "name": "company 1 -Public Ltd.",
          "logo": "",
          "theme": "default",
          "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata",
          "promo": null,
          "logoutUrl": "/login",
          "cssSkin": null,
          "candidateIOSBundleID": "com.talview.candidate",
          "candidateDroidPackageName": "com.talview.candidate",
          "candidateIOSDownloadUrl": "",
          "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
          "isMobileAssessment": true,
          "chatbot_enabled": true,
          "watermark_enabled": false,
          "termsLink": "",
          "privacyLink": ""
        "start_date": "2020-12-15 18:30:00+00",
        "first_assessment_section_id": 43,
        "publicLinkUrl": "",
        "status_id": null,
        "end_date": "2020-12-25 18:30:00+00",
        "hasMobile": true,
        "theme": "default",
        "location": null,
        "type": null,
        "experience": null,
        "proviewUrl": "",
        "proviewToken": "U23A5311",
        "created_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-09 14:51:18+00",
        "formUrl": "",
        "reportUrl": "",
        "preTemplate": false,
        "skin": null
      "_links": {
        "unassigned": {
          "href": "/models/assessment-section-candidate?assessment_section_id=43&unassigned=1"
        "panel": {
          "href": "/models/panel?assessment_section_id=43"
        "parameters": {
          "href": "/models/parameter?section_id=29"
        "assessment": {
          "href": "/models/assessment/8"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Question (Mobile)

    List all Question (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/question HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 56659,
        "type": "essay",
        "title": "TEST",
        "content": {
            "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
            "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
        "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
        "hint": null,
        "choice_1": null,
        "choice_2": null,
        "choice_3": null,
        "choice_4": null,
        "choice_5": null,
        "leftList": null,
        "rightList": null,
        "matchMap": null,
        "tagData": null,
        "testCase": null,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    id integer Filter records based on status id true
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Retrieve a Question (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/question/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

        "id": 56659,
        "type": "essay",
        "title": "TEST",
        "content": {
            "text/html": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
            "text/plain": "Write a note on the last project which you worked on . "
        "contentRaw": "<p>Write a note on the last project which you worked on .&nbsp;</p>",
        "hint": null,
        "choice_1": null,
        "choice_2": null,
        "choice_3": null,
        "choice_4": null,
        "choice_5": null,
        "leftList": null,
        "rightList": null,
        "matchMap": null,
        "tagData": null,
        "testCase": null,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-03 15:52:17+00"

    Retrieves the details of question

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Register (Mobile)

    Create a Register (Mobile)

    POST /mobile/register HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request:

        "assessment_section_id": 2412800

    JSON Response:

        "id": 427731,
        "c": "OLRYVL6uWYxSPxjIKaU426lAckDcbsLXIaErC4ralh0xNTI5NjU1MzYwNDI3NzMx"

    Creates a new answer recording

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Description required commnet
    assessment_section_id integer The public assessment section id true

    Select Field Data (Mobile)

    List all Select Field Data (Mobile)

    GET /mobile/select-field-data HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

            "id": 6475518,
            "key": "ITSVK|IINS88888888|XXXX88BC8888|XXXX88BC2888|000000000000|000000000000",
            "value": "Not Applicable",
            "parent_value": "ITSVK|IINS88888888|XXXX88BC8888|XXXX88BC2888|000000000000",
            "parent_id": null,
            "select_field_type_id": 35,
            "sort_order": null,
            "updated_by": 31670,
            "updated_at": "2018-05-29 14:19:35+00",
            "created_at": "2018-05-29 14:19:35+00",
            "created_by": 31670

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Answer (Mobile)

    List all Answer (Mobile)

    GET /attend/answer HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

      "id": 8,
      "status": 3000,
      "answered_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "choice": null,
      "text": "",
      "question_id": 8,
      "assessment_section_id": 63,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 49,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 100008,
      "max_sequence": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "_links": {
        "question": {
          "href": "/attend/question?id=8"

    HTTP Request


    Retrieve an Answer (Mobile)

    GET /attend/answer/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Response:

      "id": 8,
      "status": 3000,
      "answered_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "choice": null,
      "text": "",
      "question_id": 8,
      "assessment_section_id": 63,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 49,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 100008,
      "max_sequence": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "_links": {
        "question": {
          "href": "/attend/question?id=8"

    Retrieves the details of an answer

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional commnet
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true

    Create an Answer (Mobile)

    POST /attend/answer HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request:


    JSON Response:

      "id": 8,
      "status": 3000,
      "answered_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "choice": null,
      "text": "",
      "question_id": 8,
      "assessment_section_id": 63,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 49,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 100008,
      "max_sequence": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "_links": {
        "question": {
          "href": "/attend/question?id=8"

    Create a new answer

    HTTP Request


    Body Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional
    question_id integer The question id for which the answer is created false
    choice integer The choice from the MCQ options false
    text text The text for the answer in case of subjective questions false
    status integer The status. (Default value is 1000) false
    question text The question false

    Update an Answer (Mobile)

    PUT /attend/answer/<id> HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer token

    JSON Request for the fields you want to update:

      "text": "updated text"

    JSON Response:

      "id": 8,
      "status": 3000,
      "answered_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "choice": null,
      "text": "",
      "question_id": 8,
      "assessment_section_id": 63,
      "assessment_candidate_id": 49,
      "assessment_section_candidate_id": 100008,
      "max_sequence": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-06-08 10:20:36+00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "_links": {
        "question": {
          "href": "/attend/question?id=8"

    Retrieves the updated details of an answer

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Type Description is optional
    fields text Filter to get specific key from response true